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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I am glad for it. Half the field was under par after one round; that shouldn't be the case at the Masters, imo.
  2. I agree this is true, but I also think Edmunds was just not as good an athlete as the other two guys.
  3. [This is an automated response] Please don' use clickbait titles. Thank you.
  4. Because they weren't good enough and the organization recognized it and acted on it.
  5. I'm blown away by those Canon rf models, but I'll never be a good enough photographer to be worthy of a $1000+ lens. I was looking for something more along the lines of around 1/2-3/4 of that amount for the whole rig. Maybe at this point I'd be smarter to stick with DSLR, sacrifice a few modern conveniences, and get more bang for the buck on the hardware. At least until I have a better idea of how well and how often I'd use it. Does that make sense?
  6. Really want to focus on increasing telephotic capability without carrying multiple lenses everywhere, and consider weight and size to be worth a pretty respectable amount of gold. Large, deep landscapes are my favorite and I also can sneak up on a fair amount of wildlife; but it's wildlife, so you can only close to 50-100' before you spook it. Just tonight I was on a ridgeline 500' above the Allegheny with a unique, just budding tree full of turkey vultures 100+' directly below me with gorgeous evening light and a watery background with great depth. Didn't even bother taking a shot because I can't pull anything in with an Iphone. 🤷‍♂️ Can I can get any telephotic capability worth a damn with just a body and a compact lens (or even no additional lens)? Say shooting an elk at 100' or a bird at 30'? Or am I going to have to nut up and add another 5lbs to my pack? 1) That's going to be me, good or bad, so I can't change that variable 2-3) Can I shoot solid landscapes with just a body and then carry only one telephoto lens that snaps on quick?
  7. I take 90% of my pics outdoors in beautiful landscape scenery, typically many miles from roads so I want something light/compact in my pack but w/o sacrificing too much quality (e.g. I carry one of these instead of an actual tripod). I'm leaning toward mirrorless when I pull the trigger as that seems to be the future and I get the sense that you would also get better quality in a smaller package (that is not what she said). However I haven't used an actual SLR in 30yrs and was never that great with it, so I also need something that is virtually beginner level for me to learn on. Any suggestions? You have a site online where you upload any of your results? If so, PM me; you don't want any of this rabble amateurishly mocking your work; I can be relied on for professional, elite-level mocking.
  8. Nah, if he was tied into a scope that's a level of commitment I'll never approach. I feel like I'm getting better with depth, exposure, composition, color, etc and am ready to invest in an actual dslr or mirrorless camera, so just looking around for input from folks who know their business.
  9. Geebus, did you buy a plane this month? I tried multiple manual exposures with an Iphone/tripod, but it simply wasn't happening. Any guesses what kind of camera Joe was using? His diamond ring looks great and picking up the solar prominences is impressive.
  10. It is definitely one of the better dark sky areas in the East, although it can't hold a candle to the mountain or desert West. But it might be a tad late to watch the eclipse there...
  11. It typically isn't too much, but the water was really rowdy from all the storms they've had the last couple weeks. They actually closed off the lower stretch of river I wanted to do and wouldn't let anybody on it because it was so dangerous. And the stretch they did redirect me to they would only let me on if I went with a guide. He even ended up in the water within a mile of us launching. I may not learn from my own mistakes, but I learned from his real quick.
  12. What color is the sky in your world?
  13. I don't know if he was sick or injured that week, but he was absolutely not himself from the very beginning of that game.
  14. It's always my go-to for meteor showers. Love everything on it except Money, which has no business being on that album, imo.
  15. I accidently left the visor down in the truck and missed the whole thing.
  16. I'm leaving for Cuyahoga Valley right now. Any incoming clouds should just be high level cirrus at this point, so minimal interference My best friend is a dentist; he brought me a functional dental chair to put on the deck at camp. Quality entertainment 🤙
  17. Current satellite shots of cloud coverage - 3hr loop
  18. Every single one of those guys has shown ability as a playmaker at this level. And every single one of them was injured when the Bills were eliminated this year. That's nearly 60% of your starting defense either out or playing with only three limbs. No amount of scheming or depth can overcome that.
  19. It's a fiendishly complicated question. Perhaps we should ask Von Miller, Tre White, Matt Milano, Micah Hyde, Terrel Bernard, Christian Benford and Daquan Jones if they have any thoughts on the matter.
  20. Any interesting plans? I just got back from a week in Sedona and kayaking out there made me think that it might be fun to be paddling when the eclipse occurs. Tempted to break out one of the shells for the first time this spring and watch from on the water. Also thought about breaking out the golf clubs for the first time since my 4th back surgery, which has been 6-7 years now. Cruising around on a cart with a cooler through wide open acreage might also be a cool way to watch the shadows and lighting. Hmmm, maybe I should just sneak a kayak onto a golf course..... What are y'all thinking about doing?
  21. Yeah, folks avoid interacting with you because of your "questions".
  22. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive topic titles. A better title will help the community find information faster and make your topic more likely to be read. The topic starter can edit the topic title line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  23. Oh, let me flow into the ocean Oh, let me get back to the sea Let me be stormy and let me be calm Let the tide in and set me free Set me free
  24. You know you've been dealing with a genuinely good dude when not one poster in this thread has talked shlt on him for signing with another team. Godspeed Tre and thanks for all the plays and smiles. 🤙
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