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Everything posted by Simon

  1. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  2. Yeah, because Thurman never quit on his teammates in a big game........
  3. That's just a little house. I bet Mark Anderson's is bigger.....
  4. I don't really have anything to contribute cuz I'm not smart enough to know how to address what is clearly a wildly over-litigous society, and yet do so without removing some necessary protections for patients/victims/consumers. Just wanted to say that I'm enjoying the enlightening discussion.
  5. That Sabres team was so embarrassingly soft, I don't think they matched up well against anybody in a 7 game series.
  6. I think the best choice so far comes from coach. The Magnets.
  7. That's weird, cuz I'm having dreams of more Bills' DBs knocking him the #$*& out.....
  8. Good post, but I believe that was Rod Woodson you're thinking of. Barry ended his season early in the first game of the year without even touching him.
  9. While mocking LA sports teams is a time-honored tradition, I couldn't get a hate-on for that club. Those guys did it the way it's supposed to be done and I give them the nod for a title they earned and deserved. The butterknives playing a series with that squad would have looked like a tennis match. 6-2, 6-0, 6-1
  10. Considering she's about 14, no. But she's got potential to be good fun when she grows up...
  11. Yeah, I'd say Del is legit country; I guess I consider bluegrass/newgrass to be a particularly pure form of the countrah genre. It's these overproduced young fellas with their designer shirts, their $400 cowboy hats and their fake drawls that you hear with their prepackaged pop pablum on the radio that just don't fit the bill.
  12. Zac Brown Band - Sic 'em on a Chicken
  13. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  14. That's exactly where I found it, oh so many moons ago. I knew it wasn't Phish, but I swear I had that song for a year before I figured out who it actually was.
  15. The Gourds rip up Nickel Creek working Guy Clark's
  16. 4th qrtr of Game 6 of the OKC/SA series. Looks like the fix is in tonight.
  17. Dear Lord, I think we just found some common ground. I think I liked it better when you were a booger-eatin' moron.
  18. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  19. Seriously? The thread is to discuss where you think the Bills made mistakes. The guy lists what he sees as a couple mistakes and then states how much he liked our offseason and your response is to start cussing him and questioning whether he's even a Bills fan? Maybe you're the one who ought to check yourself.
  20. Yep, or on 2nd down you'd only need 5. ummmm, uhhhh , this is why I prefer books over math.
  21. You take the RB cuz if you're guaranteed 2 1/2 yards on every 4th down, then all the sudden you're playing every possession at 1st and 7 1/2 instead of 1st and 10. All you do is spread the field and run 8 yrd routes with a couple guys on every down and if you just complete 33% of your passes you're guaranteed to move the chains every time. And with your running production already locked in and the ball usually coming out in less than 2.5 seconds you wouldn't have to spend many valuable resources on your OLine; you could build yourself a pretty fierce defense to compliment your unstoppable offense. And if you played your cards right you'd have even more resources to spend on extra flexible cheerleaders. I don't know about you dummies but I'd spend every Sunday night celebrating my 55-20 win with my highly paid cheerleader squad.
  22. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use less deceptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  23. Hansborough was no more interested in a blocked shot than Haslem was. He swung two arms at his head, then used one hand to jack him in the back and the other to rake his face hard enough to lay him open over the eye. Just because the ball happened to be deflected has nothing to do with the fact that Hansborough was trying to clobber him. If the refs had given Hansborough a Flagrant 2, that would have put a stop to it right then. But they didn't, so Haslem gave him some of his own medicine and the refs called it the same way just like they should have. Things didn't get any worse after that and it was then probably the cleanest game of the series until the scrubs came on late. If I'm running the crew in Game 6, I go to both coaches before the game and make sure they understand that there is no such thing as a Flagrant 1 tonight. The first (and second and third and fourth) guy to blatantly hammer somebody is leaving, no questions asked. If that doesn't put an end to it, then teams are welcome to play short-handed.
  24. Haslem did exactly what he should have done andI think the refs made the right decision calling it an F1 and not tossing him. I can't believe the garbage the Pacers have been getting away with in this series and as much as people hate them, the Heat have actually handled it with remarkable self-restraint. I think Hansborough's two armed assault on Wade in the lane was the last straw for them (Psycho-T cut Wade above the eye in the same place Haslem took 10 stitches the other night on a cheap elbow from another Pacer thug) and Haslem dropped the hammer right back on him the first chance he got. If they would have tossed Haslem for protecting his teammates after not tossing any of the Pacers for all the crap they've pulled in the first 4-1/2 games, it would have been a real miscarriage of justice. Looked at it on its own, it certainly looked like an F2 and an ejection, but within the context of the other stuff that has gone on, I think the stripes did the right thing.
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