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Everything posted by Simon

  1. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  2. <a green-eyed monster sniffs interestedly>
  3. Railroad Earth - Potter's Field http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFN7g2wYK8I
  4. I would think that him making the team would be even more of a hint at dire circumstances.
  5. I don't know if they're still even playing together but some of y'all might like these guys; they're so underrated hardly anybody has ever even heard of them.
  6. I don't know anything about what generation it was or how many K's it was supposed to have, but this was around 87'/88'. All I know is that it was gold colored and way too much machine to loan to a 19 year old kid who thought doing 135 mph on a 2 lane rural road was good, quality fun.
  7. I got an MR2 up into the 130's once when I was young(er) and dumb(er). Although it wasn't so much the speed that was stupid, it was the fact that I did it on a stretch of road referred to locally as Radar Valley.
  8. I agree with virtually everything in your post but I take issue with the bolded. That cast of characters he single-handedly dragged to an NBA Finals in Cleveland was the epitome of putting a team on his back and gutting out victories. It should go down as one of the greatest individual accomplishments in the modern history of the NBA.
  9. Just a heads up that there are several people in this thread who are going on vacation if they continue to make things personal instead of sticking to the subject at hand.
  10. I don't know if you've been had by the Tebow hype machine or are part of the Tebow hype machine, but this completely fabricated rumor that you continue to spread has never had single morsel of truth to it. The Bills were after Demaryius Thomas and had no interest in Tim Tebow
  11. I couldn't carry a tune if it had a handle, but I've been told that Pat Benatar also belongs in that conversation.
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  14. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/158316-official-otaminicamp-thread-mayjune/
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  16. Yep, and she ought to give that back to him too.
  17. Example # 12,347 of what Bad 'Ol was taking about.......
  18. I look forward to the day when the product on the field makes those press conferences irrelevant.
  19. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  20. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  21. No, he's always willing to buy a round.....
  22. Yes, the Whaley announcement will happen this week after they're done doing the legal wrangling.....
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