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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I think that resilience probably is healthy, as long as it's not taken to the extremes of an obsessive disorder. The fact that we're even here probably points up that we are indeed obsessed to some degree; I just appreciate the fact that for the most part, this group manages that obsession with wisdom, humor and self-awareness. That's not a common thing when it comes to large groups of humans and I respect the hell out of it when I see it. Stay golden, PB. 🤙 I also appreciate the fact that two people in one thread posting simultaneously can spell yeoman properly.
  2. I don't know; I've never seen a woman capable of speech afterwards. 🤷‍♂️
  3. I missed two plays during the game cuz I was down in the garage puffing on a cigar. >The fake punt, where I came back in and could not figure out how they had the ball on our 30. >The missed FG, which I only knew he missed because I heard my wife yell at the TV.
  4. I don't give a ***** what you think and I'm 10 seconds from removing your troll ass from here permanently for annoying my people. I've been genuinely contemplating picking somebody to completely eviscerate and then giving myself a week long suspension for it. Welcome to the list.
  5. As the de facto janitor, I was really not looking forward to breaking out the mop after having the season end in such a brutal fashion. Wading through the trolling, insults and crusading and trying to moderate it all was the last thing on this planet I wanted to deal with after that game. But as I have been reading around the board, I'm totally blown away to see the class and character with which 95% of this community has reacted to having their hearts ripped out again. Much respect to this community and the strength and dignity which runs through it. Y'all have built something really nice here and as sad as I am about the Bills, I'm just as happy with what you've created for yourselves. And maybe at the end of the day, that's what's more important.
  6. They answer to their brothers. Everybody else can get stuffed.
  7. Jerry Sullivan thinking that leadership involves talking to #######s like him is part of the reason that Jerry Sullivan is an #######
  8. I'm guessing that duty would fall to KJ Hamler if he's healthy enough to make the roster.
  9. Yeah, that was the primary reason I thought we were going to lose this game as early as the 2nd qrtr.
  10. I like KJ Hamler and am happy to see the Garage back as he might turn out to be a legit player in this league.
  11. Thank you for your interest in Two Bills Drive. Unfortunately we are full right now and have no room for another poster with no self-awareness and zero self-control. Please feel free to try again next year and we will give your application the consideration it deserves.
  12. This is what happens when you can't or won't control yourself and are putting up up 100+ posts of repetitive bitching in every thread on the board. That refusal to control yourself is why you were removed years ago and it's why you are going to be removed again. Learn or leave.
  13. Says the guy who has posted over 100x in the last 24 hrs.
  14. If they have a healthy back 7 that can holds its coverage for one more second, then that DL can be a difference maker. They didn't have that tonight.
  15. He was getting the ball out as soon as he hit his drop all night. On the rare occasions our coverage was solid, he was quick to get out of there. There were very limited opportunities for the pass rush to be effective and a big reason for that is that we were missing both our starting LB's, both our starting corners and Rasul was out there with a peg leg. You can't expect a DL to get home consistently in 2 seconds or less when there are guys running free all through the secondary.
  16. We definitely saw some regression in that best-I've-ever-seen lightning release he was displaying earlier in the year.
  17. I'd have to see it again to notice the edge; I was too focused on what was going on inside the box. 🤷‍♂️
  18. At least not from that formation it wasn't.
  19. That was frustrating moment #247 on the night I think.
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