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Everything posted by Simon

  1. It started with the two penalties on the OLine that cost them a big first down a huge chunk of field position and put them in a bad down/distance
  2. Hang in there Levi, Belichik thinks you're the pigeon. (I think so too)
  3. Actually he only really played for two years; I don't think he really did much his Freshman year but run around on those ST units. Since then he was drafted as a teenager and has put about one season of NFL games under his belt; he is the poster child for young bucks that might need a little more time to put it all together.
  4. I don't know if there's any such thing in this league any more. With all the various personnel packages and the massive amount of nickel and dime they are running, Edmunds has different keys and responsibilities on virtually every different down and distance he sees. Maybe if his only two responsibilities were to fill the right hole and drop in a Cover2 there might be cause for concern. But even an alien like Keuchly started his rookie year on the outside before he eventually got moved to the Mike. If he's not significantly more consistent by the end of this year, it might be time to worry about it then. For now, he's just a very young dude whose playing well but with room for improvement.
  5. I don't think he'll ever have the athleticism to play Tackle in this league. I wouldn't mind seeing the Bills commit to him learning to play LG this entire offseason and see if he can develop into our next Ruben Brown. Building a three-headed monster on the interior of the OLine is the best way to enable Josh Allen to fulfill his potential at QB; if that boy can set his feet and consistently have a platform to work from, he could be a monster out there.
  6. This is going to sound stupid coming from an old dude sitting on his couch, but when I watch the Browns I get the distinct impression that Mayfield does not really have a thorough grasp of the Cleveburgh offense.
  7. it's probably that he's just thinking too much out there. Kid's barely 21 years old with no prior experience calling defenses and has more responsibility on his shoulders than he's ever had at any level of football. When you're in a position where you need to be more cerebral on the field, you tend to gravitate towards playing with more finesse and less power. It's hard to fill a hole like a raging barbarian when you're also trying to process a pile of mental checks that you're not necessarily accustomed to. I'd imagine that over time those responsibilities will start to become second nature to him and we'll see him develop the capability to just cut loose and play ball. When he does, he'll likely be a more effective player for having gone through this process. It's probably just going to take a bit more than 15-20 NFL games to get there though.
  8. The second most important member of the Grateful Dead and arguably the greatest rock and roll lyricist to ever walk the Earth. Now I don't know but I been told It's hard to run with the weight of gold Other hand I have heard it said It's just as hard with the weight of lead And I don't know but I been told If the horse don't pull you got to carry the load I don't know whose back's that strong Maybe find out before too long
  9. I think the last minute and a half would be a contender As long as he can jack up Aaron Donald on the roll out; then we can revel in some group greed.
  10. At some point later in the season I think it would be awesome if someone put together a vid of all the Jamal-Anderson-quality stiff arms that Josh Allen has been dropping on defenders. Any suggestions on a good piece of music to run over it?
  11. He's just trying to get that thing out of his hands and off his foot as fast as he can. I think fooling around with directional stuff is just adding an unnecessary variable at that point.
  12. Not to mention the 6 unsportsmanlikes that are going to get called when it turns into a full field melee of pissed off division rivals.
  13. Yeah I was referring to Dawkins. As for the other OL they've added I'm going to wait and see before I get too comfortable with Beane's work in the pro personnel dept. As for my incessant criticism, you did notice I started the thread with the express purpose of praising the assets he's used to build a strong foundation in the middle of the field? Holy schnikes, my friend. I barely lived through that decade the first time; I am not rolling those deadly bones again! Yeah, that was definitely the intent. I almost put Allen in cuz technically he's in the middle of the field, but the fit didn't seem quite right for what I was going for. fwiw, I think young Josh is going ot be a very effective QB in this league and probably for a very long time. And I would never be snide about it; I freely admit I'm an enormous jackass and would just come right and say it without equivocation ; - ) Good to "see" you too, old man. I haven't been watching enough ball the last couple years to intelligently give input on Ford. But I will say that I am happy that Beane at least seems to recognize that he needs a gaggle of mean mutherjumpers out in front of that talented young QB
  14. Yeah, that's pretty much exactly what I was about to post. Take the delay to milk every single second you can, keep the TO in your pocket in the event of a blocked punt/TD or some other Billsy situation and also give your punter a little room to work with if Gase doesn't decline the penalty. But that's just me being picayune
  15. I don't know, man. I thought the last concussion Mose took looked pretty serious
  16. He got us on the board when he tried to sneak a crown under Josh Allens chin and got caught, bailing us out on what would have been 4th down on the FG drive
  17. Get that galdanged loft wedge out of your bag and I bet your handicap drops to 25 within a month. Do you have 15 legal pads full of notes or do you just remember this stuff off the top of your head? There's probably an effective medication for either disorder.
  18. Ya gotta take into account who you're running against also. Taking multiple deep shots against Gregg WIlliams' defenses is not necessarily a productive or advisable tactic.
  19. Holy spit, you salty old reprobate. If you've risen from the dead, I may just have to put up my boots and stick around for a while. Glad to see life is treating you the way you deserve; I imagine it knows better by now than to attempt anything else. And if Shady is ripping of 1500 yrds from scrimmage while Frank Gore's body is breaking down and the Bills are forcing themselves into nothing but empty sets on 3rd down because a gill-green rookie can't pick up loose rushers, we'll revisit this topic down the road. Cheers, brother....
  20. I'm definitely hoping last year's class was a one-off fluke, but until we see better results it's hard to be too hopeful. And while I actually like John Brown and thinkhe's a legitimate baller, the rest of the guys in that room are a pile of undersized jags who don't necessarily mesh well with Allen's strengths. Egads...... Is it too late to take back everything I said?
  21. While I don't agree, I do appreciate you at least taking the time. I consider TE's to be primarily OLinemen, which means in my mind there are 7 positions on the offensive line. Of those 7 positions only two of them are being manned by quality NFL starters. When you have a prospect like Allen on board, you've got to do more than that to protect him.
  22. I've been having a difficult time trying to watch the NFL product the last couple seasons. Last year I was actually opting to spend a couple Sundays snowshoeing in conditions so bad that I wouldn't take the dog along, rather than sit through an NFL broadcast. I'll try to do better this year, but no promises. Can I still have the cheesesticks?
  23. Thank you for your stellar contribution. The board is a better place because of your keen insight and commitment to excellence.
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