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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I have a subscription to the mag and saw it there, but it was last months issue and should let you read it online if you answer some poll question. It was a solid write-up, but not as good as seeing it redacted.
  2. If he was dragging the kid in there or forcing him into things he didn't want to be involved in, then I totally agree with you. But if the kid was asking to come to the park for home games and he was just trying to spend some extra time with him before he grows up and disappears, then I'm not going to give him hell for it.
  3. I was referring to the fact hat he preferred to act like a father as opposed to a child. But I'd also suggest that deciding how you want to live your own life as opposed to allowing others to dictate your actions is also acting like a man. That's fine; have yourself a good time. But calling a guy a "baby" because he's beyond that kids stuff strikes me as sort of stupid. If you feel compelled to insult somebody because they're different from you, at least make the insult fit. Call him a boring old fart instead........
  4. I didn't question his choice or the team's choice; I don't really have a problem with either one. I was just pointing out the irony of calling a guy a "baby" because he preferred to act like a man rather than a little boy.
  5. Yeah, he's clearly not mature enough to make dick jokes and brag about sex.......
  6. Gee, it's too bad we don't know how Garland might view a case like DC v Heller. If only we knew what his position might be if he was ever to provide an opinion in a case like that.......
  7. Seems like a solid choice. Although I'd like to see somebody who is maybe a little more supportive of the 2nd Amendment?
  8. Which is why he will not be coming to Buffalo. If you look in a thesaurus under "football player" you'll find a picture of Mike Wallace........ under the antonyms.
  9. Reason #7,984 that I don't own a cell phone. Although I guess I should just be thankful he actually had a shirt on.
  10. Sarama's too busy keeping this place running to accept the nomination.
  11. I never noticed the ending phonetics in that rhyme are the same as the Nationwide jingle.......
  12. He also had a set of dancer's feet that I'm not sure I've ever seen on a man that size. Dude was an alien......
  13. Ted was from my hometown here in Western Pennsyltucky; his brother was also a neighbor of mine for many years. As great a football coach as he was, he was an even better man. The whole family is a collection of world-class, quality human beings. Godspeed you Ted and thanks for everything. Look forward to sipping more of your beers on the other side.........
  14. I dont know what you guys keep going on about. I clearly saw him retire to a tropical island on Kashyyk with a big pile of gold and 7 randy pirate maidens......
  15. My favorite part was when Han retired to a tropical island on Kashyyk with a ginormous pile of gold and 7 randy pirate chicks......
  16. You ain't alone with 1000 people thinking about you, west. It's OK to be at peace. Merry Christmas brother......
  17. It's a sunny 60 degrees here in Northwest Pennsyltucky and I'm out on the deck knocking back rum drinks and running the grill. Might have to reconsider my stance on climate change.... Merry Christmas all!!!
  18. You can tell me my dog is stupid, my wife is ugly, my kids are reprobates and mf me up and down this forum and there will be no repercussions
  19. While that's a fair assessment, I like to think that most teachers hold themselves to a bit of a higher standard. Regardless, I think the issue at hand is figuring out how to get rid of the few who suck instead of tearing down entire districts and handing them over to profiteers with zero oversight.
  20. Like any other profession, there's a few teachers who suck at what they do. But the vast majority of them are dedicated and professional and do their very best with all the kids under their care.
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