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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Aside from your repetitive schtick rapidly getting real old real fast, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and are flat out wrong with your baseless assumption.
  2. Fwiw, the decision to bring in Vince Young was NOT a unanimous one in the front office. But the big man had the final say so those who weren't on board just decided to grin and bear it.
  3. Major props to Hammer for his hospitality and a great lot experience. We all enjoyed watching you deal with folks before the game who were apparently driving for the first time and we also got a kick out of watching you walk out and single- handedly stop three lanes of traffic to get us out and rolling afterwards. The unanimous consensus was that anybody in that van who came to a Bills game in the future would never bother parking anywhere else but Hammer's Lot. Great work hoss. Also a side not to L: I'm significantly pissed at myself for not checking a 'puter before we headed to the game; I never saw your note until after I got back to PA. We didn't have a ton of party time available because we had to head over early to grab the field passes, but we did have enough that I would have really enjoyed tracking you down and sharing a beverage and some chuckles. I'll now be coming up for more games in the future; don't be surprised to get a phone call out of the blue to see if you'll be in the same place for pregame so we can hang. And yes, I did feel honored ; - )
  4. Seriously? You're the one that invited him into the thread. Thanks for that.
  5. Is Kenny still cooking on the Pinto at your place or did he move again?
  6. Now that's my kind of lot! I'll look forward to sacking out in the bed of my truck some night in the future. And these boys might wear SB rings and drink out of a Stanley Cup just to piss me off. But they're good fun instead of obnoxious. Thanx and see ya Saturday.
  7. And the more important question, does it accommodate Stiller fans? I'm coming up Saturday with some Western Pennsyltucky buddies (no asshats(except me) so no worries) and I'd like to hit your place for my first game in about 10 years. If you're open for business, what time is OK to roll in and what time do you want us sobered up enough to be out of there by? - ) I'm heading to E-ville at lunch tomorrow and will be there through Sunday but I'll stop in here occasionally to check if you've seen this. Thanks, man.
  8. I'm not going to break down a scrimmage, but from what I've seen of Gilmore he looks rock solid
  9. I don't sweat the Jets at all, but fwiw I'm thinking that Zebrie was playing G and not T in the Vikings scrimmage.
  10. That entire post is a giant pile of stank-ass garbage. Nobody here wants to read your pig-ignorant personal crap about a former Buffalo Bill who you've never so much as even met. Why don't you take your mindless trash to another forum where it will be tolerated.....
  11. That was a fun game to watch with a bunch of Stiller fans. I also remember the first time we saw him in preseason action the year he was drafted. I don't remember who the opponent was but he single-handedly destroyed the interior of their offensive line for the snaps he was on the field. Some guys don't have an Off switch and I think Kyle is one of them.
  12. I think the guy that plays WIlfred is hysterically funny. It's one of the few shows on television I'll actually sit down and watch.
  13. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  14. I was just suggesting that using the Vikings scrimmage to make any kind of value judgement on the team as a whole was foolhardy. I think using the preseason to try to get a read on how the younger players are progressing is fair game. Heck, I've been saying that since about 20 minutes after George Edwards made teh mistake of pulling Andra Davis off the field and replacing him with Sheppard in the Jets game last year, especially when he insisted on doing it in the Bills heavy packages. Kelvin immediately became the very worst player on a really bad defense; he doesn't have the ass to fill the whole and he doesn't have the feet to cover anybody in this league. He did show a little progress as the season progressed but I still don't think he'll ever be a good enough ballplayer to be an NFL starter.
  15. There were two entirely different approaches taken by the two teams tonight. Offensively Minnesota was running a bunch of sprint options, play action, waggles and even a fleaflicker for gawd's sake. Meanwhile the Bills did nothing fancier than a 2ndhalf wildcat look and a couple read options. Defensively the Vikings were trying to disguise coverages and confuse Fitzpatrick on nearly every play and even threw in some overload blitzes and zonedawgs in the early part of the game while the Bills just played it straight up with an occasional stunt and virtually no attempts at deception. While I'll continue to maintain that we have issues with our LB corps, trying to make any negative judgements about this team from tonight's game is nothing more than foolish caterwauling.
  16. That's not true, there's still a lot of starters on the field
  17. thats a hell of a throw across his body on the move
  18. I can't believe it's now 8:25 and they've played 4 minutes of football. This is bordering on unwatchable
  19. We just drafted Harvin a few months ago. Why would we trade for him now?
  20. I can't really add anything else just yet and this might be all wrapped up before I do
  21. Actually, he's in his 20's and has only played about 5 years, meaning he's younger than Fitz and about the same age as Vince and Thigpen. So he's not exactly past his prime.
  22. If Seattle decides Tarvaris is the odd man out, they won't cut him; they'll shop him and likely get something in a trade for him. If that happens you can bet the Bills will be one of the teams showing interest. And it won't be to replace Brad Smith, it will be to replace Thigpen/Young AND to compete with Fitz for the starting QB spot. A little insider info: the guys calling shots in the Bills front office absolutely love Tarvaris Jackson's skillset and tried to bring him in a couple years ago. My guess is that if he is available, the Bills will explore making a play for him.
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