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Everything posted by Simon

  1. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use less deceptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  2. Hansborough was no more interested in a blocked shot than Haslem was. He swung two arms at his head, then used one hand to jack him in the back and the other to rake his face hard enough to lay him open over the eye. Just because the ball happened to be deflected has nothing to do with the fact that Hansborough was trying to clobber him. If the refs had given Hansborough a Flagrant 2, that would have put a stop to it right then. But they didn't, so Haslem gave him some of his own medicine and the refs called it the same way just like they should have. Things didn't get any worse after that and it was then probably the cleanest game of the series until the scrubs came on late. If I'm running the crew in Game 6, I go to both coaches before the game and make sure they understand that there is no such thing as a Flagrant 1 tonight. The first (and second and third and fourth) guy to blatantly hammer somebody is leaving, no questions asked. If that doesn't put an end to it, then teams are welcome to play short-handed.
  3. Haslem did exactly what he should have done andI think the refs made the right decision calling it an F1 and not tossing him. I can't believe the garbage the Pacers have been getting away with in this series and as much as people hate them, the Heat have actually handled it with remarkable self-restraint. I think Hansborough's two armed assault on Wade in the lane was the last straw for them (Psycho-T cut Wade above the eye in the same place Haslem took 10 stitches the other night on a cheap elbow from another Pacer thug) and Haslem dropped the hammer right back on him the first chance he got. If they would have tossed Haslem for protecting his teammates after not tossing any of the Pacers for all the crap they've pulled in the first 4-1/2 games, it would have been a real miscarriage of justice. Looked at it on its own, it certainly looked like an F2 and an ejection, but within the context of the other stuff that has gone on, I think the stripes did the right thing.
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  5. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  6. Starting a new thread cuz the other one was getting some kind of hefty...... Hey Buddy Donahoe, have a chair and a sip and relax for a while, eh?
  7. We've learned in the past that if we don't merge threads then people feel free to starat a brand new thread on whatever thought pops in their head and we end up with 15 different threads from 15 different posters who all feel the need to make their own individual keynote speech. Experience has taught us that those multiple threads are far more detrimental to the board than the occasional longish thread. Actually Tips, since we deal with so many posters I have no recollection of the incident you're referring to. Although if there were multiple trollish posts starting false rumors from a single account, I'm not surprised I sent you a knock it off or leave message. I also have a hard time understanding how I "didn't believe a word you were saying" when you admittedly weren't saying anything because you didn't want to rat out your buddy. I apologize if you felt that I've harbored some sort of grudge against you; considering that I don't even recall the incident, I have no ill feelings toward you whatsoever and have actually enjoyed many of your posts. In the future, if you feel I've done wrong by you, please feel free to tell me about it instead of holding it in for years. You seem like a decent fellow and I have no doubt the discussion would have been 100X more reasonable than the vitriol us janitors catch sometimes. Whatever your worry is/was, you can let it go bro cuz there's no worries on this end. Oh, the irony of catching one across the bow from out of nowhere while I was actually typing an apology to Tipster.... Example # 3,974 of the insults I was referring to.
  8. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  9. Since you claim to not really give a crap about any of this, I suppose what you could have done is displayed some dignity and self-restraint by keeping your piehole shut instead of intentionally trying to upset people who were already bothered about the death of somebody they respected. But I guess that's just not the kind of man you are.
  10. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use less deceptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  11. Haven't talked to anybody about their draft yet, but I have no doubt they're happy campers. As for Arians, I'm stunned they weren't dredging rivers for him 3 years ago. It took less than a season for these folks to want him drawn and quartered
  12. Three things: 1) This has been a knock on Chan going all the way back to his days with the Stillers. Granted, these folks think anybody that throws the ball on 2nd down is a pass-happy wildman, but he has always shown a willingness to utilize an aggressive passing attack. I wouldn't expect that to change much. 2) Have you taken into account that he knew his defense couldn't stop anybody, much less slow them down. I imagine he figured he needed 30 points to win every week and wasn't going to get that by grinding people down on offense, winning the field position game and playing good defense. 3) The addition of Cordy Glenn is likely to create a subtle change in how the Bills call their offense; I wonder what, and how subtle, that change will be.
  13. Buddy doesn't sleep. He waits......
  14. That's a great story Just so you know, your mindless, repetitive crusade with no basis whatsoever in reality is just making you look reallllly foolish.
  15. Cordy isn't chopped liver either. What does TJ stand for?
  16. With those wheels and a willingness to take it North, I'll be surprised if he's not returning punts by Halloween.
  17. I'm just wondering whether Carolina is going to shaft us yet again
  18. He's fine as long as the ball is in front of him around eye level. When he's got to track the ball over his head is when he gets in trouble. There's a place for him on this team, but I don't think it's a great idea leaving him out on the edge in man.
  19. He's a Pixburgher. But he flat out loves Chan and Buddy's drawls.
  20. We got screwed early Thursday and then screwed ourselves later on Friday. I didn't like spending a juicy Top10 pick on a mid-sized corner who was the third DB to come off the board. And I didn't like blowing our last really valuable pick on a smallish one-dimensional WR when there was two very good LB's sitting there that we really could have used. I'm not having a meltdown or giving it an F, it's just not how I would have approached things.
  21. I heard he scored big on his drug test at the combine!
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