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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I'm sure he did, cuz there was no way he was going up in that crowd of killers, catching that ball and then living to tell about it. And frankly he should close his piehole about it cuz that kind of chat doesn't need to be outside the team.
  2. I saw that too and it really pissed me off. TJ Graham should never, ever be told to run a 4 yard curl, and if he does EJ should never even consider throwing it at him. From the concept- to the (delayed) decision- to the execution, that whole thing was a disaster. From the strategy to the tactics, that thing wasn't a mistake, it was a ginyouion blunder.
  3. That was an incredibly heady play by our only veteran receiver. I bet if one of you guys with your fancy Tivos goes back and watches that play closely and repeatedly that you'll see Stevie subtly initiate the hook and then not overstate his performace, ensuring he'd draw the game-saving flag. It's not the first time we've seen that kind of outstanding craft from him; and it juxtaposes so well with the 4thqrtr drops! That dude got some freak-ass energy around him.
  4. Just trying to help things run smoother; sorry that bothers you.
  5. It's tied going into the 4th quarter and some of you are crying about how it's over? That's absolutely pathetic and I'm glad I never had to lineup next to any of you
  6. Now can we just ahve everybody lay down until this punt is on its way
  7. Hackett's found a mismatch when the Bills stack in the slot
  8. Justin Rogers is a giant pigeon and has never had any business being on an NFL field
  9. They just came out of hte locker room 4 minutes ago. If they start doing it later in the 4th maybe you have a point
  10. I've got to make a run to State College today and would like to listen to the first quarter+ on the ride home. Anybody know if any stations toward Central PA will be carrying the game?
  11. It's a reasonable theory but I know we were having significant issues with the Last Post Wins thread because of it size; I think the same concept applies here on a smaller scale
  12. Food for thought: When y'all open a game thread 6 hours before a game even starts you're making things hard on the TBD servers. After 1:00, when people start reloading the page (or constantly hitting refresh) now the servers are repeatedly trying to reload a 5-10 page thread instead of just a 1-2 page thread. That's 5X the work during the time when the site is already carrying its heaviest load of the week. Maybe somebody could start some kind of "tailgate" thread early and then not start a game thread until at least 12:30 or so?
  13. What's even worse is that he can't even manage to kick any of them. I know soccer is your favorite sport so that is probably why you're underimpressed.
  14. I thought he played well also, particularly in the 2nd half. If you do watch the game again, tell me if it was my imagination or was he getting held all day long. I remember being surprised he didn't manage to draw a single flag on the Pats interior OLine.
  15. I think this is absolutely right on and I cannot understand how anybody can trust him at key moments right now and that includes EJ Manuel. This team may not be ready to win right now, but in the next year or two I think/hope they will be. When that time comes I have absolutely zero interest in seeing Stevie Johnson on the field in the 4th quarter of a tight playoff game. I couldn't care less about his mouth, his t-shirts, his music, his celebrations or his social media presence. The only thing I give a hoot about is what he does when the game clock is moving. And I do not trust this kid when the game gets big. Another thing that I cannot believe I haven't seen in this thread is commentary about his spotty blocking. He blew off several assignments in Sunday's game and I have no doubt he heard about it in the film room this week. I have a feeling that will get him in Marrone's doghouse a lot quicker than the 4th quarter drops.
  16. They'd have to pay me a lot more than $5 to eat that stuff.
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