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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Agreed it's patently absurd and violates the spirit of the whole challenge procedure. That said, Jim Schwarz has no self control whatsoever and is one of the biggest jackasses I've ever seen roaming an NFL sideline. It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy and I seriously doubt the Lions will ever approach their huge potential as long as those players have to work under him.
  2. Much respect for Robert Griffin but it's very hard to trust a rookie QB on a short week. Edit: He just fired a 70yrd TD while I was typing that.
  3. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  4. I've thought that to myself a couple times this season and don't recall thinking it before
  5. Oh yeah, forgot about that. My daughter brought back a growler full of cherry beer from a local joint last night; I think we'll break it out right now and kill it before we leave!
  6. I remember trying to disavow people of that notion before the game even started but it all fell on deaf ears. Then I remember trying to re-state the point after the game and being met with only ridicule. That squad was absolutely loaded for bear and ended up being another fine example of Bill Cowher's inability to beat people in the postseason when he consistently had a superior roster. Actually the most decisive and determinative QB in that game was none other than Drew Bledsoe. Nobody should have been surprised by that.
  7. Viewing it in a player safety context is ridiculous. But I wouldn't mind seeing it eliminated just because it's all but pointless (see what I did there?-). Although I do like having several free minutes to make a drink/grab a snack/catch a smoke/do a chore between the moment somebody scores a TD to the time they actually line up to run another offensive play. I can't even remember the last extra point I actually watched.
  8. I'm shocked that Kobe somehow turned it into something about himself. Shocked, I say!
  9. Just restocked the deep freeze with 200lbs of local beef yesterday. It's a dry white meat at Mom-in-law's today (I'm no longer allowed to fry turkeys at T'giving cuz then nobody eats her bird:-) but fresh fat steaks tomorrow!
  10. I won't disagree with you about his talent or his skillset, but I still have less than zero interest seeing him in a Bills uniform. I think he's dumber than a bag of hammers. I think he lacks any sort of resiliency or grit. I think the fact that he regularly displays the petulancy and reliability of a 9 year-old is a raucously flapping red flag that makes me not want him anywhere near the Bills locker room.
  11. 1) Dave Wannstedt - We knew it would be a conservative defensive primarily focused on gap control but I had no idea it would be this passively vanilla. Not a close second 2) Marcel Dareus - Should be whipping way more asses than he has been. 3) George Wilson - Has become a JAG who's losing snaps to less able players 4) George Catavalos - SGilmore's technique is beyond atrocious, both AWilliams and GWilson have regressed and it still seems like nobody is coaching Leodis. Catavalos is halfway out the door. 5) Donald Jones & TJ Graham - This team desperately needs more quality WR's and neither of these guys has done anything to separate themselves from a below average pack.
  12. Calling two of the most established and well-respected members of this board liars is not likely to end well for you.
  13. Fair enough; he's talented and driven enough to have carved himself out a nice little NFL career. But the amount of effusive praise I've been seeing strikes me as a little bit outsized for what he really is. Far better than I could have ever put it. Thank you
  14. Everybody wants us to jam it up in there on 3rd/short, but the back is not the problem, imo. Despite Chan's excellent design, teams do not fear the Bills air attack because our WR corpse is just awful, we only have 1 marginal TE and Fitz is a gutty top level backup. As a result opposing defenses are wildly attacking the LOS with little fear of what's going on behind them; watch that game tonight (or any week) and look how much pressure teams throw into the trench on every down, especially short yardage downs. This OLine is not built to overpower people, it's built with smart agile guys who understand angles and sustain blocks in space. They simply do not have the personnel to line up and knock people off the ball and it doesn't really matter which back they try to do it with. Hell, I think Brad Smith is a very crafty short yardage ballcarrier but even when you go Wildcat and play for a number advantage (that you still don't really get) we still have to fight to get that yard.
  15. A pass rush specialist with 2 sacks in 4 years? That might be a bit of a stretch.
  16. I'm so goddamned handsome I don't need a nose. You are fortunate not to have the same problem
  17. I wouldn't call it being a downer; it's been obvious for a long time that you understand what you're watching and you're just being accurate and a realist. I really appreciate the kids effort and I'm happy for him that he's been able to keep a job in this league and make himself some scratch. But he's a non-factor in the run game and is usually well-handled by NFL OT's.
  18. Shame on me but I just don't know what so many people are seeing in this guy. He's been getting a ton of snaps this year and rarely produces tackles or pressures. He's been in the league since '08 and he's averaged about 1 tackle a game and has a career total of 2 sacks in 4 years He might serve as decent depth until we can find a younger player with more upside, but he's just filler in this league
  19. Probably like a completely different guy if his OLine hasn't got him killed by then He really took an ass-whipping tonight, didn't he?
  20. Never. I'd rather miss the postseason than root for them
  21. Ooof..... Not what I was hoping for Although watching a lot of Stillers games I became familiar with Bruce Arians and I'm not too worried about that anyways.
  22. That's the first QB I've really seen look uncomfortable against teh Bills D all year and he was that way right from the get go. Probably rookie jitters from a youngster lacking confidence on a short week of prep
  23. Who do we have next week to get back to within a game of .500 after a 10 day break?
  24. That first play was George Wilson's fault; he took a horrible angle that ran him right out of his own zone
  25. Thank gawd. Now you can watch a miami possession that never should have happened
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