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Everything posted by Simon

  1. My intention is not to limit conversation or disagreement, but to curb the constant ragging of other posters and kvetching about the board from people who would rather be part of the problem than the solution.
  2. The lack of effective route combinations was one of my most regular complaints when DickJ was coaching this team. It's again become an issue for the Bills, particularly between the 20's. They'll run people off in the redzone to try and create scoring plays, but it's like they have a limited number of available options and they feel they need to save them for when they get closer to the goalline. I think it's time for Hackett to make his way to page 3 of the playbook; not just for short-term effectiveness, but for longer term improvement as well.
  3. I would never hit a woman during supper...... A man in the depths of an ether binge is by definition, a part of the solution!
  4. I know that I'm not the only one who's getting really tired of people whose only purpose here seems to be to complain about other posters and the forum in general. If you want to come here to talk about the Bills, great. If you just want to hang out and be a contributing part of a cool community, that's awesome too. But if your primary goal here is to complain about the board and mock other Bills fans, you might as well turn around and get the !@#$ out right now because I've had enough. I love this place and this community and I'm not going to stand idly by while a bunch of whiny jerks do their best to break it down. Those jerks are about to start getting a lot of extra attention from me, and if you don;'t want to be one of them, I suggest you make more of an effort to be part of the solution as opposed to being part of the problem. Cuz some of these problem are about to get solved in a permanent way in very short order. Hope y'all enjoy the sunshine today and the game tomorrow!
  5. I agree with all of this Bill; if we're looking at it from the perspective of the only goal is to win football games This Year. But I don't think the Bills are playing for just This Year. I think they recognize that they're not going to challenge for the division, or even a playoff spot this year, so coaching guys up and building a good foundation becomes one of the primary goals, and if you can happen to win while doing it, then great. I don't like some of the things I've seen either, but there's a learning process going on here, and if teaching is as important to them as winning right now, I can sort of understand that.
  6. I said the exact same thing out loud at least 3-4 times during that game last Sunday; of course nobody listened. Although that could be because I was in a room by myself..... Thank you so much for your concerted effort to turn an interesting football thread into a complain about the board thread. Maybe instead of ragging on other Bills fans, you'd get better results by actually adding to the discussion instead of crapping on threads and then complaining about the quality of the forum.
  7. My favorite Who album (and cover). I'd prefer to see them try and do Discipline if they're going to run through a King Crimson album, but I don't know if they could pull it off. If I could pick one album to see them do, I think I'd go with Waiting for Columbus. Lowell George's stuff would be right in their wheelhouse, plus the show itself would end up being a great party.
  8. Jam-On on XM/Sirius has been pushing the new album really hard the last couple days. Tomorrow night at 8:00 they'll be re-running a show with Warren Haynes in studio introducing everything on the album trak-by-track. I caught part of it the other night and it was some pretty good stuff. Check it out if you're interested.
  9. And still nobody mentions Manny Lawson who was the best player on the field for either team. His name from now on is MANny Lawson There is a point of diminishing returns for that philosophy and I think the Bills flirted with that line in Weeks 1&2 and then took a gigantic leap over it yesterday. We are not making a playoff run this year; now is the time to let EJ go out there and make the mistakes that he needs to learn from. By overprotecting him from himself,the Bills are stifling his development in a year that should be focused on making him a more complete QB. I couldn't care less if he goes out there and throws 25 picks this year because it's not going to hurt a team that is not in the hunt. I do care if he spends three months not being allowed to attack all parts of the field, because in the longer run, that will hurt this team.
  10. So I had a root canal today; it started about 4:30 and took until about 5:45. On the way home I was thinking about it and realized that Monday from 4:30 - 5:30 was actually less miserable for me than was Sunday from 4:30 - 5:30. Yes, watching the Bills is literally worse than having a guy file out live nerves from under your tooth.
  11. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  12. And the year before that as well. This is now his 3rd season of being the pigeon every time he steps on the field. I was disappointed when he made the roster and then flat out horrified when they decided to pencil him in as a starter. I'm actually shocked it took this long for somebody to attack him for a whole game. This is not a problem that is going to get better with experience or coaching; he hasn't improved a single iota since the Bills began inexplicably giving him repeated live snaps. As long as he is on the field, this defense is compromised to a degree that it is going to be next to impossible to win games with a rookie QB and co-ordinator on the other side of the ball. If the Bills don't get him off the field this week, the credibility of this staff will take a significant hit in my book. I find it troubling that both Brian Waters and Drayton Florence were available after Week 1 and to my knowledge the Bills showed no interest in exploring either of them as an option.
  13. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  14. They also did it on 2nd down after a sack on about their own 20, which was equally as stupid.
  15. Bingo. They're not making a playoff run this year. Let the kid play the game and learn from the mistakes he's going to make. He doesn't need helicopter parents, he needs to go out and ball.
  16. Would you like to add an NFL TE to the roster? Or maybe address the fact that once again we're sporing the worst run D in the NFL? Perhaps add just one credible outside threat at WR? Possibly find a LB who can cover a TE? Maybe find an innovative offensive mind that can think on his feet? Or do yo want to stick with starting 6 offensive linemen and 5 defensive backs?
  17. Providing he was even able to beat out John Skelton in camp........
  18. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  19. He's been this bad for 2 years now, he just didn't have as many opportunities to show it so often
  20. It is a long-standing tradition here at TSW to refrain from starting new threads during games. Please do your part in helping us keep this the best Buffalo Bills message board on the planet. Thanks for your help!
  21. Unless you'r at the game I wouldn't make that assumption without being able to see the field
  22. Marrone and Hackett have been disgustingly bad today.
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