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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Another great athlete with no instincts for this game
  2. A few minutes ago they were out there laughing and grab-assing with more than a quarter and a half left to play.
  3. you really dont deal with adversity well, do you
  4. There was nothing wrong with the block. Robey wasn't ready to play and took an atrocious angle
  5. The Jets OLine is getting away with murder out there
  6. I was thinking he's playing arguably his worst game of the season
  7. Lots of space between the numbers. If we can give Tyrod the time and space to utilize it, this offense is going to be a real problem to defend
  8. That is not even remotely close to what happened on that play Now let's go flip a fu(k1ing coin!
  9. He wasn't talking about the second level; he was talking about McCoy sticking his foot in the ground and cutting it upfield, i.e. vertically.
  10. I think he probably did, but its probably too close to overturn Taking longer than I'd like though....
  11. It was Glenn He came a loooong way to wall off the Sam and give Shady the lane to the endzone
  12. Don't worry, it could be upside down by the start of the 2nd
  13. Nothing happened to him. He's the same brain-dead one-read QB he's been since Day 1. The only difference is that now he doesn't have the best support system in the NFL propping him up. The guy has always been awful, now he just doesn't have anybody carrying him. ...... :lol:
  14. Chances are probably dropping overall as diminishing sunspots seem to indicate a decline in the solar activity cycle. But the sun is a fairly unpredictable burning ball of hydrogen so we're still going to get bursts, even in a decreasing cycle of activity I guess we just need to hope that we still get some big CME's pointing towards the Earth and that they'll be timed with clear weather to see the results. Or just take a nice long vacation in Norway....
  15. Holy shinola, you're a one man Troubles. You should be able to drink both beer and whiskey.
  16. My daughter made the Skittles vodka. It was not pleasant.
  17. If it does, you might want to get your affairs in order. For tonight, I think No. Virginia is about as far south as it could get. Nothing showing yet in the hills of Western Pennsyltucky......
  18. A big CME has us set up for a potential borealis well south of normal. Check your northern horizons after dark this evening
  19. Has anybody considered the possibility that all the $hit the Bills were doing two months ago (rumors that the staff loved Cassel, sheltering him in preseason games, cutting/re-signing him at half the price, dressing him as the back-up) were nothing more than an effort to drive up his trade value so some sucker would toss us a 5th rounder for him?
  20. I don't when it's going to happen, but there is a day coming when the Penguins are going to be punching themselves in the face for dumping Dan Bylsma for no good reason.
  21. I think they're trained to call anything even remotely close as a fumble. That way the play can continue the way it would if it were a fumble, then since replay is in effect on all turnovers, it will be simply be overturned if it wasn't an empty hand, was down by contact, etc. It works as a default position because it avoids them running into a situation where they whistled a play dead and replay shows it should have still been a live ball, and then you just have a big mess on your hands.
  22. From the "Why the hell would he know that offhand" category: Today is actually Ted Fujita's birthday.
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