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Everything posted by Simon

  1. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  2. They've called up that deep fade in that down and distance about a halfdozen times this year, which is definitely over the top(I crack myself up). I like it on occasion because it absolutely messes with a corner's head and invariably creates space in the flat that the offense can utilize at some point later in the game. What I don't like is that they seem to feel the need to keep throwing it at TJ Graham and his 9" catch radius.
  3. That's really not fair. Most of those Special Olympians display 10X the courage we ever saw Northern show on a ballfield.
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  8. It's a great idea but we have to do it in Tomlin's voice: "OK, big men on blades of grass...... C'mon 11, live in your hopes, not your fears......ummmm.... one of them is moving in a very fluid manner......we need better ambient flow and good competitional contact...... do not let him do what he has done to us time and time again, we've been dead Indians in his cowboy movie enough......I think it's time to be thoughtfully non-rhythmic here..... perhaps this will create oppositional negativity in the return game...... OK, attending to detail and execution........got yer ass muthafu.........."
  9. No, I think he really doesn't know how to respond..... And NoSaint is correct; two warnings, then comes the flag, then the getback coach gets fired. I had a couple Stiller fans in my house last night who took issue with the fact I lamented Jones' unwillingness to put his hat right between Tomlin's shoulder blades. Never mess with a man's knees.
  10. One nice thing about Scrubs is that they always made it a point to put plenty of eye candy around. I'd say Blonde Doctor was about the 67th hottest woman to ever appear on that show
  11. Surprised nobody's brought up Bill Cowher's similar moment vs the Jags on a blocked FG return for TD. Even more surprised that when I went to find video of it for a nostalgic chuckle, that I could not find anything. Totally stunned that I can't find so much as even a picture of it. Is the NFL that pathetic that they've made a concerted effort to keep that bit of video of the interwebs?
  12. I've got the same sense so I looked up a few numbers. For the 2013 season, the Bills are dead last in the NFL in throwing the ball on first down at 49.5% (nobody else is below 50%) However, over the last 3 games that number has risen to 54.6%, placing them 23rd in the league over that stretch. In the last game the Bills went hogwild and raised that number to 64.3%, putting them at 14th in the NFL. The number appears to be trending upward; possibly because of increased confidence in a returning rookie QB, possibly because of matchups, possibly because of Hackett becoming more comfortable with his personnel and as an NFL co-ordinator. Whichever the case, I hope that trend continues.
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  16. What an absolute monster when he really decides to bring it. He was virtually unblockable today. About the only time he was neutralized was when guys were trying to rip his jersey off with tow hands. There were times today when there were Jets interior OLinemen hanging off him like monkey bars while he went about the business of ripping up the Jets offense. If somebody can figure out the trigger that fires him up like today, he could becomes the Bills next PhatPat.
  17. Yes, thank you. My point is that while bye weeks are great for players they aren't really tactically significant. On the other hand, giving up one of only 8 home games every year is strategically significant and hints toward the fact that maybe the Bills all-encompassing goal isn't actually winning a championship. When you intentionally put yourself at a competitive disadvantage, your complaints about being put at a competitive disadvantage tend to ring hollow. I agree that the NFL should do a better job at creating a more equitable schedule. But the Bills complaint would have a lot more weight if they weren't already creating a less equitable schedule themselves.
  18. Yeah, just like that; because relaxing with a j is exactly like dying from smack.
  19. When you willingly create a self-inflicted scheduling disadvantage every year, you don't have a lot of room to complain about somebody else doing it to you unwillingly.
  20. Wow, that sucks. Seemed like a great guy who genuinely loved the game. Hope he's playing ball again on the big field in the sky.
  21. A disproportionate number of well-rested teams It's a fair point but as long as they choose to be the only team in the NFL that only plays 7 home games every year, their complaint is all but moot, imo.
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  24. I like Cotchery too. Both him and Brown are tough smart receivers who picked up some characteristics from Hines Ward before he retired. Neither one is the world's greatest athlete but they have great instincts and can really get their hands dirty. This will be a great matchup to watch Gilmore scrapping with them. As for Ben, yeah he can still play. But I don't think he's the same guy when he doesn't have the horses around him. He has a tendency to press too much and gets himself in trouble because of it. His habit of holding the ball is likely to create real problems for him against this defensive front. Right now he's creating almost as many problems as he's resolving. I hope this is the week he finally walks over to the sidelines after a series and punches Todd Haley in the face. And good point about their STs. Thoise units have had gremlins in them for the lat 15 years.
  25. There ain't nothing subjective about that; either you can get it home or you can't.
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