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Everything posted by Simon

  1. 15 for another few months; 5'10 160ish and can move, daughter of a big Irish athlete who was part of state champ v-ball team this year. She's also been blessed with a 250lb brother two years older who's going to play college ball in 2 seasons and has been beating the begeesus out of her for 14 years. That fool has created a block of granite who's going to whip his ass one of these days. It won't be any time in the next 4-6 months, but I hope I'm there when she does it. She's peach pie sweet so anybody who believes in the power of positive prayer can send a lil love to BananaAnna Mac in P'burgh. Gracias.....
  2. I'm not remotely interested but this is a great song ; - )
  3. That's weird. I just got back from a P'burgh hospital visiting my buddy's daughter who smashed herself up on a late run in Ellicotville. She ended up with 5 cracked vertebrae, a fractured pelvis and a lacerated spleen from taking a hard spill into a split-rail fence. After it happened she got up, hopped on a lift for another run and then got on her bus for a 2hr+ ride home before passing out in the parking lot from being anemic due to internal bleeding. Oh to be young again.
  4. And some see it as two guys scrapping on a ballfield and don't want an over-officious jerk putting in his two cents on who's going to win it. That was a great football game and part of it is because the refs stayed out of the way while the players decided it.
  5. And my streak of never having wasted a minute on an NFL halftime show continues intact.
  6. I'm still not all that impressed with either guy. They're both solid NFL starters but we've been bad at QB for so long that I think we have a tendency to overrate average guys in different uniforms
  7. If they have, they're the first to find it; nobody else has been able to solve the math yet. And even if they do figure out a way to contain (and I use that word literally) the read-option out of the pistol, they're still going to have to deal with those deadly 2 TE sets the Niners have been absolutely killing people with. That's going to be a mighty tall order for a defense that isn't necessarily fleet of foot in all their zones. If they can't keep them in check, it's going to be up to the Ravens OLine to keep Flacco clean so they can take advantage of some favorable matchups their two WR's have in the SF secondary. I think we're going to see some great football tonight and I'm really looking forward to it; wish they were playing a best of 3.
  8. I will respect Darin's wishes and cease discussion of moderation policy in this forum. Y'all are now free to tell all the lies about me that you want and I will simply hold my tongue. Enjoy your need to be the victim. My closing observations will be 1) RKFast informing us that he intentionally acts like an antagonistic jackass is all that needs to be said on the matter, 2) If i was as big of a bald-faced liar as LABillz I wouldn't even be able to look at myself in the mirror and 3) if anybody has legitimate questions about moderation in the future, feel free to contact me and I will provide an accurate explanation so you don't have to buy any of the fabricated BS frequently peddled by some of our "but, I'm special" posters. 4) It's unfathomable to me how a guy like Menendez can still be not only considered for the chairman of an important committee but is actually the leading candidate. Congrats to all you partisan cheerleaders on your continued success in consistently re-electing scumbags like this because they're on your "team".
  9. You've been given points three different times for spreading your political garbage to other boards because you wouldn't stop doing it. And three different moderators have given you warnings for flaming and insulting other posters. The only thing certain here is that you're completely full of shlt.
  10. I'm still going with avarice, but Pom-Poms is closing the gap....
  11. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  12. Congress acting soon on this issue strikes me as outrageously optimistic.
  13. I'm really curious how this is going to proceed. Supremacy or Santa; which Clause wins out?
  14. If you were asked three different times to knock it off and then insisted on continuing to do it, then yes, there would be the possibility of a suspension. It's a last resort for when posters have shown they are unwilling or incapable of self-restraint.
  15. How far has it fallen? I didn't even know it was on until I saw this thread. And I'm still not going to watch it.
  16. This team will never, ever do anything as long as it has one of softest players in the NHL walking around with a "C" on. I've completely checked out and even though I get every game, I won't waste a single second watching or supporting them until that is rectified.
  17. I'd say that if the Fed abrogates its inherent responsibility to act within the framework of the Constitution, then it is left to the states to do so.
  18. You have no idea...... And since I was at work, it would have been an absolute nightmare to moderate when I was busy with other things and couldn't address it in real time. There would have been dozens of mindless "observations" interspersed throughout dozens of different threads, followed by dozens of indignant responses from the other "team". Clean up would have consisted of the choice between hours of work or just dumping a bunch of threads that had been fouled by the partisan morons. If you're referring to political speech, which seems likely since that is what this discussion entails, then you are simply wrong. No political commentary of any kind is welcome outside of PPP by any person regardless of what side of the aisle they sit on. (Here is the opportunity for some of you to accuse me of not following the rules because I started an election thread once in 4 years in hopes of keeping the inevitable political arguments from polluting the rest of the board) If you are referring to something else, you are free to send me some examples so I know what you're talking about. Would you care to be more specific? It's not the thread itself, it's the person who started it; suffice to say I am not well-loved around here ; - ) I thought it was a necessary and beneficial thread in that it gave people a place to vent and kept the rest of the board clean. And since it is common knowledge that politics are not welcome on the main board, a moderator is the only one who could/would have started the thread without fear of having it removed. So in a Nixon goes to China moment, I started it. The only downside was that it gave some folks the rare opportunity to take shots at me for not following the rules. C'est la vie......
  19. full force? This is a gently, tickling breeze on the Saffir-Simpson scale. And Tom is not a right winger, he just has the social skills of one.
  20. With a bunch of different people with different personalities doing this job, only a complete fool would be driven to expect a perfect consistency. Ohhhh.......... I am considered to be a very level-headed, even-keeled fellow by folks who know me, so the irony of being called capricious by someone like you is exceedingly entertaining. The only grudges I have are short term ones against people who repeatedly act like asshats. And that aligns pretty well with my duties as a TBD janitor. Maybe that's because your accusations and insults have no veracity anywhere outside of your head so there is nothing to "get".
  21. I didn't lay a finger on his Hypnotoad. And are you suggesting that posters with conservative viewpoints that you agree with be given great latitude while posters with liberal viewpoints you disagree with be sanctioned? I can only hope my sarcasm detector needs fresh batteries.
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