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Everything posted by Simon

  1. And I'll raise you another $200 that he never will.....
  2. I guess in a similar way that I would a family; It's health, well-being and future viability? It's personal wealth would likely finish outside the Top 5 and I find it sad (if instructive) that ours is freely being handed over to the kind of people who really don't care about anything but.
  3. I thought it was up to like 500,000 now.....
  4. Bloat? Absolutely. Function? Absolutely not. What's the point of an agency even existing if the goal is to destroy its reason to exist? For example, I'd much rather have the entire Dept of Education abolished rather than it be put in the hands of somebody who fully intends to use her expanded political power to commandeer my tax money and give it her cronies with no oversight while lecturing me about her concerns for a bunch of kids she's never met or cared about. Are you seriously suggesting that the people that are about to be put in charge of protecting the American environment give a flying fig about anything more than their corporate bosses' bottom lines, much less clean air and water? So I'm assuming you don't see (or probably to be more accurate, care about) any differences between those who are interested in their personal fortunes and those who are interested in the fortunes of our country? I guess for some people the bottom line is just exactly that.
  5. I agree that is exactly what we need. It's a typical bureaucracy that has become bloated and over-populated to the point where it's hurting itself. But putting the well-paid whore of some of the country's worst polluters in charge of one of the very few protective regulatory agencies that we actually need is not a legitimate attempt to improve it nor is it anybody's definition of reason. Sort of like putting somebody in charge of the Dept of Education whose lifelong mission has been to destroy public education Or putting a trickle down CEO in charge of protecting laborers Or giving Treasury to a predatory lender who enriched himself by helping crash the housing market Or naming a Russian lapdog as your Secretary of State Most of this incoming administration's picks have been no different from the quid pro quo that you see from every other major party incumbent. But a few of these embarrassing choices are nothing more than a giant For Sale sign being tacked on to the US government. It would actually be pretty funny if we weren't already teetering on the edge of a self-inflicted dysfunction from which we might never recover. I know you can't be trying to draw some equivalency between people whose goal is to protect the environment against polluters and people whose goal is to enrich themselves by rigging a zero sum game.
  6. Incoming cold front with a temperature drop of 50+ degrees in one day
  7. I've been looking at this window for several weeks now. They're going to be relatively healthy for the first time all year, have a manageable schedule coming up and have now had a little time to work together. I think this is going to be where they finally start making some hay.
  8. I don't know if anybody really knows for sure yet how that will play itself out, but I do know I am not alone in agreeing with that sentiment.
  9. Barring unforeseen events, Doug Whaley is not in any danger of losing his job any time soon. Rex, on the other hand........
  10. Actually the game passed Cowher by about 10 years before he even "retired". I know being out West that you don't get to see any particular teams from the East with any regularity so let me just leave you with this thought from a Western Pennsyltucky football fan: Bill Cowher singlehandedly lost more games for that wildly talented Pittsburgh Steelers franchise than I have ever seen any other coach lose for any other franchise in all the decades I've been watching this game.He was one of the most gawdawful Sunday coaches I have ever seen in my entire life.
  11. I already said it somewhere else but it was so glaringly stark that I think it bears repeating. After the firing reports came out on Sunday morning, watching this team flat-out quit on their coach 30 seconds into Sunday's game could not have sent a clearer message. It was one of the most clear and damning votes of no confidence I have ever seen a team give its coach at any level and I find it utterly incomprehensible that anybody could view it in any other light.
  12. Yeah, except for that little problem yesterday where the firing reports started coming out in the morning and immediately the majority of the team flat out quit on him 30 seconds into the game. That might well have been the most clear and damning vote of no confidence I have ever seen a group of players give a coach at any level.
  13. That is not a presumption you should be making with any degree of certitude
  14. It sure is quite a co-incidence how often that happens to people that actually are trolls. You know how they get tossed out of here for being trolling jackasses then have to repeatedly re-register with new monikers. Not that you would know anything about that......
  15. Right this minute we are still fortunate to be at a point early enough in Rex's tenure that we are not necessarily going to have to turn over the defensive roster to accommodate a more traditionally flexible coach. Guys like Lawson, Ragland, ZBrown, AWashington, Darby, etc should be able to easily transition back into more standard 4-3 roles, which would also benefit Kyle, Marcel and Gilmore imo.. I really hope the Bills send the Ryan Bros. Circus down the road to the next county before that is no longer the case.
