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Everything posted by Simon

  1. While I understand them wanting to prevent anybody from jumping in front of them to snag their guy, that's just a fool-ass move, imo. I guess that's why they're the Browns.... Edit: Now that we know it's a 4,5 and 7 I don't see anything wrong with it. Good exchange for both teams
  2. You ever been elbowed in the temple by a 6'6" 260lb man gutless puke with retard strength?
  3. If I had a port in my head, I'd hook you up. Maybe a little after 9:00. He's tuned in tighter than I am so he might have a firmer idea in the next couple hours. But with the Bills being so open to a variety of scenarios, it'll be tough to pin anything down before 8:00. Although Buddy might have locked in on something since Tuesday but it didn't sound like they were to eager to commit to a particular course of action. They did finish setting the board Tuesday evening and have been running different scenarios the last couple days so maybe that's what he was referring to. Or he's just yanking reporters around for fun. He likes to have him a good 'ol time.
  4. Where do you live? I'll come over, bring materials and do a proper job of it for you.
  5. As of Tuesday, the Bills were still finishing up their board and had no idea what they were going to do for sure. They're open to so many possibilities right now that they are not setting anything in stone. The week before they went after Mario their mindset for the entire offseason was, and I quote, "Defense, Defense, Defense". They were planning on landing Mario but I'm not sure if the additional signing of Anderson has ameliorated that stance any. They do still want an impact WR (and have since the new front office came on board) and they know they need OTackles but they're not committed to anything right now. Although Buddy's no-brainer comment was probably in reference to Blackmon as they don't believe they have a realistic shot at Kalil. While it will have minimal impact on the draft, there was also some mention of possibly pursuing a veteran LB and OT in free agency sometime after this weekend. The bottom line? I don't have much I can say this year, but might be able to provide some insight into how things went down after the draft is over. My advice is to enjoy a couple Game 7's and flip on the draft around 9:00.
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  7. Maybe it was a doobie and nobody will care?
  8. You mean he did a Google search and discovered that for just the second time ever the Ravens swept the Stillers while winning the division; and in the game where Evans was healthy they scored the most points they've ever scored against a Stiller D? Gee licker, I guess maybe he did have some effect on the dynamic of that rivalry.
  9. Then why on Earth would you use a misleading title like "Nix's most likely draft", when it has nothing whatsoever to do with Nix?
  10. Obviously. That's why he took two of them with his first two picks.
  11. I'm finding myself intrigued with the idea of hobbles. Maybe we could even weight them, then every kickoff might take like 30 seconds to complete! Plus, it might be entertaining to watch Kellen Heard trying to run down Devin Hester. On the other hand, San Jose's idea for the Michelin Man suits is just dripping with entertainment potential. Inflatable uniforms on kickoffs with 15 men to a side could be awesome! I can't decide. I say we dress up 'em up in the Michelin Man suits and put weighted hobbles on them.
  12. So even though Nix has been trying to build a high character team, he' s suddenly going to spend a high pick on a corner with character issues? And even though he's trying to put together a tough, physical team with versatile players, he's suddenly going to grab a scrawny one-dimensional receiver who's scared of his own shadow? And even though Nix trieds to get value with his picks, he's suddenly going to start reaching for a slow LB because it's a position of need? And even though he's always said he wants to draft people with production over potential, he's suddenly going to grab a receiver who's leaving school early after being a one year wonder? Sorry kid, but aside from it being an unrealistic and awful group, it also bears no resemblance whatsoever to how Nix actually approaches the draft.
  13. I'm not a great math guy so I don't know anything about their stats, but they do remind me of one another on a football field. They're both sort of one dimensional players who can run the 9 but don't do a whole lot of other things very well. Neither one of them has much subtlety or craft to their game, neither one of them is particularly tough or physical, neither one of them attacks the ball in the air, neither one of them excels at moving the chains on third down, neither one of them is ever open when they're covered and neither one of them is a good fit for a Bills team that can't protect 7-step drops and has a QB that doesn't throw a great deep ball. Regardless of any Pittsburgh connections, I'd be absolutely stunned (and disappointed) if the Bills had any interest whatsoever in sacrificing a pick for the privilege of massively overpaying Wallace.
