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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Your certainly free to make any erroneous assumptions about me that you need to support the worldview that gets you through your day. But I don't view the last 8 years with any appreciable difference to the 30 or so that preceded them.
  2. Congratulations on being the exact same human being as the conservative sheep that you mock.
  3. I don't hate religion, or begrudge anybody their faith and I do try to consider most religions on equal terms. You're free to promote and enjoy your religion in your home, your church, your car and your neighbor's BBQ. But I don't think any of them belong anywhere near public schools that are supposed to be focused on educating our kids to think for themselves. But that's just not good enough for some entitled folks that think their personal religious faith deserves special treatment above all others. fwiw, if somebody was going around a school hanging posters claiming that God is dead and religion is a sham, I would expect those to be removed as well.
  4. How the hell am I supposed to know that? I'm not as susceptible to the charm of anthropomorphic penguins as you are. Well it's good to know that you're cool with our public schools having the freedom to hang Church of Satan posters anywhere they please. I'm sure anybody triggered by that is just an ignorant $#@@#%@.
  5. You want me to cite a non-educational video shown in an educational setting? And then discuss whether the framers of the Constitution regularly watched CBS? You're not dragging me down any penguin holes.......
  6. Sometimes it's hard to tell when you're trying to be serious, which I suppose is a credit to you. This response strikes me as ridiculous enough to assume that you're in character.
  7. Yeah, that's certainly a given as the difference between education and indoctrination And thank you as well for yours. There's few things more amusing than spoiled American Christians crying about persecution.
  8. Sounds like a Tom Petty video; you should have Tom over
  9. You conveniently left out the text of the homemade poster which stated "For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a savior, which is Christ the Lord" Sorry, but public schools are no place for verses from the Bible, the Quran, the Gita or any other religious text, regardless of what pop culture cartoon you glue to it. Fixed that for you
  10. We'll probably be looking at a Dresden bubble by Inauguration Day. It's a sure-fire investment!
  11. I think you are wildly, if unintentionally, misreading Mr Franklin
  12. Because some people actually love their country more than their political masters.
  13. And I'll raise you another $200 that he never will.....
  14. I guess in a similar way that I would a family; It's health, well-being and future viability? It's personal wealth would likely finish outside the Top 5 and I find it sad (if instructive) that ours is freely being handed over to the kind of people who really don't care about anything but.
  15. I thought it was up to like 500,000 now.....
  16. Bloat? Absolutely. Function? Absolutely not. What's the point of an agency even existing if the goal is to destroy its reason to exist? For example, I'd much rather have the entire Dept of Education abolished rather than it be put in the hands of somebody who fully intends to use her expanded political power to commandeer my tax money and give it her cronies with no oversight while lecturing me about her concerns for a bunch of kids she's never met or cared about. Are you seriously suggesting that the people that are about to be put in charge of protecting the American environment give a flying fig about anything more than their corporate bosses' bottom lines, much less clean air and water? So I'm assuming you don't see (or probably to be more accurate, care about) any differences between those who are interested in their personal fortunes and those who are interested in the fortunes of our country? I guess for some people the bottom line is just exactly that.
  17. I agree that is exactly what we need. It's a typical bureaucracy that has become bloated and over-populated to the point where it's hurting itself. But putting the well-paid whore of some of the country's worst polluters in charge of one of the very few protective regulatory agencies that we actually need is not a legitimate attempt to improve it nor is it anybody's definition of reason. Sort of like putting somebody in charge of the Dept of Education whose lifelong mission has been to destroy public education Or putting a trickle down CEO in charge of protecting laborers Or giving Treasury to a predatory lender who enriched himself by helping crash the housing market Or naming a Russian lapdog as your Secretary of State Most of this incoming administration's picks have been no different from the quid pro quo that you see from every other major party incumbent. But a few of these embarrassing choices are nothing more than a giant For Sale sign being tacked on to the US government. It would actually be pretty funny if we weren't already teetering on the edge of a self-inflicted dysfunction from which we might never recover. I know you can't be trying to draw some equivalency between people whose goal is to protect the environment against polluters and people whose goal is to enrich themselves by rigging a zero sum game.
  18. Incoming cold front with a temperature drop of 50+ degrees in one day
  19. I've been looking at this window for several weeks now. They're going to be relatively healthy for the first time all year, have a manageable schedule coming up and have now had a little time to work together. I think this is going to be where they finally start making some hay.
  20. I don't know if anybody really knows for sure yet how that will play itself out, but I do know I am not alone in agreeing with that sentiment.
  21. Barring unforeseen events, Doug Whaley is not in any danger of losing his job any time soon. Rex, on the other hand........
  22. Actually the game passed Cowher by about 10 years before he even "retired". I know being out West that you don't get to see any particular teams from the East with any regularity so let me just leave you with this thought from a Western Pennsyltucky football fan: Bill Cowher singlehandedly lost more games for that wildly talented Pittsburgh Steelers franchise than I have ever seen any other coach lose for any other franchise in all the decades I've been watching this game.He was one of the most gawdawful Sunday coaches I have ever seen in my entire life.
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