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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Get him off the field please He's been the Jets pigeon since 30 seconds into the game, he hasn't improved a single iota in all the snaps they've give him for way too long, and he's going to be somebody else's pigeon next week and the week after that. Just get him off the f'ing field
  2. no matter how many times you rail against it, he's calling a preseason game right now Whether that turns out to be the right decision and gets us a win remains to be seen. But he still hasn't turned to page 2 in the Playbook
  3. drop 8 into coverage and there is no matchup to take advantage of EJ protecting the ball and not making things worse isn't a bad thing right now
  4. Another stroing play from Carrington The Bills DLine is kicking much ass out there
  5. If they're already calling Leodis "out", he's likely out for more than today. This team is not going to beat many people with its 3 best DBs out.
  6. I'd rather see Ron Brooks and Nickel Robey out there than any other combo we can field right now
  7. Giving EJ Manuel crap about a timing throw being off when an injured WR half-stepped his route from beginning to end is disingenious
  8. He was carrying an undersized Aaron Williams in anyways, even if Kiko doesn't pop him
  9. It'd be nice to spend one of these games not digging out of a hole......
  10. Manny Lawson can really play If the Jets don't get that TE some help, he's going to have 20 tackles today
  11. Justin Rogers, who doesn't even belong in the NFL, is now our only healthy starting corner?
  12. If I remember right they flipped Mario after they'd set, and when the OLine slanted at him they slipped Kiko in the back door. Newton never knew he was coming or he would have done exactly what you suggested. But with only sending one extra rusher the Bills didn't really compromise the integrity of their umbrella and even if Newton does get it out he's throwing it in the middle of the field where that play is just going to die a slow, ugly death.
  13. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  14. Spread most of those kudos for the Urbik signing to Doug Whaley, who very much deserves them.
  15. I believe today was Dennis Conner's birthday
  16. Yeah, we haven't heard much about him either. And he's blocking a lot of people. He's in.
  17. Eric Wood and Manny Lawson. They've both been great in both games and we haven't heard hardly a peep about either.
  18. Please don't call him into any EJ threads. Pretty please? With Frank's on top?
  19. He's got to stop throwing to stationary targets in front of the sticks on third down; he did it a bunch of times last week, too. I understand him wanting to be overprotective of the ball as a rookie QB, but he needs a coach to help him understand that an incompletion to a spot where only his receiver could get it is a better play than a 4 yard pass to a guy who is standing there facing you directly.
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