  14. I think there's one more thing. The Bills just traded Mike Wallace to the Ravens last year; why would they go out and sign him back for even more money?
  15. Why the hell would I want to copy you? You're an idiot. . . . . . . . Doh!
  16. Considering it only takes about 5-10 yards for those guys to get to full speed, I'm not sure how much of a reduction in injuries we could reasonably expect. In fact, with the extra second it would take for them to get downfield it might even give the return unit enough time to get up to full speed and then even exacerbate the problem by increasing the combined speed of the colliding players.
  17. What about those of us independent moderates who are not Obama fans and still laugh at your shrill, repetitive whining? I guess, like most of the people who can think for themselves and are capable of critical analysis, we'll just gravitate to different forums and leave you parrots to yourselves. Have fun telling each other how awesome you are and how stupid everybody else is. Bwak Bwak Barak!!!!
  18. Way to keep it from becoming a partisan issue.
  19. I got the same sense that there were more live returns as the season went on; but I don't think it was as much an issue of teams being willing to take more chances bringing it out, but instead there were more teams that began emulating the Bills strategy of kicking the ball to the goalline outside the hashes. At teh beginning of the year, the Bills were virtually the only team in teh league who were showing the confidence in their kicker to place the ball there, and while I also have no data to back this up, but it seemed that by the end of the year half the teams in the league were doing it.
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  21. #10 - Michael Floyd #41 - Alshon Jeffery
  22. I absolutely love Kirkpatrick's game but I think he's still a luxury at this point. The Bills still have significant issues at LB, Tackle and WR and until those ducks are in a row, they'd be best served to not spend valuable resources on defensive edge players. Coming into the offseason the focus on the roster was, and I quote, "Defense, Defense and Defense". I'm not sure yet if they feel they've met their needs in that area, but I'm guessing that the top end talent they want to acquire with their first couple picks is likely going to be on the other side of the ball; if they do keep bolstering the defense, I imagine it will likely be at LB(with all apologies to Rex Ryan, I am in love w/ Luke Kuechly's feet). I'm hoping for a more definitive answer on that question in about 2 weekends. And fwiw, I don't think Gailey will have to do a whole lot of lobbying as Nix has been trying to get an impact wide-out on this roster since Day 1.
  23. I agree that you need to keep the DB cupboard well-stocked all the time, but I'd be hesitant to call CB a major need this year, at least relative to other needs. Despite the opinions of the folks who can only see him when he makes a mistake, Florence is rock solid and is only going to get better behind an improving front 7. Aaron Williams showed strong last year and should have the other side well in hand. Even McKelvin could be significant factor this year if the Bills are wise enough to keep him in the slot as a nickel, where he could really excel by keeping things in front of him and at eye level and not having to play downfield with the ball over his head, which is the only place he gets in trouble. Fresh depth is always welcome, particularly in a division with the Pats, but I don't think it's a significant enough situation to refer to it as a major need.
  24. fwiw, you don't have anything to worry about on that account. This transition from Nix to Whaley was set up and understood right from Day 1. Whaley talked about time frames for succession with both the Bills and the Stillers, made his choice and is still happy with it. Buddy likes how things are going and still has a little bit of time left before he rides off; Whaley is cool and recognizes that. He's a patient guy and is not getting antsy by any means. He knows what he has here and is ready to step up, but is not chomping at the bit so hard that he is going to take off and destroy a well-laid plan that is progressing almost exactly as it was intended to. You can put that worry right out of your head Dr D; even if somebody else came knocking, Whaley has no interest in bailing on what he's building right now.
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