  16. Just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to do that. Much appreciated...
  17. There were a lot of people in the room when the coaches were selected; the problem being that the majority of them don't know jack squat about football. The guy who knows his business the best happened to be a young, newly minted GM surrounded by new owners and long-time employees entrenched in their positions by current and former management. For a young NFL GM who wants to continue to be an NFL GM, that is not an easy environment in which to assert yourself. The fact of the matter is that Whaley shouldn't need to assert himself in that environment; good owners and business managers at that level should display the self-awareness to recognize their limitations and defer to the most knowledgeable man in the room, regardless of his age or experience level. When they don't, you end up with marketing stiffs and powerful people's wives pushing agendas upon which they're clearly not qualified to make decisions. Both of the Pegulas need to tell Whaley that the football decisions are his moving forward and then get the Sam HIll out of his way and take their bean-counters with them. Until this happens there will always be legitimate questions about the role that unqualified people have in the decision-making process of this franchise; and that not only hurts Whaley, it also hurts the prospects of any talented GM's who may be considering taking on this assignment in the future. This team is only about two pieces away from being able to play with anybody in this league: 1) It needs an accurate QB with good decision-making abilities that can attack all parts of the field from within the pocket 2) It needs a professionally-minded HC who's not married to a scheme that puts so much pressure on DB's that it should have been chucked out the window as soon as the NFL stared manipulating rules to create telegenic, pass-happy offenses. Doug Whaley needs to be given the latitude to address these issues without interference or unwanted input from powerful people who are simply not qualified to provide input on these matters. He must be given the opportunity to sink or swim on his own if we ever want to learn if he is worthy of being a long-term GM for this franchise. I may be biased in my assessment, but I think that he is; but until people who should know better get the hell out of his way and let him do the job he was hired to do, we'll not only never know, but will be stuck in the same unproductive feedback loop until they figure it out.
  18. A GM who has not been given the latitude to pick either of the Bills last two head coaches or its current starting QB is most certainly not driving the bus.
  19. So maybe pour some marinade into an ice cube tray and then take the frozen half-cubes and seal them up with the meat like some sort of frozen bullion cubes? That sound workable. And many gracias' for the additional links to check out....
  20. Yeah, god forbid we have any environmentally conscientious people providing influence at the Environmental PROTECTION Agency.
  21. I just find it hard to believe that the timeline on their strategic objective was so tight that they couldn't make any adjustment to take advantage of an enormous tactical advantage that was staring them in the face. If they had hung around for another 36 hours or so, they might have been able to do so much damage to the infrastructure at Pearl (as well as Hickam and Wheeler) that the Pacific Fleet may well have never recovered enough to be a decisive factor. In the hindsight of amateurs, it just seems like a golden opportunity cast aside in the name of mindless rigidity. There's always been something hilariously ironic to me about the concept of a country with virtually no natural resources starting a war with a country wildly rich in natural resources for the purpose of trying to force them to give them the resources they desperately need to prosecute a war.
  22. 'Preciate the responses! Apologies in advance to NC as my boss is probably going to come to your house and ask why I just spent an hour of work time reading Souse Vide 101 Plenz, can you get enough fond from just doing that quick of a sear on chicken? I'm assuming you only leave it in the pan for a minute or two?
  23. I've always wondered how things might have played out had Yamamoto maintained the initiative by pressing his advantage and also why exactly he didn't. The harbor was a smoking wreck and the islands were wide open; what a bizarre time to bug out. How would the remainder of the Pacific Fleet have reacted? Would Nimitz have been out of the chain of command? Would the Combined Fleet been able to maintain any kid of supply line? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on that if you ever have the time or inclination.
  24. I've been swearing I'm going to do this for over a year now so I finally just put an Anova on my Christmas list. Can't wait! Couple questions: Can you put something like a wet jerk marinade in vacuum sealed bag and drop it in or are you just asking for a big messy pain in the arse? I like injecting chicken with rich cajun sauces; does injecting meats before sealing them and dropping them create any problems? I see one of the Anova's selling points is Wifi/Bluetooth feature. I'm not real big on the "internet of things" and as a Luddite, I refuse to own a cellphone. Is this going to make my Anova any less functional or can I just use the manual features for full functionality? If I order from Anova's site will it come with any type of cooking guide with appropriate times/temps for various foods? Thanks for any help!
  25. at least they didn't lose another OT on top of it. Im empathetic to their situation but I was getting mighty tired of that
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