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Everything posted by Simon

  1. The difference is that Allen was a runner downfield and Rudolph was still a QB delivering the ball from behind the LOS. I wouldn't be surprised if Earl Thomas was suspended for delivering a blatant Rod Woodson. And I didn't have a real problem with Jones' hit on Allen.
  2. I'm trying to find the part of my post where I asked about the quality of the officiating. Oh, here it is:
  3. Thank you for that informative answer to my question regarding the Bills OLine.
  4. I don't know why, but for some reason I am inclined to think that somewhere his Mom is sitting on a piece of lawn furniture drunk in her underwear.
  5. Yeah, I should have known what the end result would be of typing the word "penalty" into a title......
  6. That ***** absolutely fires me up. There are few things better in football than standing on a sideline watching your offense repeatedly punch people in the face late in a game.
  7. Yeah, it's probably just as well I didn't see that or I may have eaten my television. Oh, did "we"?
  8. I really don't care about the "quality" of the officiating so feel free to take the whining about referees to another thread. I just want to know how many flags the OLine had thrown at them today.
  9. Thank you for your invaluable contribution to the subject
  10. Thanks man, didn't see the game today. 35 dropbacks looks a little better than 40.
  11. I didn't get to see the game today so I'm wondering how many flags that unit had tossed their way in Tennessee. Did they make a marked improvement from that self-flagellation ritual they performed vs NE?
  12. I'm guessing he didn't qualify as "OK" prior to taking the leap.
  13. The box score shows Allen with 10 carries and I can't imagine more than a couple of them were designed as runs with him coming off a concussion.
  14. Before that final drive when they went to clock-killing mode, I think the Bills pass:run ration was close to 3 : 1. Brian Daboll really needs to recognize what kind of defense he's got complimenting him and start approaching his play-calling duties a little less tactically and a little more strategically. There's no reason your 23yr old wet-behind-the-ears QB needs to be dropping back 40 times in a game in which you haven't played from behind for a single second. I think Coach needs to trust his defense and take pressure off his OLine by calling games a bit more conservatively.
  15. In the 4th quarter of a tight game between undefeated division rivals, it's time to ball out. Y'all can toss all the tomatoes you want, but the shot that knocked out Josh was just good hard defensive football from a guy protecting the sticks on a big 3rd down. I'd expect nothing less from Poyer or Hyde in that situation.
  16. Thank you but my clout level is currently hovering around zero. I've been out of touch with the Bills for the last couple years or I hope I'd have been right there with you. I had to watch that replay several times because I just could not beleive what I was seeing. We've all seen guys short-arm balls or bail out on crossing routes in heavy traffic, but I don't think I have ever seen an NFL WR literally run away from a ball on a route to the corner. Something is indeed broken upstairs. This is going to be some pig-ignorant speculation for which I will get deservedly flamed, but I wonder if Zay is on some sort of anti-depressant prescription after the bizarre incident I read about last year. I assumed he was puffing on some of that synthetic garbage but maybe there is more to it. My understanding is that one of the side effects from that family of drugs is to level you so much that you sort of develop a laissez faire attitude toward things. Between running away from footballs and that dainty effort to break up Allen's last pick, he just looks like a guy who's more interested in self-preservation than winning battles. If that's the case, I hope he chooses a stabel life over football for his own sake, but at this point it's time for the Bills to get him off the field one way or another.
  17. That's weird. I was out for a hike with the dog after work this evening and Emmanuel Sanders was exactly who I was thinking the Bills ought to be making phone calls about.
  18. I just saw something utterly horrifying. I watched a replay of one of Allen's picks for the first time since Sunday and am gobsmacked by something I hadn't noticed before. On the play where Josh was a half-second late and underthrew ZJones on the flag route, watch what Zay does at the top of the route. Not only does he not attack the ball, but when the ball is coming in he actually alters the angle of his route to run AWAY from the ball and the defender. We are currently starting an NFL WR whose instinct is to run away from the ball in traffic. I'm not much of a torch and pitchfork guy who calls for guys to be cut out of spite, but if the Bills can get a roll of quarters for him at this point, they should take it and run.
  19. I think you meant they shouldn't fire till they see the white in their eyes.....
  20. My personal favorite was the 1st down QB draw on a short field. If he ever calls that up again, I hope Allen hits his drop and instead of pulling it down he turns and fires a high screamer right at Daboll
  21. OK, I get it now. Thanks for the clue-in. And fwiw, I certainly wasn't implying that officials don't have a lengthy history of protecting that little weasel. Just that I wouldn't have thrown a flag for a guys hand sliding lightly across a QB's facemask when there was no blow to the head.
  22. I have not. I turn on the TV when a game starts and turn it off when the game is over. I haven't watched NFL highlite shows since Berman and Jackson got cancelled, I barely hear the broadcast team during the game and I've never listened to sports radio. The only sports media I ever engage with is this message board and even then I only read what interests me. Dude, I don't even own a cell phone; I'm like a freaking Luddite
  23. I think it's an awesome idea. We can put Flutie/Johnson to rest and get rolling with Allen/Foles! You just keep thinking, Butch
  24. I know the rule. I think you need to read it Here's the rule: Running forward and leaping across the line of scrimmage.... He was not running forward. It was not a penalty.
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