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Everything posted by Simon

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  5. From CBS and Grantland: No quarterback since the NFL-AFL merger has gone straight from the undrafted free agent ranks to starting as the team quarterback in Week 1. But there is this: In 1970, rookie UFA Don Gault started for the Browns in Week 3 and went 1-for-16 for 44 yards with 2 picks. And beat Terry Bradshaw, 15-7.
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  7. You have one hour to produce one of these reports of "bad blood" or this thread is going away
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  9. Have they revealed their plans to put it on an old Indian burial ground?
  10. This whole paragraph is a big bunch of hooey. DB's don't take on bigger players in order to avoid injury? They're all coached to always go at guys' knees? What a load of made-up malarkey you're spouting. Keller was virtually at a stand still with his back to the approaching safety, who had all the momentum. The safety was in complete command of the situation with a variety of options available to him and plenty of time and space to decide how to take down a stationary, defenseless target. He made a gutless decision to deliberately attack the guys knees from the backside which is something you just don't do on a ballfield. Just because it was a big FU to the rules committee for telling him he's not allowed to dish out kill shots anymore doesn't suddenly make it acceptable. It was a dirty, gutless play that cost him the respect of his opponents and his teammates and I hope somebody makes him pay for it sooner rather than later.
  11. The second I saw a replay I knew that would be the bull **** excuse. But there is no reason in the world that defender couldn't have come in square with his head up and made a good hard tackle; he had plenty of time and space to do so. Instead he chose to attack a guys knees from the backside, in a preseason game no less. I'm not big on rooting for injury but I hope that &*#@ gets both his knees shredded in practice tomorrow morning.
  12. I don't think he needs to practice either, but if you really think his one job is to get to the QB then you are missing an awful lot of football.
  13. Considering that Mario Williams is arguably the most complete and well-rounded DE on the planet, you might want to come up with a different theory.
  14. I didn't catch who the POS was that made that gutless "tackle", but it was a chickenspit, scumbag play and I hope the karmic retribution he has coming is particularly gruesome and exceedingly painful.
  15. I think we're going to find out that the most significant difference between them is that one of them can play in this league and the other one can't.
  16. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  17. Great athlete but unless he's packed on enough muscle that a steady breeze no longer knocks him over, I doubt if he can play in this league.
  18. The ignorant, inflammatory language you have been using throughout your thread is the very definition of what constitutes a troll. This conversation about SJohnson has occurred many times before, and it occurred without being insulting until you came along and started talking down to people. If you actually want to engage people in conversation in this forum, perhaps you should reconsider how you go about it......
  19. Thank you And it was Hogboy and John in Hemet Wow, speaking of the old guard suddenly reappearing from the fields of cane!
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