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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I didn't think it was even a catch probably got to go with the call on the field
  2. I got to hang out on the sideline during the preseason and he was the most purely athletic specimen running around on that field. But if you throw a ball over his head and ask him to turn his hips to track it, he just cannot do it.
  3. Same thing here. White Hat must have decided he was pushed into him; I guess he sort of got a ride but he could have tried harder to avoid him
  4. It's a good thing therapy's free in prison then The two squawking at me have about 50,000 combined posts. Will I get in trouble for depositing a liberal Dem president's quote about fear in this thread?
  5. I just walked back in the house and my TV had this horrific static coming out of it while on the screen was Michael Irvin's lips moving. It was the best I've ever heard that particular NFLN panel sound.....
  6. I'm all good with that as long as I ain't mommy..... And I'm all good with that too as long as nobody starts pretending suburbanites are better than country folk.....
  7. How about you two three mooks take the bickering to another of the 20 threads where it would fit in, and leave this one to figuring out how the people who use this forum would like it moderated, if at all.
  8. Sorry man, I deal with too many incidents to be able to have total recall on one that long ago. All I can tell you is that it occurred on June 23rd and was recorded as "insulting wawrow again" and resulted in a 24 hour timeout. My guess is that I was trying to nip something in the bud before it got to the point where our AP source left like TGraham and far more importantly, Lori Chase did because they got tired of being insulted and harrassed.
  9. I think we should ask Simon to come over and moderate. With his firm jaw, his regal bearing and his towering intellect he is certainly the most loved and well-respected poster in this forum.
  10. I may be wrong but I would guess he's referring to the last democratic administration? I would guess the level of vitriol from the right was probably at a similar level. Of course, maybe that was just because he was blowing sax on a black talk show.
  11. You haven't been allowed to load up that chicken wing and send it at a guy's head for 30+ years now. As a Pats fan, you oughta know that seeing as it's the exact same technique that paralyzed Darryl Stingley right before it became outlawed.
  12. There's several problems with taking that read, and all of them are a result of losing those two timeouts to an injury and cheapshot. If you throw to the middle of the field and don't score, you have got to piss away a down to stop the clock, and giving away downs in last second goal-to-go situations is not smart football. Secondly, by the time you complete the play and get to the line and make sure everybody is set before you clock it, you've just run the clock down to about 10 seconds and taken away yet another of your available downs, leaving you with only two plays to score. If you complete that pass in between the hashes and Spiller is tackled short of the first down (which is a distinct possibility if the ball is not absolutely perfect), then you've got to hustle to the line to clock it, thereby wasting another down and putting you in a position where you've only got about 10 seconds and you're now staring at 4th down and only have one play to score. Throwing that ball in the middle of the field short of the goalline would have been a questionable decision; throwing that ball in the middle of the field short of the first down marker would have been downright foolish. I'm guessing that Chan told him to either get the ball to the sideline or get the ball to the endzone, but whatever you do don't throw it in front of the 1stdown marker.
  13. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  14. If I was on that field right then I might have tried to kill him with my bare hands.
  15. Lost both our timeouts on injuries. I cannot understand why the Lord apparently loves a bunch of lowlife scumbags like these Patriots
  16. I don't think this often but I sincerely hope that Brandon Spikes blows out both knees and never steps on a football field again. Forget the blatant PI on Chandler right before Fitz went full moron and threw the final pick, what infuriated me was seeing him loading up that chicken wing and going after Fred Jackson's head; it was just another in a long line of cowardly cheapshots from a gutless puke who doesn't deserve to share a field with real men. And then to flex at an injured guy who is respected by all after he cheapshotted him with the same exact move that paralyzed Darryl Stingley? I wonder what the odds are that he hears from the league office..... I'm guessing zero. His career can't end soon enough for me, hopefully in a horrific manner.
  17. If you're going to start moronic rumors I STRONGLY advise you to take it somewhere else because it is NOT welcome here.
  18. Knowing that if we can get the occasional stop that we CAN play with these guys, is just enough to keep me inside watching this on a near 70 degree day here in NW PA. Knowing that we can't get those stops and that I'm wasting the last warm day for 5 months makes me want to see Wannstedt fired at halftime.
  19. We are so easy to attack for any proficient offense The Bills LB's need to file for a PFA
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