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Everything posted by Simon

  1. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  2. In defense of the OP, I will say that I've noticed him providing good insight and making astute observations on more than one occasion in the past. If he does prove to be wrong about Russell Wilson, big whoop; nobody hits 100%. So maybe some of you perfect prognosticators ought to give it a rest before somebody decides to bring up some of the stuff you've said in the past.
  3. Consider the rights of others before your own feelings, and the feelings of others before your own rights. - John Wooden OK, semi-funny story: A guy walks into a bar with two Catholic priests. In this case the guy happens to be me. So yes, I'm sitting in a bar watching MNF with a couple priests several years ago and this discussion comes up. We were sitting very close to a big screen TV that was turned up loud for a Stillers game so we really had to go full throat to hear each other. At one point I made the comment "So you think it would be OK if they called them the Washington Nlggers?" Naturally just as I arrive at the impact word of this rhetorical question the game goes to commercial and naturally when it does there's a nice fat chunk of dead air in the transition. And naturally this chunk of dead air happens to perfectly coincide with me sitting in a bar hollering the word "nlgger" at two Catholic priests.
  4. Very out of character for Belichik not to use his two TO's right after the 2:00 warning with Houston in goal-to-go. The he waffles with those 2 TO's and the ball with 1:15 left and ends up punting it away to give Houston a chance for points. Something a little odd floating around in that stadium tonight........
  5. Texans still hanging around. They have got to sustain some offense or they're done.
  6. I won't argue that, but I also think the Pats defense is a fraud. Any time their offense doesn't put up 30, they are in real danger.
  7. I don't know if he's like that all the time but during the last 5 minutes of that game he made more senseless comments and inane suggestions than I think I've ever heard from any broadcaster. It was like somebody secretly glued a microphone to Buffalo Barbarian.......
  8. I don't mean this in a condescending way, but does Brian Billick have Alzheimer's?
  9. This may sound ridiculous but it is a common occurrence for me to miss the beginnings of games because I absolutely refuse to turn on my television until I'm sure these "personalities" will not be present in my living room for even a single second. I have no idea who it is that actually watches these self-promoting clowns. That being said there is one show worth watching that runs during the week on NFL Network called "Playbook". It's the only "pregame" show I'm aware of that actually focuses on the games that are going to be played on the field. However since it is the NFL Network, it has already begun its slide to stupidity and I imagine its only a matter of time before it becomes completely unwatchable like every other show they've destroyed created. At first it had fantastic analysts like Sterling Sharp, Mike Mayock, Solomon Wilcots, Charles Davis, etc. Now Mayock, Wilcots and Davis are gone, replaced by the likes of Donovan McNabb and Brian Baldinger(who's actually calmed down and improved); it's probably only a matter of time before Deion Sanders, Michael Irvin and Marshall Faulk show up to assure that I will never view it again. But for now, even if it's not as good as it once was, it's still tolerable and is certainly the best of any of the pre or post game garbage available.
  10. I think it was the Eagles about a month into the season last year. Just got back from taking my son to the E.R. about 2 minutes into the 3rd qrtr.
  11. People have been saying that since he came out of college. They were wrong then, too. I may not be able to name 5 QB's I've ever seen in my life that have better vision on the fly than this guy.
  12. Thats possibly a good point but I don't really think the players would have a problem with staying loose and watching a playoff game on the big screen Yeah, I'm high too. Oh wait, you meant............ I guess I look at it from what my own reaction would be. I might not like the extra butterflies but I'd get a kick out of watching a game on the field and keeping loose with my brothers. Although I'm sure you;'re right that there'd be a fair number of guys who didn't feel that way. But to hell with them.
  13. I think the timing is pretty good as it is for what is usually a regulation game. But I can't see any downside for anybody if you just delay the kickoff of Game 2 and put the OT game on the big screen in the other stadium. Players would like it, advertisers would like it, the fans would like it and even the networks should like it.
  14. It's cracking me up that nobody is in this game thread. That first game was absolutely exhausting.
  15. I wouldn't mess around in the regular season, but when you have a playoff with only 4 games a week, you ought to make sure everybody can watch all of them.
  16. I'll eat a Jeep if he didn't lead them in tackles.
  17. It should be a given that policy dictates you don;t start Game 2 until Game 1 is over
  18. Is it safe to say that only two cities on the planet saw the first 12:00 of this game?-)
  19. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  20. I'd love it if anybody who was watching this provided a short 1stqrtr recap at the quarter break.....
  21. If that's all you can say after that game, then I revoke your win and confirm the fail you awarded yourself earlier
  22. I think Tillman was coming free outside of the hash but manning didn't have a lane initially and he wanted to get over that way
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