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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Lots of hands in passing lanes A lot of zone with DB's facing the LOS Minimal blitzing, aside from some typical flooding of the A gaps traffic jams within 5yrds of the LOS to bottle up McCoy and stifle any screen games topside help rolled towards Sammy a bunch of cheap shots at knees as soon as they're down 13 counter it with: Clay behind the LB's Harvin on the edges Woods running digs on the hashes late hits on Brady on 1stdown between the 20's
  2. Or maybe they're just genuinely excited because they both love football. Pardon the hyperbole, but I think they'd be the best pair in the business if Berman was willing to do this full time. Even without him, Dilfer is going to be a great color guy whoever he works with.
  3. Editing other people's posts is absolutely NOT a moderator's job
  4. What's goin on man? I've always wondered what the unrealized potential of this forum could be if the Bills ever actually became a really good football team. Very glad you're around to help find out!
  5. I would assume he did; he's a ridiculous athlete. For some reason (body type, otherworldly quicks) I just never pictured him as a guy having as much long speed as he has short area burst.
  6. I've watched that kid play a fair amount of football (most of it world-class) and I have never seen anybody make him look like that. This rare combination of talent and a smart, hyper-aggressive scheme is not something you get to watch very often. With rule changes designed to help the offense there's no way we'll ever get the same final results/stats, but does this defense have the potential to look sort of similar to something Rex's dad trotted out onto Soldier Field a few decades ago? I'd bet my truck that's not the last one of those we'll see. We've got legitimate NFL players peppered all over our ST's units. We won't know what our return teams will look like until somebody actually kicks to them, but both of those coverage units were absolutely swarming yesterday and were doing so with evil intent. I think we're going to have opportunities for loose footballs all over the field this year.
  7. My favorite came on the opening drive of the 2nd half when he ripped that 10yrd out to Woods right at the sticks on 3rd down with a rusher directly in his grill. He keeps that up and we will make a deep playoff run.
  8. Cmon man, they didn't dominate but they converted a bunch of short distance dives and kept a green QB clean all day. The holding calls need to be addressed before anything, but that was a solid first outing
  9. I wish hed have been here during the Gilbride era
  10. We might be 4 for 4 in short distance conversions. It might be a function of it being the Colts, but its great to see that out of a Bills team
  11. You're a Bills fan, you damned well should be. But that's OK, cuz I've always beleived that butterflies make you better.
  12. Love Tyrod Taylor's demeanor and his understanding and command of the offense.There will certainly be some rough edges but it's a huge positive in a guy's first real game at any age. Ive become a Rex fan too, but the way he calls this defense is going to kill me by Halloween. When you've got those kind of Jimmie's and Joe's you don't need to run gritzblitzes in every down and distance you can find any remote rationalization for it. <glances at scoreboard> <shuts the hell up> The Colts are utterly terrified of Sammy Watkins. They are not afraid of Mario Williams though; I think he's hurt and they know it. Extra credit to Watkins for playing good hard football even when hes not getting any looks Props to Kyle Williams for carrying the mail early. Do Darby and Percy Harvn have longer speed than I thought? They both looked like guys who were quicker in short areas but they've both flashed a little track speed today Johnny Manziel is messing with the Jets business I've never seen anybody stone Frank Gore like Preston Brown did in the 2nd quarter. That was my first "off the couch with a big Whooooo" this year. We are going to make some big plays on Specials this year. Nobody should be shocked if the first one comes in the next hour This offseason there was some folks unhappy with the Clay signing because they hadn't seen him enough and didn't understand yet what he brought to an offense. Are some of you staring to see the matchup problems he creates against a variety of defenders? I know its early but I havent seen the Bills this well-coached in all three phases of the game in a very very long time. It's going to be an odd sensation to look ahead to matchups and make the assumption that you have an edge on the sidelines. That being said, I did not like the way they called the last two minutes of the half. Don't get cocky boys. Andrew Luck turns into an entirely different species of human in the 4th quarter.
