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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Bradham played a very significant role in holding TE Jermaine Gresham to a season low of 2 catches for 5 yards today.
  2. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  3. <rushes into the garage to make a voodoo doll of Jeff Tuel....>
  4. He's not pile-driving anybody, but he's steady and looks like much less of a liability than Colin Brown
  5. Dareus has been spending a lot of time on the sideline for some reason.
  6. Are you kidding me? He's got a practice squad QB and a pile of green WR's to work with and he's alredy racked up a ton of yards aganst a very good Defense. This has been the best work he's done all year. The guy makes his return to Buffalo and in his first appearance drops an absolutely world-class punt out at the 1 inch line. And you're going to take a crap on it.........
  7. Yet another hitch at Gilmore. You've got to get him out fo there
  8. Massive props to the Oline on a great 1st quarter. They are kicking the snot out of people.
  9. Ginger Dalton's gonna need Obamacare before this is over
  10. Attacking Gilmore with hitches and reverses is going to pay big dividends. He's half the player he should be with one arm and I'm not convinced he should even be out there
  11. That's some buillspit. Do not post false info here
  12. I thought it was a penalty live, but changed my mind on the replay; You're not supposed to even touch him down but that was still a marginal call at best.
  13. !@#$ I really want to see this D without one arm tied behind its back.......
  14. I tend to think that would create more problems for the server than it would solutions. Not to mention it strikes me as overmoderating the forum. Let's try this for a week and see how it goes; we can always make adjustments down the road. Thanks for the suggestion, feel free to keep 'em coming.
  15. And it's not just the upgrade with Gilmore; it makes everybody else better and gives the defense more options to work with too. e.g. Today you now have the option of of putting McKelvin over AJ Green and giving him plenty of help over the top with Byrd. Then tell Gilmore he has the Z all over the field while Pettine focuses on getting after Dalton like he slapped his momma. The Bengals OLine is nothing to write home about and if Pettine doesn't feel the need to have his secondary dipping their toes in their first week together, today could be a very unpleasant day for Ginger Andy.
  16. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/162474-bills-open-to-trading-byrd/
  17. It's definitely been a real problem for the Defense. But having our secondary intact for the first time this year could end up making a significant difference.
  18. I can't wait for Kiko Alonso to fight the whole 7th grade
  19. The weird thing is that during the actual play he seemingly has the entire herd of zebras in his pocket. Post play, he's certainly got a reputation that's earning him extra unwanted attention, but while the play is going on he draws an amazing number of penalties on opposing DB's. He may be an "OK" receiver who has OK speed, OK hands, OK quickness, OK strength, etc, but the one thing he is incredibly skilled at is hooking guys who put a hand on him downfield and making it look like his route has been altered without all the flailing histrionics that automatically make stripes roll his eyes. You see new examples of it almost every week, but maybe the best one you'll ever see is that crazy penalty he drew at the end of th4e Carolina game. That ball had no chance whatsoever of being completed and he knew it and had the sense to not even make a play at it. But he set that safety up for a penalty when the guy was still 10 yards away from him. and ran his route right into a hook that didn't exist until he created it. I don't think he's played very well this year; long stretches of ineffectiveness, more drops, some awful blocking ,etc. But he has become one of the craftiest WR's I have ever seen as far as creating contact and drawing flags on DB's who make the mistake of getting their hands outside of their bodies.
  20. Just thought it sounded like good quality entertainment. I don't know anything about the poll changing
  21. That sounds like good quality entertainment. I'm parking over there from now on.......
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