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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I couldn't give a popcorn fart about his feelings or confidence. If those are a concern, he's already done as a QB in this league. I'm talking about him getting seriously injured in a way that is going to negatively affect his physical abilities for the next 15 years.
  2. I don't disagree with any of that, but in this particular offense, I don't think those reps are providing any real benefit to him. The chances of him suffering a catastrophic injury are far greater than anything he's going to learn in his current environment.
  3. Belichick threw every kitchen sink in the greater Boston area at him last night and the kid scored 5 times on 6 second half possessions.
  4. There is never going to be any "proof", but that speculation is absolutely NOT baseless.
  5. Yeah, impeccable timing. I was actually going to post something similar about keeping him on the sideline this year, then about 4 hours after I had come to that conclusion he took a ferocious beating in one of the preseason games and I just figured it was redundant at that point. Although in hindsight, I have no idea why it isn't also redundant now ?
  6. No hot potato; you put Allen next to the coaches and leave him there. If you're not scared of this kid taking long-term damage in this offense, I think you're whistling past the graveyard.
  7. In this particular scenario, he's likely no worse an option than Peterman or a green rookie from the Mountain West
  8. Considering that the first few of you gents responded in less than a minute, perhaps you should consider actually reading the post and considering its merits before chucking it ?
  9. or at least until he gets hurt. The Bills have dropped an enormous amount of capital to acquire their first true blue chip QB prospect in decades. They then proceeded to surround him with a large pile of sub-par players who simply have no business starting in the NFL. If they continue to trot this kid out there every week, he is going to get hurt. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when and how. Maybe they get lucky and he just gets a couple ribs busted up or cracks his left ulna; but if they don't get lucky there is a real significant chance that he's going to get his plant knee torn up, take damage to his throwing shoulder or suffer any of a myriad of injuries that is going to negatively affect him for the rest of his career. And for what? This team is not going anywhere this year with any QB available to them. The staff is desperately trying to scheme around an insurmountable lack of talent but there is only so much you can do and this kid cannot learn jack in that kind of environment. There is virtually no upside into continuing to put him out there and if there is, it is massively outweighed by the downside of him taking permanent damage for no good reason. The Bills should put a headset on him the rest of the year and let him gain experience standing next to coaches and working with a veteran QB 6 days a week. Use a pile of draft picks and cap space to build aan NFL O-line this offseason and put some legitimate skill players on the field around him next year and then see what he's got. Risking this kids long-term health for the sake of letting him gain a little bit of dubious experience in a modified NFL offense is an inexcusable manner in which to risk the kind of prospect which comes around rarely and to which you've devoted a tremendous amount of resources.
  10. Good riddance Wormtongue, you bulbous sack of unctuous slime. A decade late, but fate pays no credence to time.
  11. Almost a perfect first half for the Bills. A bit of a hiccup with the foolishness on 1st/goal cost them , but they couldn't have realistically hoped for things to have gone any better. Biggest success was their defense only being on the field for about 10 minutes; the longer they can hold off the Fournette hammering, the better chance they have of being in this thing late when anything can happen.
  12. Almost a perfect first half for the Bills. A bit of a hiccup with the foolishness on 1st/goal cost them , but they couldn't have realistically hoped for things to have gone any better. Biggest success was their defense only being on the field for about 10 minutes; the longer they can hold off the Fournette hammering, the better chance they have of being in this thing late when anything can happen.
  13. I remember many moons ago when he said something along the lines of "I'm not a football player, I'm an athlete". I laughed at the time because I like Kyle and he's a funny dude. But I stopped laughing about it years ago, because the guy is right; he is and always has been a world class athlete. Respect, Meatball.
  14. Genuinely happy for some really great people here who have waited soooo long to see a Bills team play to its potential. Hope you folks have an awesome night and also find a way to have just as much fun next Sunday. Enjoy your week, you've earned the hell out of it!!!
  15. With all due respect matter, I would suggest you take anything that your work buddy's friend says with a truckload of salt because from what I understand virtually everything you've been told is entirely mistaken. I'm not trying to be a jerk, I just figured I would take one last shot at trying to clear up inaccurate information before it becomes a false narrative. Although 90% of posters are going to be believe whatever it is they want to be true so it's likely a fruitless effort. Y'all take care.
  16. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  17. Of all the picks that the Bills made last year, that was the one he was most excited about; he couldn't believe his luck that Washington was still available there. If I could conjure up the interest to care about the Bills any more I'd be very curious to see what he's going to do under a potentially competent defensive staff. That is absolutely the #1 reason that he's not here now; at least among the reasons that he actually had control over. He can't control the fact the Pegulas and their little ass-sniffing lapdog are incompetent asshats with zero clue as to what they're doing.
  18. Congratulations on making the most hypocritical statement ever to be typed on The Stadium Wall.
  19. Adolphus Washington was not a Rex pick. It was a Doug pick and at the time he felt like it was one of the bigger steals of the draft. This year will tell a lot about whether his instincts were correct.
  20. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  21. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  22. I don't know where this nonsense comes from because it simply isn't true. I'm guessing it's another example of Sullivan and his hack friends trying to create news instead of reporting it. Whaley worked very well with Rex. Whaley worked very well with McDermott. Whaley worked very well with every single person he ever worked beside in that building, except for one jackass. That was Doug Marrone and everybody in the organization hated his guts.
  23. I sure hope so, but that's one tick that's going ot be hard to twist without leaving its head stuck in there.
  24. Good observation; that was certainly a factor. But don't totally discount the fact that Marrone treated everybody in the building like complete crap; that really pissed Whaley off.
  25. Holier than thou is a figure of speech that I do not equate with his religious beliefs.
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