  13. I'm afraid we're becoming such an entitled culture that incoming generations are getting the sense that even the mildest discomfort is anathema to the natural order of things. I swear the biggest issues I've ever had with my wife don't involve money or sex or any of the standard relationship issues; it's about her need to coddle and my need to put some calluses on the kids. And you know what? My older daughter is a badass, but I think I'm losing that fight with my youngest.
  14. I did a nice chunk of the Long Trail this summer. With all due respect to Baxter/Katahdin, the Camels Hump - Mt Mansfield area may have been the nicest place I've ever been in the East.
  15. This was a really good article that touches on that sort of nonsense: The Coddling of the American Mind
  16. I just became an empty-nester last Friday, when I took my last baby off to college. I tried not to lecture him too much but a couple of the things I told him last week were... > Get off to a really kick-ass start so you're always ahead of the game > Choose your friends wisely > Control your life so that it doesn't control you > The harder you work first, the better your play will be later
  17. It just seems to me that in order to get it home on time he needs that big long windup and two steps to push it. I'm afraid he's going to have real problems driving the ball through those winds by Thanksgiving. I've got some faith in Roman's creativity and versatility; he seems to have a knack for accentuating strengths and hiding weaknesses in his QB. He's a big part of the reason I think Taylor could be a legitimate weapon for the Bills if used wisely, but as a long term solution I'm afraid that just might be one bridge too far. Whichever way they go (and they are playing this one really close to the vest) I've already promised myself I'm not going to be the jackass that starts bagging on him the first time he hits a bit of a rough patch, because no matter who's taking snaps that is going to happen eventually. I'm just pumped to see the Bills start kicking people's asses and know that this long nightmare is over and we're entering what promises to be a long and entertaining run. Sweet Cuz I almost went with fuc#stick
  18. I just don't think he has the natural skillset to be that guy you can trot out there for the next 5-10 years. I haven't seen him as much as I'd like yet, but I don't see that real live arm you want in a guy who can make throws to every part of the field. His greatest asset is his quicks, but as he gets older and takes a couple years of NFL pounding, that's going to become less of an advantage over time. Not to mention that when defenses starting playing a contain game against him and force him to work from the pocket, that's going to create a myriad of issues for him. I also worry about his stature as I don't know if he as the frame to take a lot of hits and still remain healthy. Seems like a great kid and a hard worker and I'd love to see the Bills create some packages for him where he gets 1 - 4 possessions a game, depending on the opponent. But relying on him to work from the pocket for 16 games a year might be asking a bit too much. This kind of thinking has also been creeping into the back of my head for a while. But I am also being resistant to it as wishful thinking
  19. Yes we were, and we were clearly wrong. But just because we were wrong about a guy nearly 20 years ago doesn't mean I want to be paralyzed by fear to the point of being afraid to go for it again because we might be wrong. Besides, I sort of get the sense that EJ has much more grown-ass man in him than Rob Johnson ever did Yeah, I can see where those New Romans could make a fella...........nervous I should have gone with Sarama's Verdana
  20. Yeah, it's not like there's any prior history of it My premise was that I think Manuel should start the season; that is not contingent on the coaches agreeing with me. And I'm not buying into the limited window theory. I think between Whaley and Pegula, this franchise is set up very well for sustained long-term success.
  21. Yeah, I don't think Ryan and Roman are invested in the success of the team. You do realize that people who have the same goal may have differing opinions on how to reach it. I'd say MDH summed it up nicely in his earlier response. Unless of course you're just arguing for the sake of being difficult and trying to pile it on with Gugny. Should I expect Tom to show up shortly and ask why I hate Doug Whaley?
  22. Thanks man, although considering my choice of topic that sentiment is not likely widespread. I don't see it that way at all, which is one of the reasons I'm willing to take some short-term lumps watching Manuel develop. I think we have a young, sharp, proactive GM who wants nothing more on this Earth than to build a winning franchise. We also have a hungry new owner who is willing to do whatever it takes to win. That is a beautiful combination and when you factor in how loaded this roster already is, I believe it sets up the Bills for sustained, long-term success. Typically I'd be doubtful, but considering that we've already seen it happening there's no reason he can't continue on that trajectory
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