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Everything posted by Simon

  1. He's not getting the ball but a nod to TJ Graham for showing some real willingness as a blocker so far
  2. that is a fumble kc may have made a really stupid mistake caling that quick TO with :50 left we have a little time to make hay but Chan might not go for it with the kickoff in his pocket
  3. Agreed, but this defense knows it needs to take a more agresive mindset and that could be part of it
  4. and that wasn't the only time today he's had him on skates either
  5. ridiculous he's playing with tremendous power for a 4-3 End
  6. yeah, he's being unacceptably overprotective of the ball after last week's picks but is he losing confidence in himself or the rest of the offense?
  7. we've run more stunts in the first 15-20 minutes than we did all last week. and some props to teh secondary for finally making a QB have to move through his progressions
  8. I think his crew was having trouble deciding which of the blocks in the back to call. But yeah, the real refs are enjoying this game.....
  9. major props to the OLine Outside a couple Levitre mistakes they are kicking the snot out of a goof Chiefs Frtont7
  10. He did indeed start out a little shaky, but I thought he settled in and played pretty well as the game went on. I'll be surprised if the film doesn't show he played a pretty solid all-around game. In fact, I was very pleasantly surprised by the Bills LB corps as a whole. They did much better work than I expected to see.
  11. I don't necessarily love Chan, primarily for the egotistical reason that he doesn't do things the way I would do them. But I do respect him as a solid coach; that's why I'm so surprised that these guyys were clearly under-prepared yesterday. Maybe wearing two hats is just one too many for him. I know I'd never want my coach to be my GM, maybe the same principle applies here. And apologies for the ugly mugs comment yesterday; if I'd have known it was your boys first game, I'd have been less of a cynical bastard. I think your first two questions go together like peanut butter and jelly. It's hard enough trying to get that many guys on the same page and right now they look like a bunch of guys worried about making the right read instead of focusing on attacking the defense. Imo the problem with dumbing it down too much is that instead of relying on scheme to beat people, then you'd be more relying on talent. And aside from a couple/three guys, there is a significant dearth of talent on that side of the ball. I'm sure I was because a) they're scrimmages and b) they are for the most part meaningless. The Jets seemed ready to go yesterday and it wasn't because they were going balls to teh wall in preseason. The Patriots were ready to go yesterday and it wasn't because they went balls to the wall in preseason. Atlanta, Detroit, Denver and St Louis were all ready to go after marginal preseasons. On the flip side Philadelphia, Seattle, Jacksonville and Tennessee went a combined 14-2 in preseason and all looked like **** yesterday. Trying to predict regular season results from preseason data is generally a fool's errand
  12. Whaley was scouting him personally and Buddy had every intention of trading up into the first round to grab him but the Broncsc beat him to it. Is it hard to go through life in that state of constant misery?
  13. There were completions to be made IF the guys are on the same page; they are not. Regardless of whether those balls are incompletions or interceptions, this problem is not going to go away until they are on the same page. You want to put this all in Fitzpatricks lap and pretend it's as easy as changing QB's, but switching out the guy under center is not going to make the difference. There are problems in this offense that run deeper than just one guy.
  14. You don't know that. On the last two David Nelson wasn't doing anything resembling what Fitzpatrick thought he was going to be doing. If those passes hadn't been picked, none of them would have been even close to being completed either. That is another symptom of a deeper underlying problem that goes well beyond the "it's all Fitz" mantra. Until everybody is on the same page, it simply doesn't matter who's delivering the ball. If he had more arm, that lucky SOB could have been the first NFL QB to succeed on a steady diet of 13 step drops....
  15. The turnovers were a symptom of an underlying problem and they will continue until the problem is fixed. Look at when the ball is coming out and when guys are making breaks, look at the clusterbomb that results when the Bills try to call up a screen, look all over the offense and you'll see a lot of guys on different pages. There was zero point to calling up blitzes when Sanchez is getting the ball out to an open first read every single time he drops back. You can gritzblitz 9 guys at him and they're still not going to get home before he hits his drop.
  16. It's tough to generate pressure when the primary read is open on every galdanged dropback.
  17. was an alarming lack of timing and co-ordination throughout our offense. These guys did not have it together and were not ready to play pro ball by any stretch of the imagination, and I'm worried that this is not something that you can address in just one week.
  18. I barely watched the second half, but I thought that McKelvin did get benched. And not for taking a knee on the kickoff like he should have, but because he has issues with focus.
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