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Everything posted by Simon

  1. And I said nothing about nostalgia or emotional attachments. Just a suggestion that perhaps the haters could choose one of many other threads to spew their venom.
  2. You can feel however you want. You can also take the hate for a good man to another thread or simply keep it to yourself.
  3. Thanks for being a dick in a positive thread!
  4. Agreed on all counts but Wannstedt was not Chan's hire.
  5. His exits from Dallas and KC were both questionable decisions at best and I don't blame him for having some animosity. FWIW, I'm sure he wasn't referring to G'Tech.
  6. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  7. Every coach has a shelf life. And while I think Andy Reid is an excellent ball coach there's just so much stuff that has gone on over there that Reid's departure is as good for him as it is for the Eagles.
  8. Yeah, I think it's time for the Bills to move in a different direction. Chan is not a bad football coach, but he's an awful fit for the Bills at this point in time and it really showed this year. My post was just to make a similar point to what I bolded in yours. That while it needs to be done, maybe the folks who are actually going to do it aren't drooling all over themselves from the excitement of getting to destroy a good man's dream.
  9. Not everybody is as eager to fire good people from their jobs as you are.
  10. Maybe it's premature, but I think it's time to start including this guy into greatest running back of all time conversations.
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  12. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  13. This is the #1 problem that the Bills need to address in the offseason. Nobody can wear both those hats in the modern NFL and still manage a game efficiently. If they walk into next season with a similar dynamic, it's over before it even starts.
  14. They (Nix/Whaley) had had their eye on him for a couple years, actively pursuing him with a quality contract before he went to Seattle. I think they just saw he was available for dirt cheap and went for it. I've never asked what Chan's opinion is on the matter so I don't know if there is a disconnect there. The question I have at this point, is do the Bill earn a compensatory pick if he leaves as a FA? Did they trade away a 7th rnd pick with the knowledge that they would receive it back the next offseason? If so, it's hard to give them too much grief for acquiring a player they liked at virtually no cost.
  15. Is there a particular reason you've decided to throw my name around? Did I suggest somewhere that having a QB isn't important?
  16. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  17. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  18. What the hell was he doing up at 4 in the morning. Hope he's not back on the sauce again.......
  19. He's certainly the most passive co-ordinator I've seen anywhere in the league this year. And with all due respect to Peyton Manning, he'd need to average about 35 points/game with an offense that boasts exactly 1 NFL quality WR and 1 lead-footed TE that can't block. Regardless of what they do in the offseason, this team isn't likely to improve unless they make sweeping changes to the coaching staff.
  20. The problem is that he isn't doing anything. He's the most passive D co-ordinator in the NFL. There's probably 100 guys on this board who could do exactly what he's done this year. No disguises, no overloads, no deception, no efforts whatsoever to make opposing offenses uncomfortable. This team WILL NOT WIN with him calling shots.
  21. I already said I liked him. I wouldn't have had any problem with the Bills drafting him. But he got badly worked over by LeBeau today and picking this afternoon to use him as an example of Nix's incompetence makes the poster look foolish and undermines his whole point.
  22. During the 2nd half of the first NE game. That's when it was all over.
  23. Well he was given teh ball around midfield with about 2:00 left after Tomlin inexplicably tried a 50+FG on the worst kicking surface in the NFL and Mr Dalton couldn't manage to pick up a single first down. Then he stood on the sidelines and watched Ben throw a crunchtime pick from his own 20 for the second week in a row. So yes, congrats to Andy for his outstanding spectating skills today, He finds ways to win, even from the sideline.
  24. Andy Dalton managed to produce 6 points in about 13 possessions, half of which came on a Roethlisberger pick in his own end with 24 seconds left in the game. I like young Andy too but giving Buddy Nix crap on a day where Dalton was utterly abused by Dick LeBeau sounds pretty ridiculous.
  25. Marino was a giant bag of ass well before he became a phin, Putting on that ugly uniform just made it worse. 1- Dan Marino 2- Jimmy Johnson 3- Louis Oliver 4- Randy McMichael 5- Thurman Thomas
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