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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Yes, because personal freedoms for American citizens, a living wage, corporate ownership of the US government and clean air and water are all meaningless compared to "non-partisan" issues like immigration, the stock market and welfare. Thank you for continuing to point out how both sides are equally biased to their own agendas.... Yeah, but we have the guns......
  2. So what you think are the top 5 issues must certainly be the top 5 issues for everybody. Thank you for providing a fine example of the single-minded, self-interest of both sides to which I was referring.. When it comes to failing to recognize that the partisan idiocy on the right is equally as stupid as it is on the left, you are either the bronze, silver, gold or platinum winner in this forum. Are you really surprised that partisan fools don't recognize their own tomfoolery? Because that in itself would be a surprise to me.
  3. Just pointing out that the hypocrisy of all the faux conservatives on the modern right is just as pervasive as it is on the left. A fact that is regularly overlooked by the many cheerleaders on this forum who are too busy rooting on their "team" to realize that it is running the exact same plays as the opponents whose tactics they are constantly crying about.
  4. Yeah, and the right is sooooo much different.
  5. Probably the most thorough and accurate report I've yet to see on the issue: The Business of Charter Schooling
  6. Another season ends ignominiously Rex Ryan is an atrocious fit for this team and I hope he is fired the day after the last game
  7. I dont know but I hope this one stays open in perpetuity to embarrass one of the most obnoxiously wrong posters in the history of this forum.
  8. You know how I knew that was coming? He'd already made the same dipshlt call about 2 minutes into the game, which naturally led to a 3/out in a game where sustaining offense was the #1 key to winning
  9. The good: A fine athlete, a hard worker and seemingly one of the good guys. The bad: His feel for this game is virtually non-existent. He might be the least instinctive receiver I have ever seen a ballfield.
  10. The only good that came out of that nightmare was knowing that Brady is going to hurt like hell in the morning
  11. Actually if he comes down with it, Brady still gets teh ball back with almost a minute
  12. those off-tackle lanes have been there a lot of the night
  13. I'll disagree with all three of you. They're were doing it just right for 29 minutes until they opened the door to Brady by opening up the offense with a low percentage play.
  14. Another dumb deep shot on 3rd down (how many is that this year?) gives them a possession they had no business having. They were right where they needed to be at halftime until they got stupid
  15. Brady's touched the ball 4 times in the first half. Its not only their own possessions they're limiting If you want to beat this team, this is exactluy how you have to do it If the Bills don't beat themselves, they can win this game
  16. I think limiting their possessions and shortening this game are exactly what they should be doing
  17. Its not as bad as having your green QB throwing into coverage
  18. I'm afraid there's a third reason and that it's the one that's going to be a problem long term. Because of his size, there are times when he simply cannot get a good look between the numbers. You can coach around it to some degree but you can never completely eliminate it.
  19. OK, just making sure you weren't taking me seriously
  20. Before that goes any further, I'm going to assume you're young and that you should take a moment to look up any historical interactions between Kevin Gilbride and Rex's dad (Buddy). Here is a lovely photo of Rex's pops and Gilbride discussing game strategy on the Houston sideline
  21. Yes. Rex had his dad serve as an intermediary and talk Gilbride into it. Buddy and Kevin have been sharing a luxury box on gamedays all season long.....
  22. What I thought was great about that play was that Tyrod had the brass to throw a very flat out right across the face of a HOF corner like Revis in that kind of a toe-curling down/distance and game situation. That throw had some hair on it.
  23. I don't mean to impose on your discussion, but this is absolutely a legitimate concern regarding Tyrod. In fact it is probably the biggest hole in his game going forward. Last night when he hit Karlos on the cross, the first thing that popped into my head was "was that his first completion between the numbers tonight?" It's been an ongoing issue that he needs to find a way around if he's ever going to be a complete NFL QB.
  24. We're seeing multiple instances of Tyrod badgering Roman to get the call in so he can take it into the huddle. With those two backs and that defense, I know the Bills want to shorten the game, but there is a point of diminishing returns and they took a running leap beyond it last night. The upside of Roman being so "measured" is that it works effectively toward keeping a green QB very calm and in control. But when it starts having a deleterious effect on real-time game conditions, I think it's definitely time to re-evaluate how you're doing things. Personally I wish the guy would just write three different scripts and utilize two of them after the half.
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