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Everything posted by Simon

  1. As awful as the stripes have been for the second week in a row, I'm having a hard time getting on them about that particular call. That's an absolutely brutal situation to put ANY official in, regardless of their ability or experience level.
  2. simultaneous possession goes to the offense Tommy Jackson is going ballistic right now
  3. Repeatedly hold the ball for a 6 count while staring at the rush?
  4. I think it's pretty funny that with all his cussing and posturing he's trying to come off as some kind of tough guy but instead sounds like a whiny little schoolgirl. But what's really funny is that after all his posing and puffing, he still skulks off the stage exactly when he's been ordered to. What a rebel!
  5. The ballcarrier wasn't defenseless and Reed clearly didn't lead with his helmet. These crews are really out of their element and it showed around the league for the second week in a row.
  6. I don't have the hate-on for Belichik that most folks do; I'd actually love to play for the guy. That being said, I agree that we've seen multiple instances of him not handling late game adversity with the dignity befitting a man of his position.
  7. You are not alone, but I freely admit significant bias
  8. That last half hour was really, really fun. And a pissed-off Belichik just put his hands on a ref after the game; he should be suspended for next week.
  9. He was excellent in all phases of the game today and I agree it was by far his very best game as a pro. He's never going to be a good enough athlete to get away with making mistakes but I don't know if I saw him take a single false step this afternoon. He looked like he had a mole in the Browns huddle.
  10. I've seen a few firsthand and it always seems as if it really burns like a sumbitch for a minute or less and then you work it around a little and then you can walk on it relatively pain-free after the initial burn subsides.
  11. walking minutes after an ACL injury is pretty common I actually saw the play and his knee buckled with no contact when he tried to cut to attack a screen It did not look good for him; he was definitely hurt
  12. nice protection there looks like the OLine hit the salts before that drive hope they left some for the Dfront
  13. that quarter break came at the PERFECT time
  14. geesus, break out the sudafed fellas wheres the juice?!
  15. 13 plays in 4 1/2 minutes that was some embarrasing defense
  16. got ot stop getting beat on 1str down though
  17. chandler got hit in the hands with a ball he should have caught and Choice didn't get his head around on a hot read
  18. The Wannstedt Cushion is back. Swell......
  19. that was a misapplication of the "empty hand" rule. The hand has to be empty from the split second that arm starts coming forward, and it was not.
  20. You're certainly right. But I chuckled a little anyways....
  21. Chan is whipping Dick Jauron's ass all over the field
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