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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Any thoughts on the Luminosity style exercises? Can they stave off my impending Alzheimer's for a handful of years?-)
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  4. NFL switching back to yellow flags next week
  5. I don't think those were misfires as much as a guy playing in his first NFL game being scared out of his pants and being overprotective of the ball by keeping it as far away from the corners as he could.
  6. The very thought of spending 3 full seconds listening to Rick Pitino argue with some radio Mass hole actually just made my teeth hurt.
  7. That was what I did here in Western Pennsyltucky during the late afternoon. Frankie didn't have his best stuff today, but he kept the ball low and fought like hell to limit the damage. That was a grinding win where nothing came easy, but it's great to know that even when they don't bring their A-game, they can still find ways to win.
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  9. I agree they're going to have an excellent defense when their secondary is finally intact. And I agree they should be competitive in about every game on their schedule. But I have a hard time seeing them actually pulling out many W's. I think they going to struggle to score points most of this season and the defense is going to have to play near flawless football to actually win games. With the way this league is currently set up, playing perfect defense is just too much to ask for. That being said, this is the first time I've been relatively happy with the direction this team is moving since about 1 day before they traded for Drew Bledsoe.
  10. I'm not sure whether the trait of strength or the trait of character is associated with being a dope; I clearly have respect for Manuel as a person. The Bills are going to sign a veteran to carry for the rest of the season. Whoever that guy is, he is going to be the only veteran QB on the roster. He is going to be in EJ's ear when they practice, when they're in the film room, during games, at meetings, in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. As the only veteran at his position on the team, he is going to serve as a role model for Manuel by default. If it turns out that Freeman spends too much time in the clubs, or is a locker room lawyer, or spends too little time in the film room, or likes to submarine his coaches, or whatever, that IS going to have an influence on how Manuel views the role of an NFL QB. Since I consider the upside of adding Freeman to this roster to be minimal at best, then even any minimal downside makes the acquisition questionable. The Bills aren't going anywhere this year; if they have reliable reports that Freeman is a bonehead at all, then bringing him in here accomplishes nothing and is potentially a net negative.
  11. I tend to think he wouldn't be either, he seems to have too much strength and character for that. I'm just not interested in finding out we're wrong the hard way, and for the minimal upside of 2 extra wins in a building season.
  12. The problem is that if it isn't just Schiano, I don't want Freeman anywhere near my young, impressionable blue chip rookie QB. It's not worth it, even for a couple extra wins.
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  14. Here is a thread full of positives. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/162379-positives-from-tonight/ C'mon in and check it out. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  15. That is a significant group of players. And when you consider we get Williams back at Safety when those other 4 return, it is virtually an entire starting unit of a professional football team.
  16. looks like a fine NFL safety. Can't wait to see him there.
  17. I liked the fact that they fought like hell; they played like they meant to win in impossible circumstances. That bodes well for a young group learning its way Or play our asses off and then just take him with our 4th pick
  18. I have a hard time referencing old or even recent history right now because I think this franchise is in the midst of the biggest metamorphosis it's seen in my lifetime. Ownership decisions from the past just aren't currently relevant; or will they be any more, for that matter. And while tonight was certainly buttugly, and the chances of Tuel figuring it out are microscopically slim, I just can't give the Bills the business right now about bringing in multiple young QB's. Even if they don't pan out, I'm encouraged they consider it a priority.
  19. He's got just enough tools to want to see him a little more. I don't have a problem with him being part of this franchise. He's an acceptable acquisition until we know more about him. But not necessarily as a guy you want to toss into his first NFL possession tied in the second half, on the road, under the lights against a great defense. That was some really unfortunate timing for him to get his first taste on a night like tonight. The problem isn't having him, the problem is not having another guy for a situation like that. But it's an irrelevant secondary problem if you look at it strategically instead of tactically, which is what this season is about.
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