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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Yeah, it's a veritable A-list of wise leadership and self-respecting statesmen. You do realize that she wasn't the only political whore in this election, right? I think both the guy from Lucas Oil and the other honcho from Goldman will both end up working for Trump sooner rather than later.
  2. That there's my stomping grounds and the disgust with overbearing highly educated city slickers has absolutely been real for some time now. I've been noting for some time the amount of Trump memorabilia that has been appearing over the last month or two in local rural areas where you rarely see political activism; it has clearly been waaaaaay beyond the norm for this area. Although I would say you might want to reconsider your perspective of what constitutes the present.
  3. Yeah, Stern would probably slot in as a very effective Voice of Reason for these guys.
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if the DoE didn't even exist a year from now. I just remember him saying something about how he'd like Palin in his cabinet. Maybe at Interior where she could just drill baby drill to her heart's content?
  5. A cabinet composed of the likes of Chris Christie, Newt, Rudy, Goldman-Sachs chiefs, Sarah Palin, Ben Carson, oil magnates, Rick Perry, and climate deniers........ what could possibly go wrong?
  6. I'm no Republican but I admittedly enjoyed watching my fellow residents in flyover country stand up last night and throw a great big FU to a party that had progressed beyond the point of merely being self-righteous, sanctimonious scolds and were well into the the process of beginning to codify their own particular form of cultural warfare. It could very well end up being unfortunate that a self-delusional sociopath like Trump turned out to be the primary beneficiary of this backlash (is whitelash a word?), but oddly enough I find myself more concerned by the motivations and intentions of some of the creepy little pukes who have attached themselves to his coattails than I am with Trump himself. When you consider that administration's fiscal irresponsibility, massive expansion of federal government, assault on personal freedoms, negotiations with terrorists, and clear preference for Wall St over Main St then yeah, I think it's entirely appropriate to consider the possibility that Reagan helped strike a significant death-knell for true conservatism.
  7. The Dems abandoned the middle class, whored themselves out to special interests, became a bunch of screeching scolds and then shoved it in everybody's face by engineering a campaign for one of the most despised, unctuous political golems in our nation's history. They got exactly what they deserved......
  8. Are you also looking forward to him following up on his gleefully stated promise to use the federal government to "crack down" on legally acquired state's rights? I can't remember if state's rights are still a conservative principle or if you guys tossed that one out the window also?
  9. No, that ball is still in his hands It's blatant illegal contact with 5 yards and an automatic first down following
  10. For a long time now but somehow I've managed to restrain myself from running around the board and acting like an ashhole about it.
  11. I thought they should have spread it out and called Shady's number twice more once they got inside the 10 with almost a minute left
  12. cuz the clock is going to stop at 2:00 anyways and its a chance to get the ball in your best palyers hands Groy missed another block on what could have bene a nice play
  13. should have got one more throw off before that draw to Shady right before the 2:00
  14. Why the f would anybody pay attention to a loudmouth ashhole that runs around calling people idiots?
  15. If Groy makes the block Wood would probably have made, McCoy has two free linemen in the second level and space everywhere in front of him. It at least gets them in FG range and gives them an option to go on 4th. Although I did hate the pitch call two plays earlier and thought it was the first mistake Lynn had made on a night where he's been a f'ing maestro.
  16. I'd say three things: 1- No Marcel and no Shaq has been a problem; I expect these corners to look different when those two are both playing after the bye 2- The way this defense is called puts them in gawdawful situations 3- With AW out, they're putting a couple pylons out there at safety
  17. I don't see much of any chance for a win, but there is some significant potential for high hilarity in the second half of a verrrrrry bizarre evening.
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