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Everything posted by Simon

  1. There's actually a long standing tradition of not starting any new threads during games to prevent exactly what you've described. There are two options during games: 1) the two threads dedicated solely to the game (one for the first half, another for the second half) gets a lot of action 2) There is also the Shoutbox for real time conversation that always has a sizable crowd during games. Another thing you might notice (aside from people giving you grief for starting redundant threads:-) is the lack of annoying gifs that clog up many message boards. That's really frowned on here
  2. Thank you all for taking this thread where it needed to go
  3. We're on the same page, I think we just differ on the QB they need. Tyrod's been a nice placeholder but I think we're in an era where we need to find the kind of QB that can apply more pressure to already stressed DB's. If Whaley can finally add that guy and one more Tackle to protect him I think this ramshackle looking cart can finally start making progress in the right direction.
  4. Anybody that claims inside sources and is proven by time to be full of shinola should be rewarded with an extended vacation for lying. Get some Chandler ! - )
  5. I have zero issue with them taking time to get over it. If we maintain a BBMB thread for guys to vent in for the entire offseason, I'd be perfectly fine with that. But how many threads do we really need about another message board? Was 5 just not enough? I understand the venting and am supportive of the addition of some quality posters, but guys who are so desperate for attention and validation that they feel the need to create entirely new and entirely redundant threads should maybe be encouraged to check themselves imo.
  6. I don't believe they are; I think that's exterior nonsense and that it would likely not even be under discussion if not for the Sabres recent strategy.
  7. Not to mention there are already 5 other threads in existence regarding the BBMB. Thankfully we now have a 6th one that is so much better than all the others! I'm glad most of these fellas have made it over this way, but bringing your trash with you and dumping it in multiple piles in our living room is not likely to end well.
  8. The guy you're referring to is one of the most gawd-awful trolls in the long history of this forum. He's been polluting innumerable threads with his uninformed garbage at any time he isn't banned. His presence has a significantly negative effect on the quality of discussion at TBD and I know I'm not the only one who wishes the mods would make his ban permanent due to his inability/unwillingness to self-regulate. If you figure out how to use the Ignore feature, it will improve the quality of your experience here, although you will still have to see his trash second hand when other posters respond to it. Welcome aboard!
  9. Aw hell, I am so sorry Mark. Your love for that boy has always been clear to all of us. I can only hope that for every tear you've shed that you are ultimately rewarded with a thousand smiles borne of great memories. Much love from Western Pennsyltucky, brother..........
  10. I'm going to brine some tonight for supper tomorrow; was planning on cooking them at a shade over 140. What temps did you guys use that left you underwhelmed?
  11. Thanks for all the feedback, gents. The heating issue was weird; when it got up in the 175-180 range is would go up a couple degree and drop back one, then go up two and drop back one. But once I put some foil over and got it to 185, it stayed there with no problems. Maybe the Anova was working out some kinks with its first use, maybe I was blocking some flow in an inconveniently thin stock pot, who knows. My guess was it was me being a dumbass rookie. I've got a topround/londonbroil and some fat pork chops coming around next. Anybody ever actually stuff a pork chop before doing it sous vide? Wondering if it will make a gooey mess or turn out great........
  12. When I first saw this thread I was actually going to mention Steep Canyon. If you're not familiar with them, they are a really skilled outfit and put on great shows, particularly when Martin is on the road with them. For my part I wouldn't pay a thin dime to watch two guys sit around in chairs yapping, but I'd always be pumped to catch a Rangers show. You won't be spending an evening listening to a crew of self-indulgent billygoats whining about long lost loves, these guys are legitimate world-class pickers and like to keep things jumping with Martin cracking jokes all the while; you'll probably catch good stuff like a grassed-up version of King Tut, a hymn about how atheists don't have hymns, etc. Keep one eye on the fiddle player; he's a piece of work. I'll be surprised if you don't have a good time. Here's the Rangers with the great Sam Bush
  13. Of all the firings and hirings in the NFL that take place every year, the fact that you can only come up with two examples of a brother who got a second chance while us crackers are regularly getting 2nd and 3rd opportunities every single year only supports my theory that if Lynn doesn't succeed he's not likely to get another shot. Apologies for linking to ESPN (which is so bad I no longer even have it bookmarked) but here is a well-researched article from last offseason about how minority hires have reverted to what they were 20 yeas ago. It's an interesting article worth checking out, imo. The Rooney Rule in Reverse P.S. Before any of you hyper-sensitive politicos try making hay out of this, I just want to clarify that I am speculating as to why Lynn in particular might be moving very cautiously right now. If anybody wants to debate the merits of the Rooney Rule or the state of minority hiring, please feel free to start another thread where folks can go into in more depth instead of hijacking this one.
