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Everything posted by Simon

  1. fwiw, this has been on the docket for a long time. I only found out about it a little less than a week ago and was specifically asked to keep my piehole shut as they wanted to keep it extremely quiet for some reason. This is not for show and the BIlls are going to make a very significant offer.
  2. $4.08 here on Key West. Go shovel your driveways, suckas! ----------) ::::::::::::::::::::::
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  4. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  5. I'm not convinced the guy is completely done. Last year he still had almost 50 catches in a reserve role. The year before that he had something like 800 yards on the season. The year before that he had the second most productive season of his career. It's not like he's Chad Johnson and is a total non-factor. He's a proud man with something to prove and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see him make some plays for somebody in 2012. I think I'd like to see the Bills call him up and see if he's interested. Aside from adding toughness and being a pretty good fit for this offense, he could be a lot of help in helping Stevie Johnson learn to play with better focus and could be a great influence on a very, very young and inexperienced WR corps. He probably doesn't have two good years left, but he might have one that could be a very positive influence on this team going forward.
  6. Not even close, imo. Woodley single-handedly destroyed the Big10 in every game I ever saw and Upshaw has always been just another guy out there. Lamar has the speed and quickness to get people off balance so that he can take advantage of his power; Upshaw does not. Woodley has HOF potential; Upshaw has the potential to carve out a decent career ala Andra Davis.
  7. That's got to be one of the funniest things I've ever read on this board.
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  9. I wonder exactly how many ways people can misquote that and blatantly twist the entire content of that thread. Probably about the same number of licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. Congrats on being licker #648...... Or are you still licker #647 since you've previously staked your claim? Oh and btw, for just the second time ever the Ravens swept the Stillers while winning the division; and in the game where Evans was healthy they scored the most points they've ever scored against a Stiller D. So yeah, I'd say he may have have had some effect on the dynamic of that rivalry.
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  12. Yes, because Tebow's glacial release, wild inaccuracy and questionable decision-making are a perfect fit for a spread offense. I hear this year they're going after Wes Welker in free agency to be the centerpiece of their deep strike offense. Your story about moving up for Tebow is nothing more than a fabricated fairy tale. The fact is that the Bills wanted to move up and grab Demaryius Thomas, who Doug Whaley had actually flown south to visit a few days before the draft.
  13. The Bills are about 1.3 trillion dollars under the cap. How in the hell can you justify any of these players as "salary cap casualties"?! I don't understand some of you people. All the ridiculous cuts listed in this thread are going to accomplish exactly two things. 1- Make the Bills a much weaker football team 2- Put some money in Ralph Wilson's pocket If those are your primary goals, then by all means cut Kelsay and Edwards and Johnson and Scott and whoever else you want to in order to keep the Bills 30 millions dollars under the cap. But if you're more interested in winning actual football games than playing cool math games, you keep these guys on board and add to them via the draft and some of the tens of millions of dollars you already have in cap space. Why anybody would want to weaken the Bills just to enrich a significantly wealthy owner is simply beyond my ken as a football fan.
  14. Maybe not as a pass-rushing DE, but he spent a significant amount of time at DT in 4 man fronts down the stretch last season. He'll be the first guy of the bench to spell Dareus and/or KWilliams. He may also be able to play some End on a variety of down/distance situations. He's a damned good player that can fill several important roles and cutting him would indeed be stupid.
  15. Why would they do something stupid like that?
  16. The question was what do you want, not what do you have......
  17. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  18. While it may seem on the surface that Dwan Edwards isn't a great fit for the Bills going into next season, there are two things I think that should be considered by all the folks in this thread who consider his release a foregone conclusion. 1- For some reason nobody wanted to talk about it when it was happening, but if you look at the latter part of the Bills season you'll see that the defensive staff was using Edwards in a lot of roles. In addition to his rock solid play as a 3-4 DE, he was also getting significant snaps in the interior of the Bills D-Line, both in 3 and 4 man fronts. While he's not an ideal 4-3 End, the Bills may very well view him as a capable DT, particularly on later downs or longer down/distance situations. 2- Buddy Nix views the Defensive Line as the heart and soul of a football team (a view with which I am in full agreement). Do you all really believe that Nix is going to willingly cast aside a tough, capable, versatile and reliable player like Dwan Edwards and weaken the unit he considers the most important on the team? Maybe the galdanged beancounters will rear their pimply pencil-heads to keep the Bills financial plan "streamlined", but if Dwan Edwards is released, it will not be a football decision and you can bet your bippy it will not Buddy Nix' decision.
  19. Charles Davis is exactly who I was going to mention as somebody who knows his business and puts the time in. Like Mayock, you don't always agree with him, but they're always the kind of disagreements where reasonable people differ; not the kind of desperate for attention, look at me stupidity you see from so many talking heads. Both Davis and Mayock have been sitting at the top of my respect board for many years now.
  20. I'm not a big stats guy but I thought the Bills OLine allowed a significant amount of pressure from the edges, particularly the left side. Pears is a journeyman who seems to be serviceable as often as not while Hairston is a big ol hunk of mass with limited mobility that might be able to carve out a decent NFL career on the right side. But the Bills have absolutely squat as far as LT's go right now. While my preference is to see them load up on LB's and start hurting people, I would have no problem if they grabbed a blue chip OT with their first pick in the draft.
  21. It's too bad he didn't know it on first down. I can't believe that defense didn't part like the Red Sea.
  22. &&^%*&^&%**!&@#%*#* I could't believe the Pats didn't let him score on first. Then they open it up and the Giants lose their minds and push it in. Just let Eli take a knee Gilbride
  23. You're just trying to make me watch a whole minute of talking heads and advertising aren't you? Nice try, but I'm trusting Jack. Country is good. However the modern pop singers with the expensive outfits, stylish hairdos and fake drawls are not country. They are pop singers. And they're unbearably annoying.
  24. I've never paid enough attention to SB commercials to be able to name even a single one from history. That being said, I always enjoy the hell out of this thread. You've already made me want to buy a Gillette Fusion!!!
  25. Anybody know what time kickoff is scheduled for?
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