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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Thats the 3rd/short dive to Spiller into a stacked house that you guys have been crying for all night
  2. Yeah I hope he jams it into a 9 man front 3 times so we can punt it back to them with 1:40 left
  3. probably; it was too sick a catch not to It will get reviewed and miami doesn't have to risk one of those timeouts they desperately need
  4. props to Powell for settling in and hitting some very solid punts tonight. He looks good enough that I keep foregetting he's a rookie.
  5. The clock restarts even after you go OB; they should have been running the same offense they ran all night
  6. Hey let's boo Chan for giving him the 3 straight Spiller touches we've been beggin for!
  7. I don't think we're goinog to lose this game and I couldn't care less about the draft
  8. With the stuff this team has done over the last decade, how in the hell can I still not be worried at all right now? Cuz I aint.
  9. cmon Dave; Bess is killing that matchup this whole drive deal with it If you count Gronkowski as a passcatcher instead of an OLineman (which I find myself more prone to do in the current NFL) I think that puts NE ahead of us.
  10. actually we might not even have the weakest in this game. And it's still probably around the bottom 5
  11. His speed is irrelevant when he hasn't executed worth a damn all year. He might turn out just fine with some more seasoning, but right now we might have the weakest WR corps in the NFL
  12. They need to run run run their regular offense that has given them a 2 TD lead and a huge TOP advantage
  13. I like him as a player and think he's going to be reliable going forward, but his technique has been flat out atrocious all year long. Between that and Leodis' struggles, I really have some questions about the coaching in our defensive backfield
  14. I think the '70s phish should pop some champagne to celebrate miami crossing midfield
  15. We had some great matchups on that 3rd/9 and we can't get a piece of their best passrusher.?
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