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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I assume they felt that needed to do something along those lines to help secure the religious right; probably because it was a coin flip whether trump himself was naturally going to alienate them. One bit of relief I have is that this administration doesn't give me the sense that it's going to be loaded with theocrats.
  2. I imagine there were several thousand of them. I also imagine there were several thousand of them added by a multitude of previous administrations. The point being that this wasn't something created by the Obama administration
  3. I had sort of an illuminating moment after my wife and I voted yesterday. When we were coming out she told me that she voted for Trump because no woman in her right mind would ever want a woman to be president
  4. "Imagine the shock when trump starts utilizing the authoritarian tools BO created?" That was the post I was responding to
  5. I'm assuming you're referring to Dodd-Frank but I have neither the experience nor facility to debate that with ya. My point was that it's absurd to suggest this was some kind of new creation by a powermad administration. It's just hyperbolic fantasy that weakens you in the long run
  6. Doh! Just realized you guys were talking about Federal Regulations and not Foreign Relations. It was an uptick from previous administrations, but again suggesting that he somehow created this is weak sauce
  7. He's issued about 1/4 as many signing statements as his predecessor And probably every president for the last half century has had a cabinet loaded with CFR guys Implying he's been creating authoritarian rules out of thin air is worth its weight in pyrite
  8. Wow, that's damning stuff. He had a pen and a phone and signed fewer executive orders per term than any of his predecessors all the way back to like Kennedy. Making shlt up to demonize your opposition only weakens you; you know, sort of like it just did to the Dems for the last 5 years.
  9. Common man, have some respect for yourself
  10. We're using a 15 year old AUMF to wage war on a group that didn't even exist 15 years ago. I'm a little hesitant to make any assumptions about what our federal govt is or isn't capable of.
  11. Many of you people do yourself a significant disservice with your constant cries for victimhood. It makes you sound identical to those liberals you claim to despise but so often resemble.
  12. I think it might have if the Dems had somehow managed to swipe the Senate, but this particular group without a clearly defined sense of boundaries just gives me the willies.
  13. Chef is about 6 minutes faster than you; probably because his favorite appliance is a microwave
  14. That's got an Occams' sensibility to it, but as flat-out strange as this whole thing has already been, I've still got some trepidation that things could get sideways real quick right after the inaugural victory rush.
  15. I don't disagree with this; and that makes me wonder if it's the reason I keep finding myself thinking more about all those creepy little ***** than I do about the circus peanut himself (great visual, btw).
  16. Am I the only one even slightly hesitant about the fact that we just handed a pocketful of Supreme Court nominees, the House, the Senate and the White House over to a sociopathic demagogue and the handful of creepy little shlts that accompany him?
  17. I imagine it's hard to resist the temptation of acting like a gigantic asshat when you know that no matter how obnoxious you are, you're not really going to be looked at as much more distasteful than your opponent. It's probably like knowing you can punch Cam Newton in the head 6-7 times and not get called for it.
  18. Yes, because one of Donald's great enduring character traits is his likability.
  19. I'm too galdanged old to be sitting up til 3:30 in the morning watching election returns and then getting up at 6 for work.
  20. Apologies for making the mistake of responding to you; I should have remembered your many years of mindless idiocy and ignored you.
  21. Unlike you, I don't feel compelled to consider it any of my business what another American does in the privacy of their own home. And I generally align with libertarian principles and thought both Johnson and Weld did credible work in their previous positions
  22. And perhaps you should eventually get it through that limited little one-note brain of yours that there's not a single one of those people on your list that I support.
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