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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Are you seriously suggesting that all those false starts, offsides and procedure penalties were somehow not the fault of the players who kept committing them and would somehow not have been called had there been different officials on the field? I didn't see every single snap from start to finish, but I caught nearly half of it and didn't see a single penalty that had anything to do with the guys throwing the flags. I didn't watch long enough to see Prince Vince on the field, but Thigpen looks like he's scared of his own shadow. I hope we don't have to endure him in a Bills uni much longer.
  2. He just looks lost at times, like he can't process all his options and responsibilities. Taking penalties, getting himself spun around on routes, the same kind of things we've always seen from him at times. I just wonder if its time to put him in the backfield on early downs amd let Fred handle everything else because he can. With the D-Line regularly getting penetration and drawing doubles on every down, there's a lot of space out there for the 'backers to move and they're just not making as many plays as they ought to be, imo. We know Barnett is going to be all right but there's nothing else there right now. Sheppard still looks overmatched, Moats is never going to be more than a 3rd/long specialist, and Morrison has been virtually invisible since he was signed. I'm holding out some hope for McKillop (although half that is probably wishful thinking cuz he's a Western Pennsyltucky boy), but even if he can play he's still not enough to fill what looks to be a glaring talent gap. I'm hoping to hear some news soon that the Bills have every intention of picking up another veteran LB before the season starts, but if they don't I think our second level is going to be a trouble spot this year.
  3. Offense: > Encouraged by what we saw out of Cordy Glenn. He had some rookie jitters early but when he settled in, I thought he looked like he belonged. > Not so encouraged by what we saw from Hairston and Reinhardt. Fortunately they're depth and shouldn't have to carry too much weight. > If Chandler wants to carve out a career in this league, he really needs to develop some sense of self-preservation. He's got a habit of giving himself up to make plays that is admirable to a point. The tendency to stretch that point beyond good sense is a little troubling when you look at the entirety of the Bills TE corps. > I like the idea of Fitzpatrick getting more input on play selection. Not because of Fitzpatrick himself, but more so because of Chan's career-long tendency to marginalize his ground game. Another guy providing input might result in the Bills being a little more restrained with their passing attack. With any luck, Fitz will feel some obligation to take care of Fred because he's the leader of the offense. > I'm not convinced that Spiller has the mental game to do what the Bills would like him to be able to do. Flexing him out has some potential to create real problems with defenses but if he can't execute it he might as well be kept in the backfield. Defense: > Looks like Jairus Byrd picked up right where he left off. I get the feeling this kid is primed for a ProBowl caliber season. > I'm still scared of our LB's. With the crew they've got fronting them, these guys should be running around tearing **** up and they don't look ready to do that. Barnett is the only one you can trust right now and nobody else is giving us any reason to alter that view. I know they don't have to be great in this particular Front 7, but they DO have to be competent and I'm not convinced that's the case. > I'm typically a "just because they look good on paper doesn't mean anything 'til they show it" guy, but I think teams are going to have real problems producing offense against these guys. Overall: > Look for some live refs to be at Bills practices this week. The mass of penalties had to be driving Chan absolutely batty. > With the addition of Cordy Glenn and the fact that Urbik really started showing something as last year went on, I'm very encouraged about the Bills OLIne. > One of the nicest things to watch last night was the Bills showing legitimate depth in several places; that hasn't been the case in a veeeeery long time. > They didn't play well last night, but I still think they're going to be a good team.
  4. This is a thread about the Schumer's "plans" to keep the Bills in Buffalo. If you want to introduce unrelated political foolishness, I suggest you take it to PPP where it belongs. Please keep it out of here because most folks don't want to read your partisan rantings and they are not welcome in this forum. Thank you for your help and consideration.
  5. I hate cities so I'll be in San Juan for about 5 minutes before heading out to the underpopulated parts of the island. We're staying near there for the second half of the trip and already have plans to go kayaking late one night out on the bioluminescent bay. I'll definitely look into the snorkeling around there as well. Thanks, mac! I'll be about 15 miles WSW of Ponce for the first 4 days we're there. Very happy to hear that it's laid back with minimal tourists as that's what we were looking for. Thanks for the good news!
  6. Lindell is 6'3, 230# with a career percentage of 55% on FGs of over 50 yards. He's also shown s a unique ability to drop KO's on the goalline outside the hashes, which is a very useful talent in the current NFL.
