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Everything posted by Simon

  1. By god, I just cannot trust Joe Flacco
  2. He started reaching for it as soon as Manning locked on. And I see your point if he tackles the guy on his cut, but if it's just guys trying to ball and the play goes another direction, why minimize the players import by inserting yourself into the game it if you don;t have to?
  3. They missed a really well-executed penalty (I'm a great admirer of the craft!-) on the Ravens pick and go but they've been pretty accurate if not efficient If I remember right this is the time when Joe Flacco started taking the bubble when the Ravens started their tour of the links last year.
  4. What a tough as nails drive against a defense that was playing some stroooooong ball He wouldn't have done it if Manning had gone somewhere else. He was doing the right thing and not whipping it out unless he had too.
  5. Love seeing the defenses show up. This has been a really physical half all over the field. Really hope the stripes can hold their water down the stretch.
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  7. That's one of those games where you can remember where you were. I was about 15 years old at the Y!
  8. And now the Raven defense flips the field back. H-U-G-E
  9. That is just a tremendous response from the Ravens defense to Flacco's fumble. They were flirting with the there for a second.
  10. The Ravens RG is moving right up to the snap every time they go shotgun
  11. Sheeee-it, we ain't even got to the good part.......
  12. After 10+ years of watching it I've learned to just keep my eyes fixed on a stationary distant point......
  13. He's having some fun with you cuz you're about the 5th person in the thread to mention it. And I still haven't heard it yet.....
  14. That sumbitch is more accurate than Greg Maddux.......
  15. Yeah, this is great ball. I like both teams but I'm also pulling for the Broncs just so the Pats have to travel to Mile High
  16. Props to Manning there. The Ravens won't blitz him and he showed good discretion protecting the ball on both downs to fight another day. That was a perfect example of sometimes a punt is not a bad play.
  17. Gimme a break. They've missed one really tight call and the rest of the game have called it just how the rules are written.
  18. Damn, there is some professional style football being played on that field today.
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  20. I am in full agreement that his receivers didn't give him a lot of help. Or his OLine for that matter. If they made hay it was because he was sticking wide-outs, not them making plays for him. I watched a couple from each of the last two years but didn't pick up on the K-Gun. Probably because I didn't see an #84 out there running around causing trouble. Also, I glossed over the ground game because I really wanted to focus on the passing attack and Nassib; if I had seen them killing people with counters over and over again, that might have turned the light bulb on. Although thinking back on it, they were running a TON of 3 wide/1 back sets that do conjure up some grainy images in my fading attic.
  21. They didn't seem to try to get over the top a lot. I'm not convinced they trusted their OLine to protect deeper drops. The few times he did go up top, he seemed like he wanted to feather it in there with a lot of touch and I thought his accuracy suffered for it.
  22. Not being a native NY’er I haven’t watched Syracuse since I used to occasionally tune in late in a tight game to see D McNabb puking on his shoes in the huddle. Well, I had some time today so I went ahead and looked at some film (errrr, sorry Samara) video of the Cuse offense. No detail or specifics will follow from just watching a handful of games, but here’s some vague observations for folks who maybe haven’t had a chance to take a look. Disclaimer: I know nothing about Marrone or Hackett and as a result have virtually no feelings, positive or negative, about the hires. As such, I’m trying to look at this from a neutral standpoint with a completely open mind. I’m not trying to promote anybody or tear ‘em down, just give a general impression of what I saw. > This a fairly diversified offense that attacks all parts of the field > It’s very well-coached, very well executed and very, very crisp > They don’t seem to make a lot of effort to go uptempo but when the ball is snapped it moves fast. > It doesn’t rely on hardly any pre-snap motion to provide reads or create confusion for either unit. > It also doesn’t rely on bigger or faster personal to constantly win one-on-one matchups; I don’t know much about the skill level of the Syracuse personnel but they’re not bigger or faster than their opponents and scheme and execution are its primary assets. > I thought the use of route combinations were extremely well-considered and really effective > They like to use bunch formations as they approach the red zone and were very successful in creating significant confusion among opposing secondaries. > I’d like to have seen more of the 2 minute drill in the games I watched, but what I did see was very well-controlled and efficient with no hint of panic anywhere. > Use of the TE was very limited; sitting in underneath zones for quick hitters was about the extent of it. > A lot of shotgun, typically with a back as a sidecar > They never, ever used empty sets; regardless of down/distance there was always a back on the field; usually to provide protection but occasionally they would flare him out or curl him in to good effect. > There were some protection issues but they never seemed to feel the need to go maxprotect; this is likely because the offense is designed to get the ball out very quickly, and it nearly always does. > There is virtually no screen game to speak of but it could be a result of an OLine that isn’t overly skilled or athletic > It appears to need operating room as there were some struggles inside the 10 when space became limited Will this translate well to the NFL? We’ll know a lot more in about 8 months but I was impressed with what I saw and feel more positive about both of these hires than I did before today. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I also jotted down some initial impression of Ryan Nassib since I had never seen him play. Again, not trying to promote or demote, just relaying what caught my eye. > He seems like an excellent decision maker. He gets the ball out really quick (and I mean really) and almost always makes the right read. Occasionally on 3rd/longer he tries to force it into places it doesn’t belong when he’s trying to make the sticks, but for the most part he puts it where it’s supposed to be, when it’s supposed to get there. > When it’s necessary his pocket presence is solid and he moves around well inside the pocket and keeps his eyes downfield where they belong > He doesn’t seemto have any glaring accuracy issues and is absolutely deadly inside 15-20 yards. When he tries to take a little off the ball, his accuracy sometimes suffers and his touch could be better. But he is money on the midrange stuff, from either hash to either sideline. > He seems to do a decent job protecting the ball, but can get himself in trouble when he’s trying to make plays on the move. His ball security is good and his ball handling is very good. > He’s got a really live arm and his throws have a lot of zip on him. He doesn’t push it downfield like an Elway or Vick but you get the sense he could if he wanted to. His release is lightning quick and he puts a serious spin on it. He might not throw it out of the stadium but between the great release and the zip, he can throw the 25 yard out before good DB’s can get under it. > He will take sacks, but not necessarily bad ones. He doesn’t walk into them and will occasionally eat the ball if he doesn’t like what he sees. > He will never be a mobile QB and is not a natural athlete. While he can move well enough in the pocket, he doesn’t have great feet and is never going to pick up yards on the ground in the pro game. > His sound decision making is a result of great anticipation and he’s very good at hitting guys right out of their breaks. If you’re a WR, you better get your head around early or you’ll get earholed. > Got the distinct impression that he does not like to be hit. Maybe it’s just a well-developed and intelligent sense of self-preservation, but he avoids contact when possible and when he does get hit, he doesn’t enjoy the experience. > He will move defenders around with his eyes to create opportunities on a given play > Seems to be in full control of his offense at all times and understands what he wants to do and does it without hesitation. Is he a #8 pick? I don’t know, that’s for somebody else who’s watched a lot more than I have to decide. My guess is that he will not be available with our second pick; I was pleasantly surprised with what I saw and would have no problem seeing him in a Bills uniform.
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