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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I remember years ago being annoyed that the Bills beat the Panthers in an ugly, meaningless game that affected the draft order and put Carolina into position to draft him instead of us. Suffice to say that I am no longer bothered by that after watching Cam being a ginormous front-running pvssy for the last 5 years. Quitcher cryin Cameron
  2. Does anybody know if the NHL is going to reseed the matchups after each round of the playoffs, or if they are going to stick with the new system where brackets stay set regardless of upsets?
  3. No arguments there; but throwing EJ out there without Watkins, McCoy or Woods isn't likely to put any more points on the board. It's more likely to lead to an increase in turnovers and more fumbled snaps, broken plays, mishandled exchanges, etc.
  4. The one thing he's got going for him right now is ball security. You switch QB's at this point and that likely goes right out the window.
  5. If the Bills had a healthy Watkins, McCoy, Woods, etc and Tyrod was still struggling the way he has been, then I might also be on board with giving Manuel another shot. But putting EJ in there right now would accomplish nothing but create continuity problems, and do so with only a minimal chance of seeing any improvement in the offense. I think it's just too much risk without enough reward. As for Cardale, let's just say that he is nowhere near ready to manage an NFL offense, even one in it's simplest, most basic form.
  6. Clay is one of the most complete, well-rounded TE's you'll find anywhere in the NFL and the Bills are lucky to have him. He's been an absolutely huge factor in the success the Bills have had in their running game over the last couple years, both strategically and tactically. His contract makes him somewhere around the 7th-10th highest paid TE in the league; considering how rare 3-down TE's have become and how well he plays every facet of the position, he is worth every penny of it. You put this guy in an offense that can work the seams or let him play with a QB that can hit him on time and with accurate ball placement and people would be voting him into the Pro Bowl every year.
  7. The Sabres are a lot more fun to watch if any of you would like to switch over and actually enjoy your Sunday afternoon a little bit.....
  8. C'mon now hoss, that there's a Key West classic! That gaping crevasse that was old Ella's ass Was a dark and forboding prospectus. He found two payphones, old Glen Miller's trombone, And the skull of a homo erectus.......
  9. You two music lovers are still missing the boat... errrrr ship The Real Fitzgerald
  10. You really shouldn't need a Bills Backer bar. Seeing as it's Miami week, I'm assuming that it would be on network down there and virtually any bar on the key would be carrying it?
  11. Damn, old school. Good to see you back! Forget the Bills; there's nothing quite like a Sunday morning at the Green Parrot ; - )
  12. You only think that because you weren't a rope-smokling redneck in HS. If you were, you'd know that coughing with cracked ribs was even worse.
  13. Every one of those 6 points belong to Anthony Lynn; outstanding design on the route combinations, perfectly executed on a 1stdown formation after a couple Shady carries on the previous first down plays, targeting a scoring attempt at the last guy on the field the defense is looking at and at exactly the right moment when the Niners were ready to crack for good. I just love the trust he has in his OLine. I don't think he'll ever be able to overcome the accuracy issues that come from those unnatural mechanics, but even if he doesn't he's likely to have a job in this league for a very long time because of the kind of high character kid that he is.
  14. Props to Rex and Lynn for going right back to the young RB
  15. That's a good, cheap lesson for young Mr Williams
  16. QB's don't typically play 16 games so we're going to need EJ at some point this season. I like them getting him some live work when they can. Can you beleive we're deabting hte merits of pulling starts with almost 10:00 left?
  17. That was some Aaron Pryor mouthwash. Hawktime!!!
  18. great design from Lynn; he really trusts his OLIne
  19. Talk about waving a steak under the nose of fate. Are you trying to get somebody kilt?
  20. With all the key injuries to front-line guys, a heavy early schedule, an immediate swing to the far left coast, and then another trip out to the Winnipeg area this could be a really tough start for the boys. I'm not going to hit the panic button if they struggle, but is it too much to ask that they finish November healthy and better than .500?
  21. It wasn't pretty but I actually kind of gave him a pass on that drive. After having started all his games for Roman, he still has virtually zero NFL experience running a genuine 2 minute offense!
  22. You've done your penance. Now get yer bones back in the fold next week, man!
  23. I couldn't care less about his numbers or any other sort of math. What I care about in a Bills QB is his decision-making, his ability to deliver on-time/on-target, and his ability to sustain offense. All year long we've been seeing looooong stretches of football where he struggles with all of those necessities, and if it continues it WILL be the primary reason this team's season comes to an end. When the best thing you can say about your QB is that he does a nice of job of protecting the football, you're simply not getting enough from him.
  24. Clinton should have walked out on stage with both hands protectively covering her butch......
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