  7. In the last 2 days you've made two dozen posts, about 20 of which have been bagging on the Bills starting QB for a crusade percentage of over 80%. This pattern has been going on for months. It has nothing to do with your opinion on the subject; it's all about the fact you won't shut up about it. Nobody wants to sit here and listen to some mouthy attention-seeker ripping the Bills QB 10 times a day. You've done more to degrade the quality of this board than any other currently registered member. This will be the last contribution I make to this discussion; the next time we talk about it, it will be in private, it will be brief and it will be significantly less pleasant than this one. I wish you the best of luck in learning the kind of self-control which may permit your continuing presence on this board.
  8. When Buddy, Doug and Chan were running multiple draft scenarios in the days leading up to the draft in order to be ready for any eventuality, they kept gravitating toward Keuchly every chance they got. They loved him as a player as much as they loved him as a person. When draft day rolled around they believed that he was far and away the best player they could realistically get at their spot, with everybody else a consolation prize. This is in no way a knock on Gilmore, who is a legit player and the kind of intense high-character guy they like, but the Bills draft room was crestfallen when Carolina took Keuchly right in front of them. They're very happy with Gilmore but they viewed Keuchly as a perfect fit for what they want to do and what they need to do it. Under my skin
  9. And as solid as they both are, I would say that neither one of them is qualified to carry Dick LeBeau's luggage.
  10. Heading down that way and was wondering if any of y'all lived there or had spent time there as I've never been. I'll be on the SW corner of the island for several days and then on the NE part of the island for a few more. Looking for out of the way beaches, cool coastal towns with good bars/music, snorkeling spots, nice hikes in the mountains, unique places for a beer/burger, and of course crowded places to avoid. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
  11. From the Terms of Service Do NOT post: ...... Personal "crusades" (posting the same information/opinion in an excessively repetitive manner. We want posters to share opinions not bludgeon others to death with them.) It's obvious that other posters are becoming sick of your crusade against the Bills QB. As such, you are rapidly approaching the point where if you cannot or will not exhibit self-control, it will be done for you.
  12. Considering how much Keuchly was talked about on this board before the draft, I don't see why his progression can't be a legitimate point of discussion. When you also consider that he was at the top of the Bills wish list, it also merits a backcheck on whether they were accurate in having him pegged that high nor not. Who else are we not allowed to talk about? Anybody that was ever drafted before the Bills first pick?
  13. Nope. You're free to believe it or not.
  14. Actually, I do. One can indeed make that argument. But they would be categorically wrong.
  15. I live near P'burgh, have seen him play quite a bit, have some idea of what kind of guy he is and am not even remotely interested in giving up any pick(s) for the honor of giving him 10+ million dollars. The fact that the Bills are not interested either should probably tell you something.
  16. FWIW..... If Keuchly had been available, the Bills would have sprinted to the podium to draft him quicker than they did with Spiller.
  17. OK, we're not necessarily looking for your seven bestest buds, but a seven person dinner party you'd get a kick out of hosting. No television on in the house, no cell phones at the table and no talk about politics on the property. Menu is 8 steaks (cuz an extra steak comes in handy every time), a mess of fresh baked tatoes and plenty of toppings for both. (If you want an extra invitee you can have Chef Jim running the grill. But he's not allowed to talk to the guests unless they address him first.....) Beer, booze and wine are available in a variety of sizes and strengths and the smoking lamp is lit. Who would you put at your table?-)
  18. We can come up with many excuses and reasons, but the bottom line is that the Bills have lost 8 of their last 9 games and half of those losses were by about 4 touchdowns. This team has a lot to prove. 20 weeks? Wow, you're getting patient in your dotage! You beat me by a minute.
  19. So all they did was add two games to the schedule and they think that's going to fix one of the biggest ongoing jokes in all of sports? I haven't bothered with college ball in a long time and this isn't likely to change that stance. If they want me and many others back, then they can give me a call when they decide to stop embarrassing themselves and address this in a manner that doesn't make everybody look like a bunch of crap-throwing monkeys.
  20. I'm now into the second week of wearing a really annoying brace on my left forearm because of a dipshlt biker. Granted, the injury happened miles from any roads and the dipshlt biker was none other than me. But I 'd still like to kick that idiot in the jimmy.......
  21. That was exactly my question as well. Not to mention the toddler was unattended so long, the creepy teenager(s) actually had time to leave to buy scissors somewhere else and then come back and the 3 year old was still not being taken care of? If I'm the judge, I've got a lot more questions than, "Would you like a haircut?"
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