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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I cannot believe some of you are bothered by them going for the first down instead of running it into the line and punting. Did you people seriously want to see that defense on the field again?
  2. Yeah, it's really easy in hindsight. Every professional coach in the NFL takes the point there because it's the right thing to do.
  3. Yeah, because putting up only 34 points is the reason the Bills lost this one. Are you freaking kidding me? You wanted him to run into the line and punt to bring that defense back on the field?
  4. You take the free point every time with that much clock left and that chart is irrelevant in the 3rd quarter.
  5. Couldn't tell from that angle but it looked like it hit the sideline and it would have been almost impossible to recover inbounds anyways.
  6. I wasn't buying the injury thing at first but watching him closer the last couple weeks I've seen multiple instances of him rushing and trying set edges with only one had while his left arm is hanging by his side, like he doesn't want to put any pressure on it.
  7. No changes. We might not always agree with how he goes about it, but Chan can run an offense
  8. Along with the lead, we've got the wind now also. If we had a defense to go with it, I'd be getting kinda comfy
  9. Props to Chan for a solid plan and a very well called game through 3 quarters. Damn, I wish we had some LB's and a defensive coach who liked to get after people.
  10. probably issues getting the play in on time; maybe a wildcat snafu? Personally I'd rather take the 5yrd penalty and conserve the TO in teh 2nd half.
  11. Chan making a concerted effort to keep Fitz a moving target ever since Rhinehardt went out
  12. Hey Leodis, do you know if you don't wave your arm then your'e allowed to hit teh gunner to prevent him from downing the ball?
  13. I agree on Kelsay's containment issues, but it's not like 180lb Sean Merriman is going to hold the edge any better. Personally I wish they had made a concerted effort to turn Carrington into a real NFL DE.
  14. Barnett may not be playing well, but he sure is getting held a lot
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