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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Yeah, just like that; because relaxing with a j is exactly like dying from smack.
  2. When you willingly create a self-inflicted scheduling disadvantage every year, you don't have a lot of room to complain about somebody else doing it to you unwillingly.
  3. Wow, that sucks. Seemed like a great guy who genuinely loved the game. Hope he's playing ball again on the big field in the sky.
  4. A disproportionate number of well-rested teams It's a fair point but as long as they choose to be the only team in the NFL that only plays 7 home games every year, their complaint is all but moot, imo.
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  7. I like Cotchery too. Both him and Brown are tough smart receivers who picked up some characteristics from Hines Ward before he retired. Neither one is the world's greatest athlete but they have great instincts and can really get their hands dirty. This will be a great matchup to watch Gilmore scrapping with them. As for Ben, yeah he can still play. But I don't think he's the same guy when he doesn't have the horses around him. He has a tendency to press too much and gets himself in trouble because of it. His habit of holding the ball is likely to create real problems for him against this defensive front. Right now he's creating almost as many problems as he's resolving. I hope this is the week he finally walks over to the sidelines after a series and punches Todd Haley in the face. And good point about their STs. Thoise units have had gremlins in them for the lat 15 years.
  8. There ain't nothing subjective about that; either you can get it home or you can't.
  9. fwiw, once the game has started, the temperature is virtually irrelevant to players; unless it's 30 below or 105 you don't even really notice it.
  10. I'll raise your possible with a probable, and am fully prepared to call it almost certain.
  11. They're DLine is under-powered and with Harrison gone and Woodley a shell of himself, they get minimal pressure off the edges. That being said, Dick LeBeau is the greatest Defensive coach I have ever had the pleasure to watch and he has a significant history of completely destroying rookie QB's. I expect to see a LOT of Stillers in the box and a healthy measure of zonedawgs designed to bring interior pressure. The problem that creates is that Ike Taylor is really the only quality cover guy they have and he might be watching in civvies on Sunday. If the Bills have plenty of maxprotect in the gameplan, they might be able to take advantage of that issue; otoh a bunch of injured receivers is not part of the formula to do that. This is going to be a really intriguing matchup. P.S. Nice call last week on the matchup with the KC offense. I was afraid they were going to hold the ball for 35-40 minutes by attacking us with a horizontal gameplan heavy on TE's and RB's, but they were never able to get anything going. That was some good, quality entertainment.
  12. I wouldn't say they're bad; they've got a few good players in Polamalu, Taylor and Clark. But this year they've been completely hung out to dry by an under-performing Front7.
  13. He can get as mad as he wants. But it's not going to change the fact that the Stillers have allowed the talent on their DLine to deteriorate badly and appear to have completely blown the rebuild on their OLine. These guys are not good in the trenches right now; they're not even adequate at this point. They still have a couple guys scattered around the roster who can play but some uncharacteristically poor franchise decisions over the last few years have really hurt this team, likely both in the short term as well as long.
  14. I'm surprised Aaron Williams wasn't up there on that list
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  16. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  17. I don't know, brother. I'm not sure I like how our D matches up against KC's short-drop horizontal offense.
  18. I think the funniest part is that these folks you're referring to have likely never even seen Flynn take a single snap! I can't say jack about him because I've never seen him operating in an NFL offense.
  19. I was out doing leaves this evening with my Ipod on shuffle and this came on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StfsHwWvleM Thanks for everything, Lou.
  20. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  21. I don't know, man. He's got significant accuracy issues and doesn't have a great feel for what's going on immediately around him. I agree that he's played beyond expectations but I have my doubts about him being a primary backup in this league.
  22. fwiw the youngest I've ever taken to a game was my son (who was just under three) for the season-opneing Sunday Night game vs Tennessee right after HomeRunThrowback. He was fine for the first half and spent the second half sleeping comfortably in my wife's lap even though the joint was really rocking that night. I probably wouldn't take a one year old, but don't have any problem with it. My only suggestions would be to condition him to loud noise a bit before you go (I used to have mine take naps with loudish music playing) and get yourself some aisle seats and be prepared to move around the stadium for changes in scenery during the game. Hope y'all have a good time!
  23. Libertarians have joined environmental groups in lobbying to allow government to use the little boxes to keep track of the miles you drive, and possibly where you drive them — then use the information to draw up a tax bill. Wha....???
  24. That's a great analogy. I seriously doubt that the FBI or any other law enforcement agency is ever going to end civilian cyberpunks. Particularly when the federal government continues to show hostility towards its own citizens and constitution.
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