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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I did that for a couple reasons: 1) I thought having a single thread once every four years on election day wouldn't bother anybody since they didn't have to open it if they didn't want to. 2) It was inevitable there was going to be political nonsense on election day so I thought having a thread for it would focus it there and keep it from spreading over the rest of the board. It seems that point #2 worked well but point #1 not so much, as there were some people who cried about it. Ironically enough, I think all of those people were PPP regulars. What a stunning co-incidence.
  2. So am I a tyrant because I want to prevent TSW from becoming PPP? Do you really want to stop in for Bills talk and find the place full of idiotic, uninformed partisan hacks spewing BushBad and LiberalSocialist commentary with every third post? I will not allow that to happen under any circumstances. Or am I a tyrant because I suggested that you might be given a vacation if you refused to follow the same rules as everybody else after being asked to do so over and over and over again? If you are unwilling or unable to exhibit the self-control practiced by every other member of this community, perhaps you might consider that I am not the problem here.
  3. Awwwwww, is somebody upset that they have been asked to follow the same rules as everybody else? I know, I know; you're a special little guy. So maybe if you cry and stomp your feet some more the world will recognize how special you are and then you can have a special set of rules just for yourself. Cuz special little guys like you shouldn't have to worry about things like self-discipline and personal responsibility. Special little guys like you should be allowed to post political comments wherever they want; even if they've been asked on multiple occasions not to do so. And when they ignore those repeated requests and continue to drag their politics outside of PPP, those big meany moderators should recognize how special they are and just let them do whatever they want. But if that doesn't work they should have a little tantrum, make up a bunch of bullshlt about how the big meanies are out to get them for no reason and then throw theselves on the ground in a screeching hissy fit until somebody reassures them about how special they really are.
  4. He might be a self-important jackass but I wouldn't question his toughness.
  5. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  6. I just opened this thread to laugh about 1000 replies to a thread about some guys imaginary girlfriend. You beat me by 3 minutes.
  7. They've still got a couple weeks to review and reverse it. I wouldn't get too comfy until the SB kick-off.
  8. These !@#$s need to quit celebrating with 3:00 left
  9. He was moving and trying to get up so hopefully it was his head not his neck
  10. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use less deceptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  11. The first one wasn't on him; White fell down in the middle of his delivery. The second one was the first mistake I've seen him make today. The way he's been wheelin and dealin, I wouldn't worry too much about his confidence. No glaring individual errors but Matt Ryan is just savaging the SF secondary. He was about 1 step from a pick and go and also dropped a nice shot on JJones but most of his game has been in support of other people's zones
  12. I'd like to welcome you all to our seminar "How to Play Quarterback in the NFL" with our keynote speaker, Matthew J Ryan, Esquire. We hope you enjoy the clinic.......
  13. There are no suggestions or insinuations of the sort; that's entirely your own creation. The guy doesn't have to have his reporter fedora on 24/7. He ought to be allowed to post his opinion like the rest of us without somebody climbing up his crack and questioning his professionalism.
  14. An excellent point. And one that might even be worth mentioning had I said anything even remotely related to that discussion.
  15. Thank you. And it's also worth wondering if, when Jackson leaves as a UFA, the Bills get a compensatory pick for the loss of the player. So did they give up a 7th round pick to get him and receive a 7th round pick in return when he leaves? The horror..........
  16. I think it just goes to show that a QB's most important asset can be found directly between his ears.
  17. I've got one of these on my desk at work Here's the cut-out.
  18. You also have to wonder if Green Bay had dipped into the FA pool to replace guys like Na'il Diggs, Nick Barnett and Nick Collins if they might not be playing ball next weekend.
  19. Do you mean the same Packers team as the one with FA's like Ryan Pickett, Jeff Saturday, Charles Woodson, Jon Kuhn, Cedric Benson and Anthony Hargrove?
  20. So if you like the hires and didn't even want Lovie in the first place why did you even start this crap up?
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