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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Looks like a young player who hasn't figured out how to use the Jumbotron yet
  2. Until you've dealt with overwhelming chronic pain that goes on 24/7 with no relief ever it's just impossible to describe what it does to you. I've been on and off Oxy 6-7 times (multiple back surgeries) and can totally see where people develop a dependency on them. When you have to go multiple weeks at a time taking 15mg of that crap every 4 hours just to get 2 hrs of manageable pain in the middle of each dose, you really start to understand what it's like to actually need something instead of just wanting it. Post-surgery when t's time to stop taking them that shlt definitely messes with your head and you find yourself rationalizing why it makes sense to keep taking what you have left when the pain isn't really all that bad anymore. Even when you know it's coming and you are totally aware of why you're feeling that powerful urge, your mind will just not stop trying to provide you with reasons to go ahead and have another one. I have a reputation among people that know me for being tougher than a whale bone and it still takes a significant application of willpower for me to stick that little bottle back in my sock drawer when it's time to be done with it. Despite the opinions of the uninformed, it has nothing to do with being soft when your brain chemistry is totally working against you at every waking moment. And lest I come off as some anti-drug scold, let me clarify that I am not condemning these meds at all; for me they've been lifesavers because I have little doubt I'd have permanently checked out of this loony bin if I hadn't had them. I'm just trying to explain in my ham-handed way how this isn't about being weak or soft, it's about what these chemicals do to your brain, no matter how bad an ass you may be. I'm sure it has nothing to do with my complete lack of diplomatic skills! I'm also sure it's only a co-incidence that the posters who want to wring my neck come almost exclusively from PPP. If I had any intention of ever paying attention to the guy again, I'd be borrowing that for sure.
  3. That's pretty much my definition of a lack of respect. Wait, why the hell am I responding to the likes of you?!
  4. You'll always get the benefit of the doubt from me since my youngest's name is August Sure; until they give you a good reason not to. Then they can &@(# off. As a borderline sociopath with a streak of Asperger's, at least that's how I see it.
  5. It's always nice when people confirm your suspicions about their character so you don't have to wonder whether you should waste time or effort having any respect for them.
  6. The whole mess looks to me like more evidence that Marvin Lewis' assistants have been carrying him for years. Losing at home to a sloppy, beat-up, one-dimensional Bills team is a coffin nail for a mentally weak crew like the Bengals. They might just crawl in a hole at this point, but there is definitely still some potential for a really entertaining full scale meltdown at some point over the next few weeks. Looks like 3 of their next 4 are division games; getcha popcorn ready!
  7. On the first morning of free agency the Bills should show up at Kirk Cousins' house with steak, eggs, a truckload of money and a written apology for not drafting them when they should have.
  8. Yes he did; he even showed some mobility to his game that I wouldn't have guessed he had. Although we should temper things by recognizing that the Bills were very conscientious about giving him help and keeping him out of situations where he was on his own against better players. I also thought it was really weird that the Bengals apparently made zero effort to take advantage of a a situation that was begging to be taken advantage of. They spent all day virtually ignoring both A gaps or showing any looks designed to create problems in the Bills interior OLine.
  9. I just sent this email to a bunch of my Penguin buddies: Your boys just lost to the Rochester Americans, who happened to be playing in front of the Sabres back-up goaltender. I wonder if that is better or worse than getting run out of the building by the Caps? For what it's worth you guys have an OK team with a little bit of potential. But looking at just 1 goal on 50 shots, it's pretty clear you need to add some speed to your wings and pick up at least a couple guys with some finishing skills. You've got a bunch of pretty solid role players (the Crosby kid is at least a reliable mucker) but if you don't add some legitimate stars to that mix you'll never get anywhere in the playoffs........
  10. The hell with that noise; I'd much rather help you get in trouble than stay out of it.......
  11. You're right on every point and I'd even add in that you can't make any judgements on Lehner either because he's just getting zero help out there. The only good thing you can say at this point is that a bunch of kids are getting experience they never would have had otherwise and maybe that will pay dividends down the road. The best they can do right now is stay within striking distance of .500, get healthy and go through the process of getting their game legs under them and logging minutes with guys they haven't hardly been able to play with yet. I think at some point around the New Year they're going to turn into a dangerous team with 3 good lines and 2 good defensive pairings. With good coaching and good goaltending, both of which I think they have, they're going to start making noise during the second half of the season; I just hope they aren't already 5 1/2 feet under when the digging stops.
  12. You keep that Raidahs shlt up and you'll have less time than you think
  13. Eskimos nothing. Wait 'til the Bills make the playoffs again.....
  14. I managed to miss the entire preseason so that game was my first look at him. I'm not going to rag on the guy anymore because I guarantee he's more upset about it than I am. I'm just hoping that is/was the worst outing he ever has on a ballfield because if it's a fair representation of his abilities, he's simply not cut out to play football at this level. If that's the case, then I'll just give him props for carrying a limited set of skills as far as he did.
  15. You should acquaint yourself with the term "figure of speech". It may serve to spare you from future spells of misplaced literaria. I would also suggest that you acquaint yourself with the term literaria, but unfortunately I just made it up. And when you've completed your homework, if you have one of those DVR thingamajiggers watch the 4th qrtr of that game again. Key on the Bill's interior OLine and watch how many times a brilliant call from Lynn was utterly eviscerated by Groy's gawdawful stumbling,flailing attempts to complete even the most basic assignments. Especially if I was in it!
  16. I won't argue the sentiment, but I will point out that if Wood doesn't go down when he did, I bet my house that Anthony Lynn ends up winning us that game in the 4th quarter.
  17. We clearly need to have a serious discussion regarding end of life care and its associated costs. So, I think Sarah would be an outstanding Death Panel Czar...
  18. Maybe he should read Boulle's other great work for some perspective on how the real world can manifest itself if you spend too much time with your head in the sand.
  19. I wonder if these self-destructive pinheads are capable of listening to anybody. I also wonder if Bernie taking a shot at it might settle this thing down before it gets any stupider?
  20. I think that was a pretty mutual FU from both sides well before Michelle picked out any drapes
  21. I got zero straight man skillz but at this point, what difference does it really make?
  22. The original post I was responding to said exactly that. "Imagine the shock when trump starts utilizing the authoritarian tools BO created?" That's what I was responding to. He used fewer executive orders and singing statements but added more Federal Regulations than previous administrations. But to say that he created these things is an implication that he was pulling shlt that previous administrations had never done, but which they had actually been doing very regularly for decades. Saying things that are clearly not true for no other purpose than to delegitimize your opponent is a huge reason we are so pointlessly entrenched and incapable of taking care of our business. Our government has already reached the point of utter farce and if we continue wasting our time and effort on pointless nonsense like making up lies to insult each other, we are eventually going to reach the point of legitimate dysfunction. And if you combine a fully dysfunctional government with a bankrupt, decaying culture and a deficit we soon wont be able to service, you've just mixed up the ingredients for a bitter End of Empire stew. Stopping the practice of being self-serving liars just seems like a pretty painless way to try and start this thing going back the other way from an ugly downhill ride so I tried to introduce some truth to an inaccuracy. If I wasn't acutely aware of your overriding addiction to partisan tomfoolery, I'd have significant questions about your reading comprehension.
  23. No, it was more of her saying that as a woman she knows they're all nucking futs, and that she would never vote for one to lead the country. Although a note on the potential of a cat fight: my wife actually teaches kickboxing and she would mangle Hillary. If she had a go with Trump it would probably come off at 6/5 odds.
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