  14. That's a bingo! Results from the first go round were disappointing. Carrots were slightly undercooked, but that is certainly user error resulting from my own bumbling about. Chicken was very juicy with a nice sear but was very bland; I had to put some remoulade on the side. I can figure out the carrots but I could use some destructive criticism on the chicken: I rubbed the thighs (the chicken thighs, you pigs) with some Montreal chicken seasoning, vacuum sealed them and dunked them within the hour. 165 for about an hour, then a quick sear in oliveoil&butter when they came out. Should I have left them in the vac bag overnight before cooking them? Should I add more seasoning after drying them and before searing them? Also, when I initially took them out of the vac bag after cooking there was probably about 2-3oz of liquid in each of the two bags (3 thighs per bag). They were already fully thawed when I sealed them up so I question whether that should have happened and wonder whether I need a better vacuum sealer?
  15. While this is true, he's also got to be smart enough to consider the long-term ramifications, not just the upcoming year. As a black man, chances are that he is going to get exactly one shot as a head coach in this league. If he picks poorly and cannot succeed in that first gig, it is not likely he will ever get another opportunity to be a head coach in the NFL. That's just cold, hard reality and you can bet he is well enough aware of it to take it into consideration.
  16. Don't be too quick to discount this draft; yeah they focused on guys that Rex thought he could work with but Lawson, Washington and Ragland should all be able to play well in a 4-3. Who knows what we'll see from Cardale, but if he pans out this draft could be a whale(y) of a haul.
  17. I did put some foil over it and that helped in very short order. I got a bad vac seal on the carrots the first time and ended up resealing with water displacement, then switching to a bigger pot and fussing around like a rookie; I'm guessing maybe that dropped my temp and created a seat of the pants situation that it took a while to fully recover from. Live and learn..... Thanks for the tip!
  18. In the interest of fairness 2013 was the first draft he's ever run , if not necessarily in name and title. He may not have had Monos and friends to help him out but he scouted every guy they drafted. It's probably six of one and half-dozen of the other, cuz either way he's picking NFL quality players at around a 90-95% clip.
  19. Working on my maiden voyage right now. Trying to keep it simple and doing a batch of carrots at 185 for an hour but am having trouble maintaining that temp with real consistency. (Anova in a 2/3 full stock pot) Will be following that up shortly with a batch of of chicken thighs at 165 for an hour cuz I figure even I can't foul fowl up chicken thighs. Any tips on how to keep that temp up in my current configuration?
  20. Tim Graham's idiocy is among the stupidest standards anybody could have come up with to judge Whaley's work. The Bills have a 50+ man roster and Whaley has only had the opportunity to draft 28 guys. In order to meet the standard many of you keep referring to, then approximately 40 out of Whaley's 28 picks should still be in Buffalo.
  21. Thanks for a realistic perspective amidst the unbearable sea of stupidity into which this board has devolved. fwiw, since 2013 Whaley has drafted 28 players for the Buffalo Bills; 25 of those guys are currently on NFL rosters for a hit rate of approximately 90%. Then you can factor in trade/FA acquisitions such as Shady McCoy, Jerry Hughes, The Lorax, Richie Incognito, Charles Clay, Zach Brown and Corey Graham. But yeah, he sucks, the NFL is overrun with other GM's who are drafting so much better and we should run him out of town because he gives more of a sheet about football than he does about press conferences and clueless, crybaby columnists.
  22. Actually he is one of the smartest, most honest and hardest working men you'd ever have the pleasure to meet; a total class act who earns the ungrudging respect of everybody who gets to know him. You have my condolences for whatever happened in your life that turned you from one of the board's more reliable posters into the miserable, bitter jerkhole you've become. Hope things get better for you in the future
  23. For about the 20th time in the last two weeks, you once again have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. By making up stuff up and presenting it as fact you are accomplishing nothing but embarrassing yourself in front of people who know better. But please continue in the same manner because it makes it so much easier for other people to decide who to put on their ignore list.
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