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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Yeah, apparently Duke Williams was the Bengals halftime adjustment
  2. So we're down two receivers and a starting tackle so far? $* it, let's roll.
  3. He's throwing across his body on a dead sprint and stuck it right on his man where no defender can make a play on it.
  4. Yeah, he blew the read when he turned his back to the LOS and walked himself into pressure But do you think we can give the guy more than 1 quarter this year befopre we start telling the people rooting for him to STFU?
  5. He does it all the time and its starting to drive me nuts
  6. Hang in there, brother. We've got your back. You nail a retread to your feet and I'll pray for better weather.
  7. Here are the Titans mounting "long drive after long drive" 41 yrds 17 yrds 52 yrds 18 yrds 8 yrds 0 yrds 1 yrd 39 yrds 72 yrds 17 yrds 0 yrds Sometimes I wonder what games people are watching
  8. In that case, my bad as I misread your point.
  9. The rule is not designed for an official to call a penalty every time two guys helmets happen to touch each other. If a guy is leading with his crown against a defenseless receiver, yeah call it. If a guy is loading up the chicken wing to deliver a kill shot, yeah call it. If a guy is bringing the pain after the ball is already gone by, then yeah call it. But for gawd's sake you don't throw a flag from 75 feet away 3 seconds after the play on either of the two guys who were getting down for a key, contested ball. That is well outside the confines of the rule, both in letter and spirit, and imo is a prime example of an officiating culture run amok with the implicit approval of the league.
  10. I missed the second time he got called for it (must have been mixing one up) but I thought the first time he got called for it was also a weak call compared to what he'd already been up to on a couple downs previously. If Jerry has suddenly figured out how to draw calls instead of frothing about the ones he's not getting, that's even better than adding a new pass rush move!
  11. I think this is the second toughest matchup our defense will have all year long. I've never had a lot of faith on Dalton, but he's really started making some smart, impactful plays outside the confines of the offense this year. I'm not afraid of anybody against our corners, but Bernard and Eifert are extremely problematic matchups for Bradham and Brown next week. If the offense pees down its leg in the first half like it's done the last couple weeks, I think it will be too much for us to overcome.
  12. If Lewin was the guy wearing the 77, he deserved every call he got. I saw him jaw-jacking guys at least 2-3 times before the first time he finally got called for it.
  13. That surprises me a little. None of them are going to run down the seam or be in somebody's jersey on the circle or the chair, but I feel like they are very solid if they're coached to attack routes and get home right on the break like the DB's have been doing for the most part. We may not have any track stars in the second level, but I think they're a very good fit for what we're doing.
  14. Many thanks for the verification on a wildly hyperbolic guess It's a work in progress but Im really, really happy with how aggressive the DB's have been attacking routes in their early stages. The failure to do that is a significant pet peeve of mine and its been a widespread pandemic of bet-hedging on NFL defenses for a long time now. Props to the Bills for for having their defense work as a wholly involved unit instead of playing CYA.
  15. We've got to lead the league in pass attempts against. These guys know Rex and they see Mario, Marcel, Bradham and Brown sitting in the front 7. They're not going to waste downs jamming the ball up in there; they're going to try and attck the edges as fast as they can get the ball out.
  16. I had a coach who used to say "too many billy goats and not enough crabs". Dont try to punish him before you have him under control; get your claws on him and then make it hurt
  17. We're usually on the same page (or chapter anyways) regarding football. It's everything else under the sun where we could drink whiskey and bicker for hours
  18. Good stripes know better than to make up calls on key third downs, particularly late in games. That guy took a full 2-3 seconds to think about it and then threw a flag from 25 yards on a "penalty" that he still never saw happen. Guys at the HS and college level generally have the good sense to not impose their stupidity on games, but the fact that a professional zebra felt he was entitled to impose his willful imagination on a game is symptomatic of a significantly larger problem. FWIW, I'd be equally as annoyed had he thrown that flag on the Titans if the roles were reversed. At want point do we recognize that entitled officials are having a noticeably detrimental impact on the game and take steps to address it?
  19. fwiw, I thought he was absolutely freaking horrible. If you run 50 plays on offense, and he has two positive rushes and only throws about 3 good balls on the entire afternoon then you've got a real problem on your hands. You've got a blue-chip QB standing on the sideline who has shown marked improvement over the course of his career; it's time to have a hard conversation. If he puts up a third poor effort in a row, then its absolutely time to get him the hell out of there
  20. I just don't think it's all that complicated. We all know what a killshot looks like. If you see one, call it. If you don't actually SEE a penalty, don't fu(king call it. That was one of the most embarrassingly bad calls I've ever seen at any level of football.
  21. forget the clock, this is an attack drive for points to win this game
  22. thats one of the most embarrassing calls ive ever seen at any level of football
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