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Everything posted by Simon

  1. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  2. Yeah, I hadn't mentioned it cuz I'm only going to spend one night in each place but the morning I walk out of the Guadalupes I'm heading over to spend the day/night in Carlsbad. Then I'm going to leave Carlsbad in the morning, head up to White Sands and spend a night backcountry in the desert; should be an awesome field of stars to sleep under!
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  7. I'm kinda/sorta familiar with the concept, but on a larger scale. I just can't imagine how to set one up that would draw enough water while using minimal equipment because weight and size are hugely limiting factors while backpacking.
  8. Does anybody know the best way to clean a half-chewed Ambrosia apple off my monitor.........
  9. Yeah, I was figuring close to a gallon a day for drinking and cooking, which is about 3-1/2 L. My plan had been to park at Chisos, work my way down toward the South Rim for a couple days (hitting Boot Spring, climbing Emory Peak, etc along the way) and then depending on terrain and what I see from the South Rim, maybe bushwhack my way cross-country down toward that Outer Mountain Loop and then use that to get over into Juniper Canyon which would lead me back North. So no, my plan is probably not sane; but that element of potential tragedy is my favorite part. I really hadn't even considered caching water cuz I always try to avoid any roads/people/etc when I do this stuff; do folks just drop gallon jugs of water at places where a primitive road touches up against that Outer Mountain Loop? Are there some kind of modified bear boxes there to use? Are there issues with jackasses stealing other people's water? Caching is sort of an intriguing idea in that kind of environment.
  10. A group of geese is a gaggle only when it is on the ground; when in flight, it’s called a skein
  11. Sweet! what time of year was it? I've got a bear can that will feed me solo for about 4-5 days so food is not an issue. I'll superhydrate when I leave the truck and then walk in carrying close to two gallons between bladders and bottles. The plan is to position myself near Boot Spring late on the 2nd day. If it's wet, I'm good to go; if it's dried up, I'll have to improvise. Maybe roll the dice and head toward the spring in Juniper Canyon; worse case scenario is I head for the truck before sunrise on Day 3, reload and go spend a few nights in a different section of the Chisos. I've never been in the area before so I don't really know what to expect; I do know I can't be as impulsive as I usually am ; - ) I'm sure I'll look up a ranger before I head out and see what springs are active and take it form there.
  12. #1) Doing a backcountry solo in the West Texas mountains at the beginning of June; first 5 days in the Big Bend area and then another 5 days up in the Guadalupe Mnts. #2) Western swing in mid/late July.Spending 4-5 or so days hiking in the Tetons and partying in Jackson with my kids, Follow that up with a move over to the Wind River Range and 4-5 days backcountry with my son in the Cirque of the Towers area #3) I really like late summer in New England so I'm going to try and do a modified Presidential Traverse in August #4) I took a 4 month injury in the highlands of WV last fall and want to square that account. Fall comes early to the WV mountains so I'm doing a 4 day solo in the Roaring Plains area in mid September When I'm not at those places I'll mostly be at my camp on the Allegheny doing some kayaking on the tributaries, mountain biking the ridges and knocking back many, many rumdrinks at the tiki bar or in an intertube on the water. C;mon by if you can find me! - )
  13. Tigers not only have striped fur, they also have striped skin
  14. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  15. I forget about this gem; one of the great covers of all time imo. If you want to see more, check out "Nicki Bluhm van sessions" Great musicians and a world class voice.
  16. That's one of my favorite covers ever but it's not Phish. It's a pack of pickers called The Gourds Very nice but I like this one even better. Grace Potter's voice is a great fit for a great song and she really gets after it once she's warmed up.....
  17. I didn't say your first post, I said your first post in response to bandit. And having given my opinion on the matter, I will now step out of this thread lest I despoil it any further. Y'all have a pleasant evening.
  18. Actually your very first response in this thread to one of the most respected and well-liked posters in the long history of this community was to call his opinion laughable and insinuate he was too stupid to even know what teams played in what conferences. It would seem that you and the rest of the world may have wildly divergent views on what constitutes punk-ass behavior. But hey, at least you've put yourself on the radar of the rudest, most unforgiving and widely-disliked moderator at Two Bills Drive; so you've got that going for you.
  19. Imagine if he'd been caught in the depths of an ether binge. There is nothing more depraved than that!
  20. No, I was foolishly bringing up old business in a new business thread. My bad.....
  21. There are certainly things Whaley can be criticized for, Giving the first QB off the board a grand total of 17 games to show improvement is not one of them.
  22. That's really ironic coming from a guy with a long history of telling people how tough he is and inviting them to meet up for a fight. My suggestion that you stop insulting people who disagree with you stands. Thank you for one of the funniest posts to ever grace this fine forum.
  23. Just because somebody disagrees with you does not make them feeble-minded or a so-called fan so quit acting like you're somehow better than anybody else around here. And Doug was just as on board with the EJ pick as everybody else in that room was that day. It was a classic group decision, not just Buddy.
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