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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Without having actually been on that team and seeing the dynamics firsthand I'm hesitant to say too much about it, either for or against it. I guess it makes me think of a Chris Rock routine I saw once; I'm not saying he should have done it....... but I understand. If a guy is not playing well at QB but he's working hard and appreciates his teammates efforts to help him, they're going to do what they can to protect him and support him; they might grumble about it a bit when they're having beers, but they'll still play for him. But if a guy is not playing well AND he's being disrespectful and treating his brothers like garbage, then he better start watching his backside because the 'ole blocks are going to start coming. And that I don't necessarily have a huge problem with. To me the bottom line is that Scott Mitchell should have treated his 'mates with the respect they deserved and it never would have happened.
  2. Lomas Brown is not the first nor will he be the last guy to pull the cape to get somebody tagged. Although he is the first guy I've ever heard of that said it in front of a microphone. It happens, sometime even for the good of the order. And it appears that in this case, it was to the Lions benefit. I bet every guy in the locker room knew about it and there wasn't any of them not named Mitchell who was pissed at him. I'm interested how some of the former player talking heads deal with this; there might be a bunch of insincere self-righteous nonsense but I wonder if any of them will have the guts to say what they really think.
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  4. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  5. I think Spikes just got hurt on that 2nd down play. I hope it was an Achilles
  6. He may be a wanker, but he'd have to be a complete idiot to be taking on NFL defenders at 35 yrs old.
  7. It is a long-standing tradition here at TSW to refrain from starting new threads during games. Please do your part in helping us keep this the best Buffalo Bills message board on the planet. Thanks for your help!
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  9. I respectfully request that you folks who feel compelled to talk about gun laws and such start a thread on PPP and have at it there. This is NOT the place for it.
  10. I said the sheriff is a figurer! Well this has the potential to get pretty interesting.
  11. So you want to dump a guy who was run out of P'burgh for his refusal to commit to the run game. And replace him with a guy who was run out of P'burgh for his refusal to commit to the run game. What could possibly go wrong?
  12. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  13. I've never seen that. Zima maybe, but not beer........
  14. I didn't see it, but judging from your description I'm pretty sure that was the case also. It's obvious enough what was going on since you never, ever see a player clapping after a play. But to see a player clapping after a play while he was actually turned in the general direction of the sideline?! That is some seriously powerful stuff. I wonder if this was something that Fred Jackson and Titus Young planned in advance or if it just happened to mysteriously occur in the same week. Somebody should rewatch the tape to see if there were any plays where Fred tossed the ball to an official that was wearing the same kind of shirt that an official in the Lions game might have been wearing. If there was, I'd say that definitely confirms that this was no mere co-incidence...
  15. If I was a degenerate gambler, I'd have made a massive pile of money on the Rams this year.
  16. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  17. That was an astounding football game. Congrats to 'Bama on their second straight pretend championship
  18. He'd already made a couple yards after contact and was still scrapping; I would not have blown that dead either.
  19. I think you also have to give him props for his great situational awareness. He has such a firm grasp of down/distance and offensive tendencies that he's able to make quick, confident decisions that put him in places that better athletes often find themselves late for. As bad as it was to lose him, I think the worst part was being forced to watch him standing around with his thumb up his arse for a couple years when it was so clear to some of us that he absolutely belonged on the field. I still get unnecessarily irritated thinking about it.
  20. Well then that Hamilton fella has the same habit since nowhere does Gailey actually say that Fitz is the QB of the future; he says he thinks we're talking about him being the QB of the near future but that they're still looking to develop a QB for the future. Considering the liberties you took with that quote to create your attention-grabbing inaccurate title, I also question what Chan actually said about audibles. Anyhoo, thank you for changing the thread title to something not quite as inaccurate
  21. You've got quite a habit of putting altered words in other people's mouths to justify your righteous outrage As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more accurate subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  22. There isn't a human being on planet Earth that can comfortable and be efficient in that complicated offense with only 3 months of limited reps. The fact that he couldn't possibly be ready is not any sort of reflection on him.
  23. Even some of us Yankees can recognize when a young man can flat out p-l-a-y. The last few years I've been getting into what I can only inadequately describe is sort of a new school New Orleans sound; Shorty, Galactic, Marc Ronson, Harry Connick's band, etc I'll always have a place for folks like Dr John, Clifton Chenier, the Nevilles, Buckwheat Zydeco and the boys at Preservation Hall, but some of these young bucks are blowing me away. If you have any other suggestions, I am certainly all ears.
  24. I'll do it, but I want full control of all football personell
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