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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Thank you for reminding me why I finally cancelled my subscription to that gawdawful rag a couple yeas ago.
  2. C'mon now, David. Tim Graham vs K-9? Brother, it's not even remotely close.......
  3. Do you all realize that the self-important tool who writes that uninformed garbage has virtually no idea what is actually happening on a football field? I have literally coached middle school kids who have a superior understanding of this game than that guy does. In addition he also has no real idea what is going on in the front office because nobody there has any respect for him as a writer or as a person. This board will likely have 100+ posts written this week that are more knowledgeable and insightful than anything you'll ever read from that clueless self-promoting blowhard.
  4. I can't comment on the sous vide yet, but I can offer a prep suggestion if you've got a great big fat beef tenderloin. The day before you're going to cook it and after you've cut off all that silvery connective tissue, put waaaaay more dry rub on it than you think would typically be appropriate and massage it in there like a Chargers security guard.Then do it again so there is twice as much as waaaaay more than you would normally put on a piece of beef. (The last time I did a tenderloin I went with a creole rub and then served it with a remoulade sauce) Then put it in the fridge uncovered overnight and don't take it out until a little while before you're going to put a sear on it (you want it nice and dry when you sear it). And then send me your address so I can come over on Sunday and make sure you did it right!
  5. Don't be too quick on that assumption. It was not all Rex's doing; that was definitely a two man operation to get the Pegulas to sign off on it
  6. Yeah, snagging a hummer is more along the lines of an impeachable offense
  7. Not only are you are flat out wrong and clearly have no clue what you're talking about, but you should be embarrassed for yourself making up ignorant crap like that.
  8. I was attempting to use the word "fortunes" in two different ways to point up a difference; that clearly went over like a lead zeppelin. Anyhoo, I question your chosen example of what constitutes lunacy, To me the lunacy is the regularly cavalier dismissal of anything that can't be quantified and the marginalization of any person or idea which doesn't adhere to the idea that personal enrichment is the central tenet of our nation As evidenced by the wonderful condition in which we find our country and culture after 30+ years of naked greed and unchecked self-interest? Spare me that canard, it's nothing more than a way to justify limitless avarice. Just the fact that you even need such a bullshlt rationalization to legitimize that type of self-serving gluttony should be enough in itself to expose the complete lack of virtue in that attitude. And I'm not talking about government mandates as much as I am about personal priorities (although I do think the financial industry is one of about four areas that should be firmly regulated). Over the last several decades this nation has turned away from any sense of civic duty or personal responsibility it may have once had, and it's no coincidence that this attitude shift has coincided with a time where our financial institutions and business leaders have been viewing our economy as a zero sum game which exists for no other purpose than to gather as much as they possibly can unto themselves and do so by any means of which they can contrive. It doesn't make our nation stronger or wiser, it doesn't advance the cause of humanity and it sure as shlt hasn't lead to a better outcome for the collective. The fact that it's about to get worse is very, very bad news; and when the whole thing comes crashing down around our ears at some point down the road, not only are the folks that have been gorging themselves at the trough going to be the ones responsible but you guys that have been bending over backwards trying to justify it are going to be right there beside them. But I'm sure your gangsters won't worry themselves too much over it since it's become clear that being the cause of a problem no longer means you'll bear the responsibility for it's outcome.
  9. I just can't think of anything more reliable than the august wisdom and steadfast strength of 23 year olds.......
  10. Your certainly free to make any erroneous assumptions about me that you need to support the worldview that gets you through your day. But I don't view the last 8 years with any appreciable difference to the 30 or so that preceded them.
  11. Congratulations on being the exact same human being as the conservative sheep that you mock.
  12. I don't hate religion, or begrudge anybody their faith and I do try to consider most religions on equal terms. You're free to promote and enjoy your religion in your home, your church, your car and your neighbor's BBQ. But I don't think any of them belong anywhere near public schools that are supposed to be focused on educating our kids to think for themselves. But that's just not good enough for some entitled folks that think their personal religious faith deserves special treatment above all others. fwiw, if somebody was going around a school hanging posters claiming that God is dead and religion is a sham, I would expect those to be removed as well.
  13. How the hell am I supposed to know that? I'm not as susceptible to the charm of anthropomorphic penguins as you are. Well it's good to know that you're cool with our public schools having the freedom to hang Church of Satan posters anywhere they please. I'm sure anybody triggered by that is just an ignorant $#@@#%@.
  14. You want me to cite a non-educational video shown in an educational setting? And then discuss whether the framers of the Constitution regularly watched CBS? You're not dragging me down any penguin holes.......
  15. Sometimes it's hard to tell when you're trying to be serious, which I suppose is a credit to you. This response strikes me as ridiculous enough to assume that you're in character.
  16. Yeah, that's certainly a given as the difference between education and indoctrination And thank you as well for yours. There's few things more amusing than spoiled American Christians crying about persecution.
  17. Sounds like a Tom Petty video; you should have Tom over
  18. You conveniently left out the text of the homemade poster which stated "For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a savior, which is Christ the Lord" Sorry, but public schools are no place for verses from the Bible, the Quran, the Gita or any other religious text, regardless of what pop culture cartoon you glue to it. Fixed that for you
  19. We'll probably be looking at a Dresden bubble by Inauguration Day. It's a sure-fire investment!
  20. I think you are wildly, if unintentionally, misreading Mr Franklin
  21. Because some people actually love their country more than their political masters.
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