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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I wouldn't mind it a bit if they were allowed to fight back. It doesn't even have to be with killshots, but for gawd's sake at least let them ball a little.
  2. can't cut off routes, can't bang, cant armbar, cant use a trailhand, can't attack the ball directly, can't ride a route; those poor bastards are defenseless. And when you also factor in how much time we endure with officials, commercials, $500 haircuts and network promos on the screen, this league is becoming unwatchable Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered......
  3. I think you also got to consider that they're deliberately throwing those guys asses out there in the breeze during an era of NFL football that is specifically designed to allow QB's to sit there with no fear while taking away every tool available to a DB
  4. The Bruins made it 3-0 just seconds before kickoff and my BBFS was already making its own plans to just have a whiskey and hit the rack at halftime. A huge ST play is exactly what this team needed to become a factor in this game
  5. We are in agreement that cultural differentiation is an important factor in human evolution. However, if you think that your culture more closely aligns with mine than does GG's, then you're a fu(king imbecile.
  6. If only I could somehow be as prescient as you I would probably predict that I would never allow a good guy like you at my side
  7. I'll bet you Florida goes to the Dems, loser never posts in PPP again.
  8. Touch. Since I'm a pariah here anyways, you want me to take that Florida bet with the proviso that the loser never posts here in PPP again? Minimal investment for a potentially huge payoff
  9. If Gary can't get his 5 in this climate, my fading hopes for the republic will likely disappear for good.
  10. I just came across them probably shortly after you and started buying a few tracks. There are a couple really sick rhythm players in that band. And yes I still have a hundred or so CD's stowed away in a box in the garage. I want to come up with something creative to do with them before I just toss them. Unlike Jim, I am open to suggestions.......
  11. I know Greg Olsen is a TE, but he is still pissed off and on his way to your house........
  12. I freely admit I don't know squat about film-making but I can't imagine how they're going to translate the concept in that written story into a film medium (could that be a metaphor for translating it from HeptA to HeptB?). Even the story is written with multiple temporal perspectives to which flashbacks/forwards couldn't possibly do justice.
  13. I've been down on Reinhart's game all year but making Chris Neil look like an ass on a 3rd period GWG buys an awful lot of good will. Extra nod to Cody Franson for some great work on that double minor they killed late. He worked his giblets off and made a few great plays to help preserve that lead.
  14. They even have the Husky's foreleg shaved where the IV would have gone.
  15. I'm not a huge baseball guy but that was one of the greatest sporting events I've ever seen in my life. I had no rooting interest and was stuck in a cabin in rural northern Maine with rabbit ears and a 20" B/W that I hardly ever bothered using. I happened to flip it on in the middle of Game2 and within 5 minutes I was hooked and didn't miss an inning after that. Glad somebody else appreciates how awesome that was......
  16. This is great theater. It even has an intermission before the Final Act.
  17. > Huuuuge props to those kids for picking up 4 points on that nasty little road trip. I thought the schedule makers gave them a rough ride there but they handled it like a squad of veterans. > Wondering if Lehner was affected by that flu even before they sat him down; he already looks much better than he did prior to that. If that dude can stay healthy and keep his emotions in check, that could turn out to be a brilliant acquisition that most of us questioned at the time. > I'm glad GMTM doesn't like Russians. I'm also glad that when he decides to bring one on board he chooses a nasty Slav like #77. I love the Bogosian/Kulikov pairing; in the long run they might be better off splitting them but for now they are great to watch. > I'm surprised to see some shade being thrown at Bylsma. I think he's a great coach and a perfect fit for this young team; I also think that those of you who don't like him are going to end up pleasantly surprised. > Big week coming up with 4 straight division games; I'm geeked to see if they can keep it rolling with some points that really mean something > Also loving how the kids are developing. Foligno is better, Larsson is better, Girgensons is better, McCabe is better, Bogosian is better, etc > Speaking of Bogosian, anybody know how his knee is? He's been playing great hockey and I'd hate to lose him too.
  18. That's a very good point; and I would think that having a microscope placed upon him is not something that is likely to pay dividends for Cam Newton.
  19. Agreed, and I'd say it matters even more for a guy like Taylor. While Rodgers accuracy and uncanny field vision allows him to throw people open and raise the level of play of marginal skill players, I think Taylor is more reliant on having explosive playmakers around him to be effective. As EJ gets older his mind might slow down enough to allow him to become more adept with this than Taylor, but I don't think that time has arrived yet.
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