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Everything posted by Simon

  1. That read-option could give the Pack a ton 'o' trouble tonight....
  2. Maybe they just stopped the clock for the injury? I was also wondering why they didn't restart it cuz forcing them to run a play before the 2:00 warning kind of left the door cracked a tiny bit for the Bengals.
  3. Yeah, I'm thinking they've already had discussions on the sly.
  4. I think they called an injury stoppage and took a TO away from Houston
  5. I was going to watch it tonight at 8:00 until somebody put the result in their title.
  6. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  7. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  8. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  9. You may be correct; perhaps I should have added a qualifier such as "yet".
  10. Or you may also find that using the word "political" has never gotten one post moved ever nor has it ever even come close to resulting in a banning.
  11. I don't know what the draft numbers are either, but I rarely ever see the Ducks get "out-athleted". I suppose it could be a matter of their unreal tempo giving more an impression of speed than actually exists. And just to be clear, I really like Chip Kelly and the Ducks; I actually lived in Eugene for a year and have been in Autzen a couple times and will watch and root for them as much if not more than any other college team. What I don't like is the dynamic of one guy trying to manage a game and call an offense at the same time; especially when we've seen it fail up close so recently.
  12. Good call; forgot about him. But as much as I like Kelly (I would hump a Klondike Bar to have him here as the O-coordinator) I still think hiring him to wear two hats poses an unnecessary risk.
  13. The difference is the kind of coaches and programs he'll be running up against. The levels of execution, skill and experience are going to be far beyond anything Kelly has ever seen in the PAC 10 and the tiniest mistakes are brutally answered by guys who know how to exploit them And I don't think I'm on board with the argument that the Ducks are regularly beating teams who have better athletes. At teh risk of sounding like an Eastern elitist, I am rarely ever impressed with Pac 10 football and those Oregon rosters strike me as being at the top of the heap talent-wise. Payton is the only one we've seen win a title doing it. Jim Harbaugh has won exactly one playoff game so far doing it. Rick Dennison calls most of the Texans offense with Kubiak checking off on calls in critical situations. And doing it as a D-coordinator is nowhere near as hard as doing it on the offensive side of the ball and even Belichik had the sense to stop trying to do it all at once. There's enough good candidates available to coach this team that I don't think the Bills have to take the significant risk of asking a guy whose never stepped on an NFL field to assume a responsibility that hardly anybody ever really succeeds with.
  14. Those of you who want Chip Kelly hired should also take into consideration the fact that you just spent the last season of Bills football watching an experienced, veteran coach with an excellent grasp of offensive football struggle mightily to both manage a game and call an offense at the same time. You sure you want to go with that set-up again? Chip might be able to pull that off against the Washington Huskies of the world, but whether he can do it against the Washington Redskins is an entirely different matter. And you can count the guys who have been able to win a championship while simultaneously wearing both those hats in the modern NFL on approximately 1 finger. I don't like the dynamic any more than I like the dynamic of a coach also being responsible for player personnel. And while I admire the breathtaking speed at which Kelly's well-designed offenses execute, unless he wants to come here as just an Offensive co-ordinator, I think it would be a bad idea for the Bills to hire a guy and allow him to wear both the HC and OC hats again.
  15. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  16. I think it also gives these guys an opportunity to meet and get to know influential people who wouldn't typically be within their social circle. A sort of expansion of the Old Boys Network, if you will.
  17. The guy in the picture is a former actor and martial artist named Jim Kelly
  18. I heard that Thurman's big announcement was to reveal Jim had been killed by a Chinese opium lord on a secretive private island. Not really.......
  19. When he got that big 3rd down sack with about 8-9 minutes left, I came right up off the coach with a big 'ol "Yeah Fletch!" and the kind of fist pump typically reserved for a September Bills game.
  20. And I said nothing about nostalgia or emotional attachments. Just a suggestion that perhaps the haters could choose one of many other threads to spew their venom.
  21. You can feel however you want. You can also take the hate for a good man to another thread or simply keep it to yourself.
  22. Thanks for being a dick in a positive thread!
  23. Agreed on all counts but Wannstedt was not Chan's hire.
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