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Everything posted by Simon

  1. He's not going 12 with a 20-30yr old at this point. But he'd probably still be hell on wheels for a couple rounds.
  2. I'll take Things That Still Hurt in the Film Room for $400, Alex.
  3. The finest song ever written about cleaning windows ; - )
  4. No, but there will be.....
  5. I hope somebody gave it up for some of these guys. I guarantee you can't watch 'em without cracking up.
  6. Yeah, me too. I typically tune out the talking heads, but he's one of the few guys who is naturally smart, knows what's going down on the field and clearly takes the time to do his homework.
  7. Maybe my bar is too high but if you want carry the designation of "warrior", just carrying the ball doesn't get you there.
  8. When I said I've never seen any sign of him being a warrior, I was referring to Cam. The times I've seen him get tagged inside or outside the pocket it's simply because he hasn't seen it coming.
  9. I'm not talking about off the field stuff. They're ballplayers, which makes half of them oversized dumbasses. You could make lists all day of guys that acted like idiots off the field. I'm just talking about being able to count on a guy during a game. As for him being a warrior, I've simply never seen it.
  10. Did you just try to compare Jim Kelly to Cam Newton? I have no words........
  11. I really enjoyed that. Here's another for the younger crew that wasn't lucky enough to have a chance to watch that team.
  12. I'm not talking about having a bad game; that happens to everybody at some point. I'm talking about turning your back on your brothers when they need you the most. That's a fatal flaw that no amount of good play can cover.
  13. Is he really though? If your overarching goal is to win a Super Bowl, do you really want a guy who has shown he can't be counted on at the biggest moment of the year? I'd much prefer to have a slightly less talented guy who has enough respect for himself and his brothers to stick his face in the fan when it's go time, rather than a guy who's going to sneak out the back door when it's time to bang heads.
  14. Duuuuude. It was a world championship game with 5 minutes left in a one score game. I've always considered him a low-character front-runner, but if he did that in the 3rd qrtr of Week 6 I wouldn't have thought much about it. But to duck out when all the chips are on the table? I literally would have benched him on the spot without a second thought and then cut him in the offseason. If you can't count on a guy when it's all on the line, I don't even want him around.
  15. Yeah, with his extensive background in demolition engineering we should have had DHS do a full investigation. Either that or scream at him to go back to Africa with the rest of the *******. Six of one, half dozen of the other
  16. Says the guy who likes white teeth more than black teeth......
  17. Yeah, it was just brutal. I wanted to fight 50 people on the spot I won't even type it. Imagine the worst you can think of, then double it.
  18. If you had been sitting in that endzone hearing what was coming out of people's mouths, you might have a different perspective on this. It was the only day of my life I've ever been embarrassed to be a Bills fan.
  19. No teammate with a functioning cerebral cortex wants to see his QB taking on defenders. That is strictly the territory of histrionic fans.
  20. Slacker....
  21. The Real New Era?
  22. I bet you he's going to force turnovers too. That draft fell into the Bills laps perfectly.
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