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Everything posted by Simon

  1. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  2. I never thought he would get out of camp. Everybody went crazy for some monster shot he laid on a 160lb slot receiver floating over the middle, but when you looked at the rest of his tape it looked to me like a guy who played with minimal pop or functional strength. He's nothing more than OK depth for the Bills, but I never thought he had a real chance to even make the roster.
  3. I never saw Vince Young as a good pro but Limas Sweed definitely fooled me too; I thought he was an NFL player for sure. While we're on UT receivers, I also thought Roy Williams was a lock as a big-time NFL player from the moment I watched him dominating people as a Freshman. I'll also throw in Stephon Lefors who I still don't understand why he didn't make it. For current Bills, I'll go with Nigel Bradham who I didn't think had enough ass to hold up in the NFL.
  4. I don't know what they were talking and laughing about, but I got a kick out of Mario repeatedly and emphatically saying "F*** that!" on the sidelines right after he had blown up another Tackle and tried to chop Tannehill's arm off. That was good stuff.
  5. I thought Hawk Time had possibly killed Arguello in the ring at the end of that fight.
  6. I don't know about the stats or the rankings, but I'm beginning to lose count of the number of times that Fred has put this team on his back and powered them out of a tough spot. I have no doubt his wallet looks like this.
  7. Hopefully it will help him 20 years down the road when he's playing with his grandkids instead of drooling into his tapioca ; - )
  8. You ever hear the story of the first and only time the Stillers went to scout Lambert at Kent State? Because the practice field was damaged and they couldn't utilize it that day, they ran a non-contact practice in a nearby gravel parking lot. Lambert was being himself and running around like a lunatic and diving to make stops all over this gravel parking lot while in a t-shirt and shorts. Apparently he spent much of the practice picking chunks of granite out of his arms, legs and face between plays. One of Art Rooney's kids was the scout that day and after watching that display of mean, he somehow convinced the old man to take a shot on a 195lb linebacker.
  9. I think it's also worth mentioning that in addition to that, The Club has got to be playing havoc with both his balance and quickness. Trying to play corner at a high level while carrying a pumpkin in your hand is damned near impossible.
  10. If you see somebody calling another member of this community an idiot, I'd be interested to hear about it. Please use the "Report" function which can be found at the bottom of every post.
  11. He wasn't blocked into him. If you catch a replay I think you'll see that the only reason he contacted him was because he intentionally threw his chest forward to bump him well after the ball was gone. Luck got rid of the ball when the guy was still 4-5 steps away from him; he was clearly in control of any leftover momentum he had and I don't think there's any doubt he bumped him on purpose. It wasn't a Turkey Jones classic but it's also not 1977 and you're not allowed to knock QB's around just for the fun of it anymore.
  12. I wouldn't call it "rough" but it was clear that he chest bumped Luck from behind a full 2 seconds after the ball was gone. If it wasn't a cheap shot, it was still incredibly stupid.
  13. The play you referenced was an example of the atrocious technique that we see form him on occasion, and that I had hopes would disappear with the change of defensive coaches. I'm not going to give up that hope because of one play. In fact I'm not even going to pass any judgement on Gilmore's play this year until he can play without The Club. As for right now, he has no business whatsoever being on the field in that condition and I hold the coaching staff responsible for the boneheaded decision to put him out there two weeks in a row.
  14. If he's sitting in a bar with Beerball the answer resides within the question!
  15. I cannot believe he let him kick that That was bill cowher quality stupidity
  16. When they switched coverage to this game there was a siren sounding for the kickoff. I caught myself wishing for a second that there was an air-raid incoming........
  17. SHould have called a TO before the ball was even snapped. That late substitution was a mistake waiting to happen
  18. So did you consult with Darin (or anybody else for that matter) before you decided to barge into PPP and tell everybody what they are now allowed and not allowed to post in here? Or did you just decide all on your own that you are now going to be the new boss of PPP? I know that a lot of you fellas have wanted me out of here for a long time, and it may well turn out that you have been right all along and that my exit would solve some problems and alleviate some hard feelings. If that turns out to be the case, I'm OK with that. But as I stroll casually towards the door allow me say that you should beware of men who feel it is their place to come into your turf and tell you how you're going to act for your own good. While I think it's wise to keep the main board relatively free of a lot of the stuff that goes on here, I have always been protective of PPP and the posters who want to come over and take the gloves off and have at 'er, as I enjoy doing that sometimes as well. Y'all might want to consider the wisdom of allowing somebody who doesn't respect that boundary to gain a beachhead in here.
  19. Lynch was a goner well before the draft that brought Spiller here. Regardless of what the Bills had done with that first round pick, Marshawn had already played his last game in Buffalo. It was a done deal the minute that Buddy became GM.
  20. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about moderation. I don't think that the moderator of this forum (or the OP for that matter) have any interest in turning this into that kind of thread.
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