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Everything posted by Simon

  1. If he's sitting in a bar with Beerball the answer resides within the question!
  2. I cannot believe he let him kick that That was bill cowher quality stupidity
  3. When they switched coverage to this game there was a siren sounding for the kickoff. I caught myself wishing for a second that there was an air-raid incoming........
  4. SHould have called a TO before the ball was even snapped. That late substitution was a mistake waiting to happen
  5. So did you consult with Darin (or anybody else for that matter) before you decided to barge into PPP and tell everybody what they are now allowed and not allowed to post in here? Or did you just decide all on your own that you are now going to be the new boss of PPP? I know that a lot of you fellas have wanted me out of here for a long time, and it may well turn out that you have been right all along and that my exit would solve some problems and alleviate some hard feelings. If that turns out to be the case, I'm OK with that. But as I stroll casually towards the door allow me say that you should beware of men who feel it is their place to come into your turf and tell you how you're going to act for your own good. While I think it's wise to keep the main board relatively free of a lot of the stuff that goes on here, I have always been protective of PPP and the posters who want to come over and take the gloves off and have at 'er, as I enjoy doing that sometimes as well. Y'all might want to consider the wisdom of allowing somebody who doesn't respect that boundary to gain a beachhead in here.
  6. Lynch was a goner well before the draft that brought Spiller here. Regardless of what the Bills had done with that first round pick, Marshawn had already played his last game in Buffalo. It was a done deal the minute that Buddy became GM.
  7. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about moderation. I don't think that the moderator of this forum (or the OP for that matter) have any interest in turning this into that kind of thread.
  8. Why on Earth would I be "touchy" about an accurate observation I made several years ago.
  9. Well your streak of being right has ended at one. Great run though, Your best ever.
  10. Yeah, it's amazing that so many people can't even manage to read the first five words in his post.
  11. He was the same way at Stanford. You'd watch him play solid QB for 3 quarters then if the game was close in the 4th quarter he'd just go completely insane and start pathologically carving up defenses.
  12. Yep, I agree with this. Although I will say that the catch the wide-out made on 2nd down while AWilliams was inside his shirt ripping at his hands was just ridiculous. Williams read that route like a book and played it perfectly but the receiver just made a world class play.
  13. Cuz you're twice as stupid as everybody else!
  14. I said almost the exact same thing a couple times during the second half today. 2nd/long is a traditional blitz down because it's effective and he's suddenly showing three man fronts there, 3rd/short situations and your most powerful anchor is repeatedly standing there on the sideline, one of the most dangerous downfield threats on the planet and you're limited in the amount of coverage you're going to roll to that side. I like the guy and am glad he's here, but today was a very strange departure from the norm at times.
  15. I was a limited viewer over the last half of the season (all credit due to D Wannstedt) but even in that limited viewing I still saw multiple instances of things that you just can't get away with in this league. Flipping his hips the wrong way, allowing guys to break his cushion, trying to play trail techniques on inappropriate routes, etc. He usually recovered from the error before he was caught out on it, but the little technique mistakes were still there. I honestly just don't think the kid had any qualified coaching until this offseason. He could be an absolutely huge part of this defense and I am really anxious to see what he can bring to the field at some point this season. Oh I don't disagree with that at all; he was definitely a huge liability out there. All 3 of the Bengals successful drives in the first half were primarily a result of a big play we gave up when they attacked our one-armed corner with a hitch or an end around. But I don't think he was a liability because he's a bad player; I think he was a liability because he's an injured player. His strength and MO as a corner is a physical challenging game and that's been taken away from him in the short term. Maybe a truly gifted athlete like Champ Bailey or Darell Green can be effective without being able to use his hands, but that is just not what makes Gilmore good. What makes him good is his willingness and ability to get inside a receiver, mix it up and destroy the integrity of the guy's route. He can't do that right now without getting rag-dolled because he's playing one-handed. If you want to compare it to previous Bills corners think about it like this: a great athlete like Nate Clements could probably get by playing with one arm but a great football player like Antoine Winfield never could. Gilmore is more like Antoine Winfield than he is Nate Clements and he needs to be able to play football instead of relying on his athleticism to be effective at this level. Can he become a shut-down corner? I don't like using the term because it means so many different things to so many different people and no corner wins every route in a game and totally shuts people down. But can he be a legitimate top end DB in this league; yeah I think he can. He's a pain in the ass to play against because he fights like a demon on every snap, QB's hate throwing at him because he's usually inside a WR's shirt, when he has two hands he's quick and eager to attack the LOS and create problems for multiple aspects of an opposing offense. He needs to clean up a few issues with his technique (which I want to believe the coaching change will address) and he might have to play with just a touch less reckless abandon if he wants to stay healthy. But the quicks, the physical and mental toughness, and the instincts are all there for him to be the kind of player that creates problems for the bad guys and allows more freedom for the good guys to open up the defensive playbook. You know, sometimes it's OK to say "Wow, I didn't realize that. I'll take a longer, more open-minded look at the issue and see what I think of it". Or you can just dig a hole, close your eyes and hunker down........
  16. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've seen that before. Those *'s get more breaks on a ballfield than any team I have ever seen.
  17. The biggest problem he had last year was with some truly awful technique that occasionally got him in trouble and that never seemed to get corrected throughout the year. I pin a lot of that on Catavalos, who never seemed to do a single thing for any of the Bills DB's in all his time here. Considering the significant improvement we've seen in the gmaes of both McKelvin and AWilliams, I have high hopes that Gilmore is going to take the same step forward when he actually returns for real.
  18. I didn't care for the pick at the time either but it is no reason to rag on Gilmore, who brings everything he has at all times. His entire game is predicated on challenging receivers and attacking them at every opportunity. Playing with one arm completely neutralizes the strength of his game and makes him a shadow of a shell of himself. Putting him on that field today was like asking Larry Homes to step in a ring with his left arm tied behind his back; there is simply no way he can compete like that. The Bengals realized that before hte game even started and immediately fed him a heavy diet of hitches and reverses; plays where he needs to get off blocks and make tackles to be an effective corner. They continued to do it all day long and made several huge plays because of it. If you want to give the Bills staff some grief for allowing an injured player to convince them he's ready to play when in reality he's going to be a liability, go for it. But giving Gilmore the business for not being able to succeed in an impossible situation just isn't fair. If he continues to be victimized once he's able to play with two hands again, by all means call him out. But there is no way he can play anything even remotely resembling his game when he's physically incapable of fighting his opponent. P.S. Today is the first time ever you stumped me with a lyric!
  19. Just gave up a game winning TD to the Pats with 5 seconds left in the game.
  20. I'd rather just straight-up beat the begeesus out of them and handle Tuel from a distance. Are you texting and driving again?
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